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Installation error with Sneak Preview SAP NetWeaver SP11 on WIN XP SP2

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Hi There

I am trying to install the above mentioned version and I am getting the following error message.Please help.Thanks.

INFO[E] 2005-06-16 11:53:49

File system export (share) saploc does not exist.

ERROR 2005-06-16 11:54:26

FJS-00003 TypeError: webas has no properties (in script InstallationScript_59, line 14070: ???)

ERROR 2005-06-16 11:54:26

FJS-00003 TypeError: webas has no properties (in script InstallationScript_59, line 14070: ???)

WARNING 2005-06-16 11:54:26

The step askOSUserParameterWindows with step key J2EE_SystemCopy_OneHost|ind|ind|ind|WebAS|640|0|J2EE_SystemCopy|ind|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|J2EE_EngineEnterpriseDialogs|ind|ind|ind|WebAS|630|0|askOSUserParameterWindows was executed with status ERROR.

On running the installer it is extracting / created the folder C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\NW04SR1\WEBAS_COPY\ONE_HOST. I have installed Java on D:\j2sdk1.4.2_08.

I've seen a few other posts on this topic, but no fix/solution found so far.

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Former Member
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I also have this problem! Suggestions?? Ola

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the SIDadm and SAPServiceSID users should be in Administrators Group. and also check the share permissions and folder permissions of windows share saploc.



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Are you connected to LAN ? If you are not, you need to atleast configure Microsoft loopback Adapter.


Former Member
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I have the exactly the same error, actually before that I got more error about two users (j2eadm and SAPServiceJ2E) both I made with the windows user manager... I log on in to a domain... any idea or suggestion?

Former Member
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Same here, any suggestions, anyone? Tiest