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Why is SAPNW allow_start_program() erroring: Can't locate

Former Member
0 Kudos

I get the same error with sapnwrfc-0.12 and 0.20.

I have the Java SAP GUI 7.1Rev4 installed and working.

The SAP 7.1 SDK is also installed and I can call many RFC's successfully.

The platform is Perl 5.8.8 RHEL5.

The error is:

"Can't locate auto/SAPNW/Connection/ in @INC (@INC contains:..."

The problem is doesn't seem to exist anywhere and I'm doubting that it even should.

Here's the code.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
no warnings 'once';
use Data::Dumper;
use sapnwrfc;
my $CLIENT     = '096';#$self->
my %CONNECTION = ('ashost' => '',
		'sysnr'  => '00',
		'client' => '096',
		'user'   => '',
		'passwd' => '',
		'lcheck' => '1',
		'lang'   => 'EN',
		'trace'  => '0',
		'debug'  => '0',

#print Dumper(%CONNECTION)."\n";

my $conn = undef;
eval { $conn = SAPNW::Rfc->rfc_connect(%CONNECTION) };
if ($@) {
    print STDERR "RFC Connect Failed: $@\n";
#print Dumper($conn);

#These are transport programs for files (required by CHECKOUTVIEWX)


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Answers (3)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Is there something I need to do to bring this to the attention of the SAP NW developers?

Is there an example of how to call allow_start_program using SAP::Rfc and the original librfc?

I assume I would download SAP::Rfc and compile it against /usr/sap/rfcsdk instead of /usr/sap/nwrfcsdk?

Former Member
0 Kudos

My objective is to download documents from the SAP DMS.

Note that I'm using the RHEL5 & Perl platform, not XP & .NET.

My understanding is that I need to use BAPI_DOCUMENT_CHECKOUTVIEWX and that that RFC won't work without the sapftp & saphttp transport programs.

So that's why I'm trying to do:


If you've got a better way I'm all ears.

Here's my beta code:

sub get_Bapi_Document_Getobjectdocs {
#PURPOSE:     Fetches the documents associated with a given work order
#ASSUMPTIONS: Both the sapnwrfc shared object libraries are installed and the
#             Perl interface to them (SAPNW::Rfc) are installed and working.
#RETURNS:     $cols:  Reference to List of column names (1D)
#             $rows:  Reference to List of data rows (2D)
#             $names: Reference to Hash of column names (1D)
  my ($opts) = @_;

  #Mandatory Options
  my $cols        = (exists $opts->{'-cols'})?$opts->{'-cols'}:return([],[],{});
  my $rows        = (exists $opts->{'-rows'})?$opts->{'-rows'}:return([],[],{});
  my $names       = (exists $opts->{'-names'})?$opts->{'-names'}:return([],[],{});

  #my $work_order_field = (exists $opts->{'-work_order_field'})?$opts->{'-work_ordert_field'}:'10001931';

  my $text_id     = (exists $opts->{'-text_id'})?$opts->{'-text_id'}:return($cols,$rows,$names);
  my $text_object = (exists $opts->{'-text_object'})?$opts->{'-text_object'}:return($cols,$rows,$names);
  my $text_name_components = (exists $opts->{'-text_name'})?$opts->{'-text_name'}:return($cols,$rows,$names);

  #Optional Options
  my $long_text_field        = (exists $opts->{'-long_text_field'})?$opts->{'-long_text_field'}:'work_instructions';
  my $long_text_exists_field = (exists $opts->{'-long_text_exists_field'})?$opts->{'-long_text_exists_field'}:undef;
  my $debug                  = $opts->{'debug'} || $opts->{'-debug'} || 0;

  #I've got to know where to put the long text in $rows otherwise this sub is pointless
  if(! exists $names->{$long_text_field}){return($cols,$rows,$names)}

   # use test server q0
  my $CLIENT     = '096';#$self->
  my %CONNECTION = (#'ashost' => '',
                    'sysnr'  => '00',
                    'client' => $CLIENT,
                    'user'   => '',
                    'passwd' => '',
                    'lcheck' => '1',
                    'lang'   => 'EN',
                    'trace'  => '0',
                    'debug'  => '0',
  #print Dumper(%CONNECTION)."\n";

  my $conn = undef;
  eval { $conn = SAPNW::Rfc->rfc_connect(%CONNECTION) };
  if ($@) {
    print STDERR "RFC Connect Failed: $@\n";

  #unshift @INC, '/opt/SAPClients/SAPGUI/bin';
  #unshift @INC, '/opt/SAPClients/SAPGUI7.10rev4/bin';
  #unshift @INC, '/usr/sap/rfcsdk';
  #unshift @INC, '/usr/sap/rfcsdk/bin';
  #These are transport programs for files (required by CHECKOUTVIEWX)

  my $rfc_getobjectdocs;
  eval { $rfc_getobjectdocs = $conn->function_lookup('BAPI_DOCUMENT_GETOBJECTDOCS') };
  if ($@) {
    print STDERR "RFC Function Lookup Failed: '$@'\n";
  #$debug && print Dumper($rfc_getobjectdocs);

  my $rfc_getdetail2;
  eval { $rfc_getdetail2 = $conn->function_lookup('BAPI_DOCUMENT_GETDETAIL2') };
  if ($@) {
    print STDERR "RFC Function Lookup Failed: '$@'\n";
  #$debug && print Dumper($rfc_getdetail2);

  my $rfc_checkoutviewx;
  eval { $rfc_checkoutviewx = $conn->function_lookup('BAPI_DOCUMENT_CHECKOUTVIEWX') };
  if ($@) {
    print STDERR "RFC Function Lookup Failed: '$@'\n";
  #$debug && print Dumper($rfc_getdetail2);

  for my $i (0..$#$rows){
      my $LATEST_VERSION = 'X';
      my $DATE = strftime( '%D', localtime );
      #my $DOCUMENT_PREFIX = '0000000000000000000';
      my $PORDER_PREFIX   = '0000';

      #my $MATERIAL_PREFIX = '00000000000';
      my $WORK_ORDER_OBJECT_PREFIX0 = 'H0001          000000000000';
      my $WORK_ORDER_OBJECT_PREFIX1 = 'H0001          000000000001';
      #my $MATERIAL_KEY              = 'MARA';
      my $WORK_ORDER_KEY            = 'PORDER';
      #Construct the work_order_object_key
      my $object_key = $PORDER_PREFIX . '10001931' . $WORK_ORDER_OBJECT_PREFIX0;  

      #Does need to be in the loop?
      my $fs;
      eval { $fs = $rfc_getobjectdocs->create_function_call }; 
      if ($@) {
      	print STDERR "Create Function Call Failed: $@\n";
      #$debug && print Dumper($fs); 

      #$debug && print Dumper($fs);

      # invoke the Function Module and then play with the results

      #my $MESSAGES = $fs->RETURN;
      #$debug && print Dumper($MESSAGES);

      #$debug && print Dumper($DOCUMENTS);

      for my $j (0..$#$DOCUMENTS){
          my $type    = $DOCUMENTS->[$j]->{'DOCUMENTTYPE'};
          my $version = $DOCUMENTS->[$j]->{'DOCUMENTVERSION'};
          my $part    = $DOCUMENTS->[$j]->{'DOCUMENTPART'};
          my $number  = $DOCUMENTS->[$j]->{'DOCUMENTNUMBER'};
          #print "$type,$version,$part,$number\n";

	  #Does need to be in the loop?
	  my $fs;
	  eval { $fs = $rfc_getdetail2->create_function_call }; 
	  if ($@) {
	    print STDERR "Create Function Call Failed: $@\n";
	  #$debug && print Dumper($fs); 
          #$debug && print Dumper($fs);

	  # invoke the Function Module and then play with the results

	  #my $MESSAGES = $fs->RETURN;
	  #$debug && print Dumper($MESSAGES);

	  #$debug && print Dumper($DOCUMENTDATA);

          #$debug && print Dumper($fs->COMPONENTS());#Output Table
          #$debug && print Dumper($fs->CLASSALLOCATIONS());#Output Table
          #$debug && print Dumper($fs->DOCUMENTDESCRIPTIONS());#Output Table...what Nick Uses
          #$debug && print Dumper($fs->DOCUMENTSTRUCTURE());#Output Table
          #$debug && print Dumper($fs->CHARACTERISTICVALUES());#Output Table
          #$debug && print Dumper($fs->GETSTATUSLOG());#Output Table
          #$debug && print Dumper($fs->OBJECTLINKS());#Output Table
          #$debug && print Dumper($fs->DOCUMENTFILES());#Output Table...what Nick Uses
          #$debug && print Dumper($fs->LONGTEXTS());#Output Table
          #$debug && print Dumper($fs->WHEREUSEDLIST());#Output Table

	  #$debug && print Dumper($DOCUMENTFILES);

          for my $k (0..$#$DOCUMENTFILES){
              my $application = $DOCUMENTFILES->[$k]->{'WSAPPLICATION'};
              if($application eq 'EXL'){
		  #Does need to be in the loop?
		  my $fs;
		  eval { $fs = $rfc_checkoutviewx->create_function_call }; 
		  if ($@) {
		    print STDERR "Create Function Call Failed: $@\n";
		  #$debug && print Dumper($fs); 

	          #print "$type,$version,$part,$number\n";
	          my $ARGUMENTS = [{'DOCUMENTTYPE'    => $type,
			            'DOCUMENTVERSION' => $version,
			            'DOCUMENTPART'    => $part,
			            'DOCUMENTNUMBER'  => $number,
                  $fs->WSAPPLICATION([{'WSAPPLICATION' => $application}]);
                  $debug && print Dumper($fs); 

                  # invoke the Function Module and then play with the results

                  #$debug && print Dumper($fs->DOCUMENTFILES_IN());#Output table
                  #$debug && print Dumper($fs->DOCUMENTFILES_OUT());#Output table
                  #$debug && print Dumper($fs->COMPONENTS());#Output table
                  #$debug && print Dumper($fs->WSAPPLICATION());#Output table

                  #Error Messages
                  $debug && print Dumper($fs->RETURN());#Output

	      }#if($application eq 'EXL'){
          }#for my $k (0..$#$DOCUMENTFILES){
      }#for my $j (0..$#$DOCUMENTS){

  }#for my $i (0..$#$rows){
#  if($debug){
#    #Column Names
#    foreach(@{$cols}){print "$_\t"}
#    print "\n";
#    #Data
#    foreach my $row ( @{$rows} ){
#      foreach ( @{$row} ){
#	if( defined $_ ){print "$_\t"}else{print "\t"}
#      }
#      print "\n";
#    }
#  }#if($debug){

  return ($cols,$rows,$names);

}#sub get_Bapi_Document_Getobjectdocs {

Former Member
0 Kudos

allow_start_program() does not appear to exist in the new NW RFC SDK - I'm not sure why this is, or if it is achieved in another way. It certainly exists in the original librfc and is supported in SAP::Rfc.

Maybe the guys from the SAP NetWeaver RFC team can help on this one?


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi - you are correct - allow_start_program has not been coded. What is it that you are trying to achieve?


Piers Harding.