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kernel Update

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi ,

I need to update my kernel support package. My version of SAP is 4.7ee.

Now i m using the support package - 175 and i need to update it to 221 version . what are the steps to it. Is that I can do it in OS level.

kindly help me .



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
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First thing Kernel update can be done at OS level only because kernel means the files that are present in the "run" directory.

1. download the database dependent and independent files from service marketplace (version of both must be same)

2. uncar both the files to a single location.

3. Imp: backup ur current kernel directory.

4. stop SAP and services related to SAP.

5. replace the old kernel with new one.

6. Restart SAP system and services.

These are the steps. Then check the version in SAP system.

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Rakesh Venkataramanan,

To update the Kernel Patch Level, follow the steps mentioned in the SAP Note 19466.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,

Rafael Toshiaki

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi ,

Go through the below links:

Yes you can do this in OS level.

In simple steps:

Down load the Kernel SAR from the service market place (Solution manager for new versions)

DB dependent ,independent will be there.

Take a backup of existing kernel.

Uncar the new kernel and place it in the exe directory.

Check the owner and permissions of the files.

Check the change of the kerenl patch after log into the system or from disp+work.

During this the application(SAP) should be down.


PS: There are many threads in the NW administartion forum pls check them for more help.