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Attendance & Absence

Former Member
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Could anybody help me to understand how do we capture attendance & absences of the students in CM? ie. if it is 20 weeks programme and student remain absent for 2 weeks, where and how we will capture his day to day attendance to classes.

Thanks & regards



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Right now, you would probably need to use an Appraisal Element to capture some kind of attendance rating/value. This could then be included in the overall grade calculation for the course. (Day to day tracking would have to be done in a separate user interface.) However, we recognize that it would be better to have a formalized approach towards attendance tracking, and we plan to address that issue in an upcoming release (although I cannot share any official details about that at this point in time).


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Devendra,

There is no provision in the present SLCM (not CM) solution to capture attendance of students in the form you have stated ie. daily attendance of studets on a module over a period of time.Michael stated that in a future enhancement this feature may be included.However,if there is a business requiremnt right away which cannot wait till the Release,then a workaround would be to make a custom development.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Devendra,

Daily attendance and absences could not be captured but as you stated if the leave continues for 2 weeks and more , do a leave of absence for the student . So the status will be non-attending and logically the student cant attend any classes at that time .

