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New to Enhancements and Modifications in SAP ABAP

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Hi experts,

Could anyone has a tutorials or ebooks on this topic? I need to learn more about this.. tnx in advance!!!


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Enhancements and User Exits

User exits (Function module exits) are exits developed by SAP. The exit is implementerd as a call to a function module. The code for the function module is written by the developer. You are not writing the code directly in the function module, but in the include that is implemented in the function module.

The naming standard of function modules for functionmodule exits is:

EXIT_<program name><3 digit suffix>

The call to a functionmodule exit is implemented as:

CALL CUSTOMER.-FUNCTION ❤️ digit suffix>

To find a Exit.

Goto Transaction -- Find The Package

SMOD >f4>Use the Package here to Find the Exits In the Package.

Else if you Want to search by Application Area wise ,

There is one more tab to find the Exits in the Respective Application Area.

Implementing the Exit-- CMOD Create ProjectsAssgn your Component .

Now Run ur Transaction to Check if it Triggers.

Thats it..

Suppose you need to find out all the user exits related to a tcode.

1. Execute the Tcode.

2. Open the SAP program.

3. Get the Development Class.

4. Execute Tcode SE84.

5. Open the Node 'Envir. -> Exit Techniques -> 'Customer Exits -> Enhancements'

6. Enter the Development class and execute.

Check out this thread..

1. Type the transaction : system->status-> <PROG. NAME>

2 open SE37 , type EXIT<PROG NAME> and press F4 to get the list of function exits available.

3. Open CMOD utilities->SAP enhancements

EDIT->All selections

4.type the function module name obtained in step 2, in fields 'component name' in 'additional selections' block. and execute.

5. The displayed list contains the enhancements names for the transaction You were looking for.

6. Create a project in CMOD and the code in default include->activate.

which gives the list of exits for a tcode

For information on Exits, check these links


These links will help you to learn more on user exits.

Also please check these threads for more details about user exits.

1. Document on UserExits in FI/CO

2. Finding User Exits...

3. List of all User Exits...


ENHANCEMENT-POINT can either be static (for example, additional data declaration) or dynamic (for example, additional coding).

Refer the very useful links below:

Enhancement-Point is a part of the new enhancement framework. He is some lite reading.

Please check this blogs and wiki as well.



Please check these weblog for more information and sample codes.






Look at this articles:

New Enhancement Framework

Enhancement Framework

Enhancement Framework - The New Way to Enhance Your ABAP Systems

Switch Framework Demo

Introduction to the Enhancement Framework

To now more about BADi Implementation see:

How To Define a New BAdI Within the Enhancement Framework

How to implement a BAdI And How to Use a Filter

Enhancement-Point is a part of the new enhancement framework. He is some lite reading.

Please check this blogs .



Enhancement frame work is the new concept using which SAP allows you to change the existing programs

See the following blogs that talk about the same in detail




Defines a position in an ABAP program as an enhancement option, at which one or more source code plug-ins can be inserted.


ENHANCEMENT-POINT enh_id SPOTS spot1 spot2 ...




1. ... STATIC



: This statement defines an explicit enhancement option at the current position in the program at which a source code enhancement can be made. In program generation, the source code plug-ins of the assigned enhancement implementation that are available in the current system and have a switch in the status stand-by or on, are inserted at this position.

If the addition STATIC is not specified, the source code enhancement is dynamic. This means that in program execution, only those source code plug-ins are executed whose switch has the status on. If a source code plug-in does not have a switch assigned to it, it is handled in the same way as a plug-in with a switch in the status on.

With enh_id, an ID must be specified directly for the enhancement option, which is unique in the current compilation unit without the addition INCLUDE BOUND, and with this addition, is unique in current Include program. At least one enhancement spot must be assigned to the enhancement option using the specification simple enhancement spots spot1, spot2, and so on.

Within enhancements, one or more source code plug-ins can be created for one enhancement option. A source code plug-in is created by the assignment of an enhancement implementation in the Enhancement Builder. This automatically generates an empty source code plug-in with a unique ID, which is displayed underneath ENHANCEMENT-POINT in the Editor, where the actual enhancement can be implemented between ENHANCEMENT and ENDENHANCEMENT.

A source code plug-in is assigned to only one enhancement option. Multiple source code plug-ins of one enhancement implementation and the source code plug-ins of multiple enhancement implementations can be assigned to one enhancement point.


: In the terminology of the enhancement concept, the statement ENHANCEMENT-POINT includes both the enhancement spot element definition and the enhancement spot invocation of the enhancement option.

The statement ENHANCEMENT-POINT can either be entered directly or created by choosing Edit ? Enhancement operations ? Create enhancement in the Enhancement Builder. After the program has been saved or created using Edit ? Enhancement operations ? Create enhancement, the statement can only be deleted by choosing Edit ? Enhancement operations ? Delete enhancement.

In addition to the enhancement options explicitly specified by ENHANCEMENT-POINT, ABAP programs also contain implicit enhancement points, which can also be enhanced using source code plug-ins.

Addition 1



: The addition STATIC is used to define a static source code enhancement. In a static source code enhancement, all incorporated source code plug-ins are taken into account when the program is executed, including those whose switch is in the status stand-by.


: The STATIC addition is intended for the enhancement of data declarations, while the statement ENHANCEMENT-POINT without the STATIC addition is designed for the enhancement of executable coding. When the statement is executed using Enhancements ? Create enhancement, the addition is set according to this selection.

Addition 2



: This addition can be entered in Include programs. It links the source code enhancement to the current Include program. Each program that incorporates an Include program only includes the source code enhancements that are defined with this addition. Source code enhancements created using the INCLUDE BOUND addition have their own namespace in each Include program. This ensures that if several Include programs are integrated into one compilation unit, no namespace conflicts arise, either between Include programs, or with the source code enhancements of the compilation unit.

Without the addition INCLUDE BOUND, a source code enhancement is assigned to only one compilation unit. If the statement ENHANCEMENT-POINT is executed in an Include program without this addition, a compilation unit must be assigned to it in the Enhancement Builder.


: In an Include program, Include-bound and non-Include-bound source code enhancements can not be defined at the same time. This also applies if an Include program incorporates other Include programs.

Enhancement points are points provided by sap in standard programs to modify the source code. Go to any standard program, Locate the spiral button on the toolbar. Then press it and then navigate to edit->enhancement operations->display enhancement point menu. Then a no of yellow lines would appear, which are the available en points. You would have to change it and write the applicable source code. [original link is broken]

Please try the link given below




Active Contributor

You could begin with sap documentation <a href="">Changing the SAP Standard (BC)</a>


Former Member
0 Kudos


Enhancements and User Exits

User exits (Function module exits) are exits developed by SAP. The exit is implementerd as a call to a function module. The code for the function module is written by the developer. You are not writing the code directly in the function module, but in the include that is implemented in the function module.

The naming standard of function modules for functionmodule exits is:

EXIT_<program name><3 digit suffix>

The call to a functionmodule exit is implemented as:

CALL CUSTOMER.-FUNCTION ❤️ digit suffix>

To find a Exit.

Goto Transaction -- Find The Package

SMOD >f4>Use the Package here to Find the Exits In the Package.

Else if you Want to search by Application Area wise ,

There is one more tab to find the Exits in the Respective Application Area.

Implementing the Exit-- CMOD Create ProjectsAssgn your Component .

Now Run ur Transaction to Check if it Triggers.

Thats it..

Suppose you need to find out all the user exits related to a tcode.

1. Execute the Tcode.

2. Open the SAP program.

3. Get the Development Class.

4. Execute Tcode SE84.

5. Open the Node 'Envir. -> Exit Techniques -> 'Customer Exits -> Enhancements'

6. Enter the Development class and execute.

Check out this thread..

1. Type the transaction : system->status-> <PROG. NAME>

2 open SE37 , type EXIT<PROG NAME> and press F4 to get the list of function exits available.

3. Open CMOD utilities->SAP enhancements

EDIT->All selections

4.type the function module name obtained in step 2, in fields 'component name' in 'additional selections' block. and execute.

5. The displayed list contains the enhancements names for the transaction You were looking for.

6. Create a project in CMOD and the code in default include->activate.

which gives the list of exits for a tcode

For information on Exits, check these links


These links will help you to learn more on user exits.

Also please check these threads for more details about user exits.

1. Document on UserExits in FI/CO

2. Finding User Exits...

3. List of all User Exits...


ENHANCEMENT-POINT can either be static (for example, additional data declaration) or dynamic (for example, additional coding).

Refer the very useful links below:

Enhancement-Point is a part of the new enhancement framework. He is some lite reading.

Please check this blogs and wiki as well.



Please check these weblog for more information and sample codes.






Look at this articles:

New Enhancement Framework

Enhancement Framework

Enhancement Framework - The New Way to Enhance Your ABAP Systems

Switch Framework Demo

Introduction to the Enhancement Framework

To now more about BADi Implementation see:

How To Define a New BAdI Within the Enhancement Framework

How to implement a BAdI And How to Use a Filter

Enhancement-Point is a part of the new enhancement framework. He is some lite reading.

Please check this blogs .



Enhancement frame work is the new concept using which SAP allows you to change the existing programs

See the following blogs that talk about the same in detail




Defines a position in an ABAP program as an enhancement option, at which one or more source code plug-ins can be inserted.


ENHANCEMENT-POINT enh_id SPOTS spot1 spot2 ...




1. ... STATIC



: This statement defines an explicit enhancement option at the current position in the program at which a source code enhancement can be made. In program generation, the source code plug-ins of the assigned enhancement implementation that are available in the current system and have a switch in the status stand-by or on, are inserted at this position.

If the addition STATIC is not specified, the source code enhancement is dynamic. This means that in program execution, only those source code plug-ins are executed whose switch has the status on. If a source code plug-in does not have a switch assigned to it, it is handled in the same way as a plug-in with a switch in the status on.

With enh_id, an ID must be specified directly for the enhancement option, which is unique in the current compilation unit without the addition INCLUDE BOUND, and with this addition, is unique in current Include program. At least one enhancement spot must be assigned to the enhancement option using the specification simple enhancement spots spot1, spot2, and so on.

Within enhancements, one or more source code plug-ins can be created for one enhancement option. A source code plug-in is created by the assignment of an enhancement implementation in the Enhancement Builder. This automatically generates an empty source code plug-in with a unique ID, which is displayed underneath ENHANCEMENT-POINT in the Editor, where the actual enhancement can be implemented between ENHANCEMENT and ENDENHANCEMENT.

A source code plug-in is assigned to only one enhancement option. Multiple source code plug-ins of one enhancement implementation and the source code plug-ins of multiple enhancement implementations can be assigned to one enhancement point.


: In the terminology of the enhancement concept, the statement ENHANCEMENT-POINT includes both the enhancement spot element definition and the enhancement spot invocation of the enhancement option.

The statement ENHANCEMENT-POINT can either be entered directly or created by choosing Edit ? Enhancement operations ? Create enhancement in the Enhancement Builder. After the program has been saved or created using Edit ? Enhancement operations ? Create enhancement, the statement can only be deleted by choosing Edit ? Enhancement operations ? Delete enhancement.

In addition to the enhancement options explicitly specified by ENHANCEMENT-POINT, ABAP programs also contain implicit enhancement points, which can also be enhanced using source code plug-ins.

Addition 1



: The addition STATIC is used to define a static source code enhancement. In a static source code enhancement, all incorporated source code plug-ins are taken into account when the program is executed, including those whose switch is in the status stand-by.


: The STATIC addition is intended for the enhancement of data declarations, while the statement ENHANCEMENT-POINT without the STATIC addition is designed for the enhancement of executable coding. When the statement is executed using Enhancements ? Create enhancement, the addition is set according to this selection.

Addition 2



: This addition can be entered in Include programs. It links the source code enhancement to the current Include program. Each program that incorporates an Include program only includes the source code enhancements that are defined with this addition. Source code enhancements created using the INCLUDE BOUND addition have their own namespace in each Include program. This ensures that if several Include programs are integrated into one compilation unit, no namespace conflicts arise, either between Include programs, or with the source code enhancements of the compilation unit.

Without the addition INCLUDE BOUND, a source code enhancement is assigned to only one compilation unit. If the statement ENHANCEMENT-POINT is executed in an Include program without this addition, a compilation unit must be assigned to it in the Enhancement Builder.


: In an Include program, Include-bound and non-Include-bound source code enhancements can not be defined at the same time. This also applies if an Include program incorporates other Include programs.

Enhancement points are points provided by sap in standard programs to modify the source code. Go to any standard program, Locate the spiral button on the toolbar. Then press it and then navigate to edit->enhancement operations->display enhancement point menu. Then a no of yellow lines would appear, which are the available en points. You would have to change it and write the applicable source code. [original link is broken]

Please try the link given below



Former Member
0 Kudos

Thanks to all of you. you all are in great help to me!