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AVC and PO's

Active Participant
0 Kudos

We are in the process of testing AVC and came across an issue.

I create a PO in a previous fiscal year. I need to add a line item to the PO (either due to the fact that it is an extension or additional items were received on the PO). Funds availability is checked based on the document date (previous FY), not the current year.

What do we need to do to have the system check this fiscal year and not last year's? Is there a program we should be running at fiscal year end to transfer PO's? The original PO may be completed so there is no longer any commitment.



Former Member
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Hi Monique,

Before carryforwarding you have to close all PR, PO, Earmarked funds you don't want to transfer to the next year with the tcode FMMC

Check it it works



PSM-FM Consultant



View solution in original post


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hello Monique,

The date used for AVC will depend on your update profile. You could check your settings by using report RFFMMONI and look at the date used per value type (50 for Purchase Requisitions, 51 for PO's, 54 for invoices...)

You can also carryforward the PO to the current FY by using FMJ2 if you still have an open commitment, or FMJ0 if you need a CF with zero amount.

you can find more information in this link:

<a href="">Funds Management erp 2005</a>

See chapter 'Closing operations'

I hope this helps

kind regards,


0 Kudos

Thanks for the advice. FMJ0 and FMJ2 worked. However, I have another question that I hope you can answer.

When we run FMJ2, it creates a budget entry document. This affects the beginning budget balance for the new fiscal year. We then reverse the budget entry document so that the beginning balance is put back to the original amount but the consumed amount will include the PO carryover. It appears as if a budget entry document is created for each open line item. This list can be extremely long. Is there a way to prevent the creation of the budget entry document? If not, is there a way to create one budget entry document for the total instead of each line item?

0 Kudos

Other than archiving, is there a way to prevent users from making changes to a PO that we did not carryover to the next fiscal year? The PO has been fulfilled. But, this will not prevent a user from adding a line.


0 Kudos


I had a question (or concern) about the budget entry documents that get created. If you reverse the budget entry document and put the original budget back to the beginning balance but the consumed will include the PO carry over, isn't that causing previous year commitments (budget in previous years) to use current budget?

In our org. we seperate the carry forward budget but placing it in a reporting column that indicates "carryover" or "supplement". This allows the original to stay the same but show the amounts carried forward from the previous fiscal year. That way what is carried forward has no net effect on what is available in the current year's budget.

Orgin CarryFwd Consumed Avail

100 5.00 (5.00) 100

In config under public sector management, funds management government, closing operations, closing operations for BCS, the is an area which allows us to allow/disallow budget carry forward by value type. There is also an area where we can define how the entry documents are handled (i.e. instead of the receiver lines having a "NORM" budget type, we chose "YRED"). This is how we keep the original (norm) seperate from the carryover (yred) in budget reports.

0 Kudos

Thanks for your concern, Will.

I actually found the necessary config which allows us to run the carryforward jobs without bringing the budget from the prior year with it. We no longer will have budget entry documents created (and possibly needing to be reversed) as we did in testing.

In our organization, it's "use it or lose it" when it comes to the budget. So, if an encumbrance is carried forward, it will then go against current year's budget when it is actually expensed.

We appreciate your help!!


0 Kudos

Hello lisa

I have the same problem in my organization. I understood that you have found config which allows you to run the carryforward jobs without bringing the budget from the prior year with it.Can you please advise me of thus config.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Monique,

Before carryforwarding you have to close all PR, PO, Earmarked funds you don't want to transfer to the next year with the tcode FMMC

Check it it works



PSM-FM Consultant



0 Kudos

Thanks for the info. Based on the transaction code you provided, it looks like the final invoice and delivery complete indicators would be checked on PO's. But, this would not prevent a user from adding to that PO. We need to find a way to prevent a user from adding a line. My co-worker may have found a good solution that we will need to test further.

In our organization, not everything requires a GR so delivery complete would not be an option on all PO's. Also, we discourage our users from checking final invoice because, while it removes the commitment, it would not prevent Accounts Payable from processing an invoice.


0 Kudos

Hi! Monique,

In my organization, Fund is committed based on the "Delivery Date" of the PO lines.

If User tried to add a new PO lines to a PO which was created in the last financial year via ME22N, system will validate the "Delivery Date" of the newly added PO lines.

If the "Delivery Date" is before TODAY, system will display an error message saying the "Delivery Date is in the past". This prevents user to commit the fund in the previous financial year. Hope this help.