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Mile stone billing with Down payment clearing

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Urgent help needed.

I need to set up mile stone billing plan at item level with down payment getting automatically offset with Invoice


I have 10% down payment (FAZ).

And mile stone invoicing of 40% and 60% each.

I have raised down payment request and the incoming payment is posted.

Now, when I raise the invoices, I want the down payment received auotomatically deducted from the invoice amount and shown as separate line item in the invoice. What settings need to be done?

ie, if 10000 EUR is the total amount, down payment is 1000 EUR.

My first invoice should show 4000 - 400 = 3600 EUR due from the cutomer and second invoice shud have 6000-600=5400 EUR due.

The item category is ZTAO

I have maintained the following settings:

1. Condition type AZWR in the pricing procedure with requirement as 2 (item with pricing) and the calculation formula 48

2. Copy control set up for Order type TA with billing type FAZ for the item category ZTAO with Copying requirement 20

3. Copy control set up for Order type TA with billing type F2 for the item category ZTAO with Copying requirement 23

But the invoice is not showing the down payment amount. Can any one tell me what is that I am missing? This is in ECC6.0

Thank You,


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check your doc flow whether downpayment is showing cleared or not.

While creating /settling partial downpayment you have to change manually the amount in azwr

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Chidambaran,

My prob is that the Downpayment is shown as cleared in the sales Order doc flow, but it is not appearing as a line item in the Billing document? Can u pls help me in that?



Former Member
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Yes, Shripad thats the problem I faced too.. unfortunately didnt get any solution so far.. and I had been focussing on some other area off late..

Any one who come across a solution, pls mail us!!



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Resmi,

Did u find a solution to this problem - either yourself or through somebody? If yes, pls let me know, as I'm facing a similiar issue.

