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Field symbols unassign problem

Former Member
0 Kudos

METHOD handle_data_changed.

DATA: x_change TYPE lvc_s_modi, "modified cells

l_modi_fieldname TYPE lvc_s_modi-fieldname.

FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs_fname> type any.

LOOP AT er_data_changed->mt_good_cells INTO x_change.

CONCATENATE '<fs_it_dev_list>-' x_change-fieldname INTO l_modi_fieldname.

IF <fs_fname> IS NOT ASSIGNED.

ASSIGN (l_modi_fieldname) TO <fs_fname>.


<fs_fname> = x_change-value.

MODIFY g_it_dev_list FROM <fs_it_dev_list> INDEX x_change-row_id TRANSPORTING (x_change-fieldname).


PERFORM check_light.

CALL METHOD g_grid->refresh_table_display.


using above code to handle data changed event.

run a first time, it's ok. it works perfect(but has a problem).

1st question.

but second time(edit a column ->enter-> edit another(or same) column->enter)

occurs an error

" Field symbol has not yet been assigned" at line 10 "ASSIGN (l_modi_fieldname) TO <fs_fname>." ->here

2nd question.

MODIFY g_it_dev_list FROM <fs_it_dev_list> INDEX x_change-row_id TRANSPORTING (x_change-fieldname).

=> g_it_dev_list is modified two lines, if i change 2nd row's data the 3rd row's values are changed ,too!!

plz help me..

sorry for my poor english.


Former Member
0 Kudos

it is solved.

Former Member
0 Kudos


Is this a customized METHOD ?

One suggestion would be to unassign the field symbol inside the loop.

As i see it in the code below, you are assigning the field symbol

based on the information from x_change.

So before the ENDLOOP statement add this line.

UNASSIGN <fs_fname>.

I think this should solve the problem..

Happy coding ..
