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Transport Layer!!!

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Hi All,

Dev & Qas are installed in seperate server.

I went to SE80 and tried to create package, but there I found that in the existing system transport Layer is not defined.

Went to STMS in 000 with DDIC


Environment --> Transport Route --> edit --> created tranport layer

Given the name Z<SID> as transport Layer

Activated it.

Now created package from se80 and assigned to the package Z<SID>.

But now the problem is when I going T-code se10 in another client and double clicked on a Transport request, from property tab target system name is not coming by default (quality system name should come here) select the target system, we have to then go to edit mode and manually select the target system name ....

Another observation is se21 -->Select the package -->Package Hierarchy --> Package Check as Server is coming "Cross" ie '*'

I am not able to catch wheather this is a problem for transport management??If it is to correct it??

Should we Continue development in this transport layer ??



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Did you assign the transport layer to the package you created the transport request?


Former Member
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yes....while created package in se80 it asked and I gave the transport layer that I created z<sid>

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did you also assign it to the transport route between the systems? Doubleclick in the STMS on the line between and assign it to the transport route.


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I dont think I had done do i do the step 'line between and assaigned it to transport route.'..??

Former Member
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ya..... I am now able to do that and now target system is coming automatically as quality system.

Is there anything left to configure??? There is now only one link between dev and quality system i.e transport layer.....

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- STMS - Overview - Transport Routes

Do you see there on the line between the systems the route your created? (it´s a graphical view so it´s difficult to explain)


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ya..... I am now able to do that and now target system is coming automatically as quality system.


Is there anything left to configure??? There is now only one link between dev and quality system i.e transport layer.....

So all packages who´re not in that transport route are not defaulted as target system. If that is ok you´re finished
