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What are the main transaction codes in XI?

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What are the main transaction codes in XI?

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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SXMB_IFR - Starting Builder

SXMB_MONI Integration Engine, Monitoring

SXI_MONITOR XI Message Monitoring

SLDCHECK Test SLD Connection


SXMB_ADM Integration Engine, Administration

SXI_CACHE XI Directory Cache

SXMB_MONI_BPE Process Engine, Monitoring

Answers (7)

Answers (7)

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Hi Durga..

Here's my list..u can collect all the responses and prepare ur own list..

1.SXMB_IFR -> Start Integration Builder

2.SXMB_MONI -> Integration Engine - Monitoring

3.SXI_MONITOR -> XI: Message Monitoring

SXMB_MONI_BPE -> Business Process Engine Monitoring

4.SXI_CACHE -> To Access IS runtime cache

5.sxi_cache -> XI data directory cache

idx1 -> idoc adapter

6.idx2 -> idoc metadata

7.idx5 -> monitocr idoc adapter

8.sm21 -> log di sistema

9.st22 -> dump abap (analisi di eccezioni)

10.smq1 -> messages inbound e outbound queue

11.smq2 -> messages inbound e outbound queue

12.smicm -> J2EE administration (ICM administration and monitoring)

13.st06 -> stato della macchina cpu memory filesystem machine

status - cpu, 14.memory and file system.

15.st03 -> workload.

16.scc4 -> visualizza mandanti del sistema

17.we20 -> partner profiles - ale settings

19.rz10 - edit system profile

20.sm59 ->mantain rfc destinations

21.bd64 -> mantain distribution model (trasformazioni)

22.SU01 -> users

23.AL08 -> list all logged users(user login logon)

24.SE10 -> Change Request

25.SE09 -> Change Request

26.WE05 -> All idocs

27.WE19 -> IDoc Test Tool

28.WE21 -> port definition

29.SE11 -> Data dictionary

30.SM21 -> log sistema xi

31.se37 -> mantain funcion modules

32.SICF -> http server configuration

33.SMGW -> trace, alzare livello di trace.

34.BD13 ->

35.BD64 -> modelli di distribuzione

36.pfcg -> Roles

37.tabella TSTC -> sap transactions codes

38.tabella TSTCT -> transaction descriptions

39.STMS -> transports management

40.SPAM -> apply ABAP support packages

41.SPAU -> manage objects after apply support packages

42.SE01 -> manage change requests

43.SLDCHECK -> Test SLD Connection

44.SLDAPICUST-> SLD API Customizing

45.SXMB_ADM -> Integration Engine - Administration

46.SXMB_MONI_BPE -> Process Engine - Monitoring

47.SE38 -> ABAP Editor

48.SE11 -> ABAP Dictionary

49.ST22 -> ABAP dump analysis

50.SPROXY-> ABAP Proxy Generation

51.SE80 -> Object Navigator

52.ABAPDOCU -> ABAP Documentation and Examples

53.SE24-> Class Builder

54.SM21-> Online System Log Analysis

55.SMQ1-> qRFC Monitor (Outbound Queue)

56.SMQ2-> qRFC Monitor (Inbound Queue)

57.RZ70-> SLD Administration

59.SM58-> Asynchronous RFC Error Log

60.SM59-> RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain)

61.SMICM-> ICM Monitor

62.WE60-> Documentation for IDoc types

63.BD87-> Status Monitor for ALE Messages

64.IDX1-> Port Maintenance in IDoc Adapter

65.IDX2-> Meta Data Overview in IDoc Adapter

66.WE05-> IDoc Lists

67.WE02-> Display IDoc

68.WE19-> Test tool

69.WE09-> Search for IDocs by Content

70.WE20-> Partner Profiles

71.WE21-> Port definition in XI

72.SE16-> Data Browser

73.SE93-> Maintain Transaction Codes

74.SM30-> Call View Maintenance

75.SU01-> User Maintenance

76.SM02-> System Messages

77.alrtcatdef-> alerts

78.SWXF_PBUILDER -> for Detail BPM Process

79.SMQS - > to register the destination in QOUT scheduler

80.WEOUTQUEUE - > to start the queue processing

81.SMQR - > to register the queue

82.Idxpw - > to activate the IDOC message package

83.IDXP - > to monitor the message packages.


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ALRTCATDEF- Alerts Configuration.

ALRTDISP - Display of Alerts Created

SXMB_IFR -> Start Integration Builder

SXMB_MONI -> Integration Engine - Monitoring

SXI_MONITOR -> XI: Message Monitoring

SXI_CACHE -> To Access IS runtime cache

SXI_SUPPORT -> Test all the Repository and Directory Objects

SXI_CACHE -> XI data directory cacheidx1 -> idoc adapter

IDX2 -> idoc metadata

IDX5 -> monitocr idoc adapter

SM21 -> log di sistema

ST22 -> dump abap (analisi di eccezioni)

SMQ1 -> messages inbound e outbound queue

SMQ2 -> messages inbound e outbound queue

SMICM -> J2EE administration

ST06 -> stato della macchina cpu memory filesystem machine status - cpu, memory and file system.

ST03 -> workload.

SCC4 -> visualizza mandanti del sistema

WE20 -> partner profiles

sale - ale settings

RZ10 - edit system profile

SM59 ->mantain rfc destinations

BD64 -> mantain distribution model (trasformazioni)

SU01 -> users

AL08 -> list all logged users(user login logon)

SE10 -> Change Request

SE09 -> Change Request

WE05 -> All idocs

WE19 -> IDoc Test Tool

WE21 -> port definition

SE11 -> Data dictionary

SM21 -> log sistema xi

se37 -> mantain funcion modules

SICF -> http server configuration

SMGW -> trace, alzare livello di trace.

BD13 ->

BD64 -> modelli di distribuzione

PFCG -> Roles

tabella TSTC -> sap transactions codes

tabella TSTCT -> transaction descriptions

STMS -> transports management

SPAM -> apply ABAP support packages

SPAU -> manage objects after apply support packages

SE01 -> manage change requests

SLDCHECK -> Test SLD Connection


SXMB_ADM -> Integration Engine - Administration

SXMB_MONI_BPE -> Process Engine - Monitoring

SE38 -> ABAP Editor

SE11 -> ABAP Dictionary

ST22 -> ABAP dump analysis

SPROXY-> ABAP Proxy Generation

SE80 -> Object Navigator

ABAPDOCU -> ABAP Documentation and Examples

SE24-> Class Builder

SM21-> Online System Log Analysis

SMQ1-> qRFC Monitor (Outbound Queue)

SMQ2-> qRFC Monitor (Inbound Queue)

RZ70-> SLD Administration

SM58-> Asynchronous RFC Error Log

SM59-> RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain)

SMICM-> ICM Monitor

WE60-> Documentation for IDoc types

BD87-> Status Monitor for ALE Messages

IDX1-> Port Maintenance in IDoc Adapter

IDX2-> Meta Data Overview in IDoc Adapter

WE05-> IDoc Lists

WE02-> Display IDoc

WE19-> Test tool

WE09-> Search for IDocs by Content

WE20-> Partner Profiles

WE21-> Port definition in XI

SE16-> Data Browser

SE93-> Maintain Transaction Codes

SM30-> Call View Maintenance

SU01-> User Maintenance

SM02-> System Messages

BD54 -Logical System Creation.

SWXF_PBUILDER -> for Detail BPM Process

SMQS - > to register the destination in QOUT scheduler

WEOUTQUEUE - > to start the queue processing

SMQR - > to register the queue

IDXPW - > to activate the IDOC message package

IDXP - > to monitor the message packages.

SWF_XI_CUSTOMIZING -> transaction to check prerequisites for integration processes



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check the following:

also these

ALRTCATDEF -> Alerts Configuration

ALRTDISP -> Display of Alerts Created

SXMB_IFR -> Start Integration Builder

SXMB_MONI -> Integration Engine - Monitoring

SXI_CACHE -> XI data directory cache

SXI_MONITOR -> XI: Message Monitoring

SXI_SUPPORT -> Test all the Repository and Directory Objects

IDX1 -> idoc adapter

IDX2 -> idoc metadata

IDX5 -> monitor idoc adapter

SMQ1 -> Outbound queue monitoring

SMQ2 -> Inbound Queue Monitoring

SMQR, SMQs -> Registration of queues

SMICM -> J2EE administration

SALE -> configuration

PFTC -> Workflow builder

SM59 -> maIntain RFC destinations

SICF -> http server configuration

SMGW -> Gateway trace

SLDCHECK -> Test SLD Connection


SXMB_ADM -> Integration Engine - Administration

SXMB_MONI_BPE -> Process Engine - Monitoring

SPROXY-> ABAP Proxy Generation

SE80 -> Object Navigator

RZ70-> SLD Administration

SM58-> Asynchronous RFC Error Log

SWXF_PBUILDER -> for Detail BPM Process

WEOUTQUEUE - > to start the queue processing

IDXPW - > to activate the IDOC message package

IDXP - > to monitor the message packages.

SWF_XI_CUSTOMIZING -> transaction to check prerequisites for integration processes



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Check out the transactions which are frequently used:

SXMB_IFR - Start Integration Builder

SXMB_MONI - Integration Engine (Monitoring)

SXI_MONITOR - XI Message Monitoring

SLDCHECK - test SLD Connection

Some more...


SXMB_ADM - Administration of Integration Engine

SXI_CACHE - Directory Cache of XI

SXMB_MONI_BPE - Process Engine - Monitoring

Some very useful URLs....

hostname - is the host name of the server on which XI is running

inst number - is the instance number (example: 50000,50100 for port 00,01)

http://hostname:5inst number00/rep --- Exchange Infrastructure Tools

http://hostname:5inst number00/sld --- System Landscape Directory

http://hostname:5inst number00/rwb --- Runtime Workbench

Some more URLs which can be of use (not in the initial stage)...

http://hostname:5inst number00/MessagingSystem --- Message Display Tool

http://hostname:5inst number00/mdt/amtServlet --- Adapter Monitor

http://hostname:5inst number00/exchangeProfile --- Exchange Infrastructure Profile

http://hostname:5inst number00/CPACache --- CPA Cache Monitoring

http://hostname:5inst number00/CPACache/refresh?mode=delta --- Delta CPA cache refresh

http://hostname:5inst number00/CPACache/refresh?mode=full --- Full CPA cache refresh

Now some transaction related to IDOC's as IDOC play a very important role in XI...

WE60 - Documentation for IDoc types

BD87 - Status Monitor for ALE Messages

IDX1 - Maintenance of Port in IDoc Adapter

IDX2 - Meta Data Overview in IDoc Adapter

WE05 - Lists the IDocs

WE02 - Displays the IDoc

WE19 - Test Tool

WE09 - Search for IDocs by Content

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Here you go... All the important T-codes in XI

XI transactions

SXMB_IFR Start Integration Builder

SXMB_MONI Integration Engine - Monitoring

SXI_MONITOR XI: Message Monitoring

SLDCHECK Test SLD Connection


SXMB_ADM Integration Engine - Administration

SXI_CACHE XI Directory Cache

SXMB_MONI_BPE Process Engine - Monitoring


(<host> is the host name of the XI server and <sys#> is its system number)

http://<host>:5<sys#>00/rep Exchange Infrastructure Tools

http://<host>:5<sys#>00/sld System Landscape Directory

http://<host>:5<sys#>00/rwb Runtime Workbench

http://<host>:5<sys#>00/MessagingSystem Message Display Tool

http://<host>:5<sys#>00/mdt/amtServlet Adapter Monitor

http://<host>:5<sys#>00/exchangeProfile Exchange Infrastructure Profile

http://<host>:5<sys#>00/CPACache CPA Cache: Monitoring

http://<host>:5<sys#>00/CPACache/refresh?mode=delta Delta CPA cache refresh

http://<host>:5<sys#>00/CPACache/refresh?mode=full Full CPA cache refresh

ABAP transactions

SE38 ABAP Editor

SE11 ABAP Dictionary

ST22 ABAP dump analysis

SPROXY ABAP Proxy Generation

SE80 Object Navigator

ABAPDOCU ABAP Documentation and Examples

SE37 ABAP Function Modules

SE24 Class Builder

Administrative transactions

SM21 Online System Log Analysis

SMQ1 qRFC Monitor (Outbound Queue)

SMQ2 qRFC Monitor (Inbound Queue)

RZ70 SLD Administration

SM58 Asynchronous RFC Error Log

SM59 RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain)


IDoc transactions

WE60 Documentation for IDoc types

BD87 Status Monitor for ALE Messages

IDX1 Port Maintenance in IDoc Adapter

IDX2 Meta Data Overview in IDoc Adapter

WE05 IDoc Lists

WE02 Display IDoc

WE19 Test tool

WE09 Search for IDocs by Content

WE20 Partner Profiles

WE21 Port definition

Miscellaneous transactions

SE16 Data Browser

SE93 Maintain Transaction Codes

SM30 Call View Maintenance

SU01 User Maintenance

SM02 System Messages



P.S Please mark helpful answers

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ALRTCATDEF- Alerts Configuration.

ALRTDISP - Display of Alerts Created

SXMB_IFR -> Start Integration Builder

SXMB_MONI -> Integration Engine - Monitoring

SXI_MONITOR -> XI: Message Monitoring

SXI_CACHE -> To Access IS runtime cache

SXI_SUPPORT -> Test all the Repository and Directory Objects

SXI_CACHE -> XI data directory cacheidx1 -> idoc adapter

IDX2 -> idoc metadata

IDX5 -> monitor idoc adapter

SM21 -> log di sistema

ST22 -> dump abap (analisi di eccezioni)

SMQ1 -> messages inbound e outbound queue

SMQ2 -> messages inbound e outbound queue

SMICM -> J2EE administration

ST06 -> stato della macchina cpu memory filesystem machine status - cpu, memory and file system.

ST03 -> workload.

SCC4 -> visualizza mandanti del sistema

WE20 -> partner profiles

sale - ale settings

RZ10 - edit system profile

SM59 ->mantain rfc destinations

BD64 -> mantain distribution model (trasformazioni)

SU01 -> users

AL08 -> list all logged users(user login logon)

SE10 -> Change Request

SE09 -> Change Request

WE05 -> All idocs

WE19 -> IDoc Test Tool

WE21 -> port definition

SE11 -> Data dictionary

SM21 -> log sistema xi

se37 -> mantain funcion modules

SICF -> http server configuration

SMGW -> trace, alzare livello di trace.

BD13 ->

BD64 -> modelli di distribuzione

PFCG -> Roles

tabella TSTC -> sap transactions codes

tabella TSTCT -> transaction descriptions

STMS -> transports management

SPAM -> apply ABAP support packages

SPAU -> manage objects after apply support packages

SE01 -> manage change requests

SLDCHECK -> Test SLD Connection


SXMB_ADM -> Integration Engine - Administration

SXMB_MONI_BPE -> Process Engine - Monitoring

SE38 -> ABAP Editor

SE11 -> ABAP Dictionary

ST22 -> ABAP dump analysis

SPROXY-> ABAP Proxy Generation

SE80 -> Object Navigator

ABAPDOCU -> ABAP Documentation and Examples

SE24-> Class Builder

SM21-> Online System Log Analysis

SMQ1-> qRFC Monitor (Outbound Queue)

SMQ2-> qRFC Monitor (Inbound Queue)

RZ70-> SLD Administration

SM58-> Asynchronous RFC Error Log

SM59-> RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain)

SMICM-> ICM Monitor

WE60-> Documentation for IDoc types

BD87-> Status Monitor for ALE Messages

IDX1-> Port Maintenance in IDoc Adapter

IDX2-> Meta Data Overview in IDoc Adapter

WE05-> IDoc Lists

WE02-> Display IDoc

WE19-> Test tool

WE09-> Search for IDocs by Content

WE20-> Partner Profiles

WE21-> Port definition in XI

SE16-> Data Browser

SE93-> Maintain Transaction Codes

SM30-> Call View Maintenance

SU01-> User Maintenance

SM02-> System Messages

BD54 -Logical System Creation.

SWXF_PBUILDER -> for Detail BPM Process

SMQS - > to register the destination in QOUT scheduler

WEOUTQUEUE - > to start the queue processing

SMQR - > to register the queue

IDXPW - > to activate the IDOC message package

IDXP - > to monitor the message packages.

SWF_XI_CUSTOMIZING -> transaction to check prerequisites for integration processes.

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