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RFC to WebService Scenario doubt

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I'm passing parameters from R/3 system RFC.. and based on that selection criteria the data will fetch from the Remote Application.. and send it to R/3.. finally my RFC will load these data into R/3 system. this is my Scenario( that means.. RFC to WEBSERVICE) so, in the reciever side i should use the SOAP adapter..

but for these type of scenarios.. is WSDL file is mandatory or.. with out WSDL file also can we do the scenario.. and if this is mandatory means.. how we will get the WSDL file...

because according to my reqirement i know only the sender system (R/3) and Receiver system(Remote Application) details.. I dont know any thing about other details..

please suggest me what are the things are needed.. so, that i will get from my client..



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yes u need to know the Wesbservice structure.Otherwise how u will decide the structure of the inbound structure of ur scenario?

So first get the WSDL and import it under externel defination.There u can see the request messege type and resonse messege type.

in case of client webservice u will create WSDL from message interfaces from ID->tools>create webservice.

hope u r little clear now.



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Hi Das,

Thank you for your response.. but my clinet gave me the particular URL.. for fetching the data.. so, if i pass the selection criteria in that... based on that criteria that Remote Application will fetch the data from their database and it will give it to us..

so, for this.. How can we get the WSDL....( I know only the URL for the RemoteApplication)



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yes u r right,in receiver soap u need only a target URL.

there u can give ur selection criteria and depending upon the input webservice will provid the output..

please note that impoting WSDL is not mendatory in ur scenario.If u know the input of webservice i.e the data webservice wants then its fine.

if u r having the WSDL then u can see the messages thats all.



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WSDL contains the message /data structure for you input and output.

If you know the Web Services input /output data , you can create it manually or if you have WSDL, you can directly import in IR and all the request/response message would be generated automatically.

To call a Web Service, only URL is required.

You can ask your client to provide the WSDL file.



Answers (3)

Answers (3)

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Hello Jain P,

You need the WSDL file and ,if you have access to your client machine or using citrix like tools login it and just enter the url + the file name of wsdl in internet explore and save that file with WSDL extention.And import that in IR and try to find the SOAP action...Its not mandatory ,but if you need any follow up action you need SOAP Action

Ask your client if you unable to get it like this...

They have to provide

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If you are having the structure at receiver side then wsdl is not required,but if client is not giving you the structure then wsdl is required from there side.

More over after configuration you can generate wsdl from ID,and provide that wsdl to client.And it can be used for testing purpose.


ujjwal kumar

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