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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi all,

Have a question for you!

I'm working with webdynpros that uses RadioButtons to select the gender (male/female) of a person and then, depending of that selection, I have to show a different webdynpro with another kind of information. I tried to do this with separates radiobuttons, but when I display the webdynpro, both radiobuttons are checked and I don't know how to uncheck one of them.

Thanks in advance.


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Scenario in short:

Set different values to property "keyToSelect" of UI element. Then bind property "selectedKey" of both radio buttons to the same context attribute of type string. Check value of this attribute in your action handler (it will be one of "keyToSelect" values) and navigate to necessary view.


Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Former Member
0 Kudos

hi Jesús,

create 2 context attributes say att1 and att2 of string type

create an attribute sel of string type

Assign some values for att1 and att2 say "a" and "b" .assign "a" for sel if you want first one checked

kettoselect of first button should be bound to att1 and

kettoselect of second button should be bound to att2

selectedkey of both should be bound to sel.

.At runtime whatever value you select will come to sel

hope this helps you

If you query is solved close the post



Former Member
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I already saw this tutorial and it didn't help me to much, but is there another non-dinamically way to do this?


Former Member
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Please check the example in the tutorial. programming in web dynpro.pdf

Regards, Anilkumar