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Message General invalid content

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Hello Everyone,

Thank you all for your valuable help.

I am getting the following error.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>

- <!-- Aufruf eines Adapters


- <SAP:Error xmlns:SAP="" xmlns:SOAP="" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1">



<SAP:P1 />

<SAP:P2 />

<SAP:P3 />

<SAP:P4 />

<SAP:AdditionalText> invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/HTML</SAP:AdditionalText>

<SAP:ApplicationFaultMessage namespace="" />

<SAP:Stack />



I tried the solution suggested by Stefan

<b>Per default the SOAP adapter sends the SOAP message the content type text/xml. So you need not do anything special.

When you check "Do not use SOAP envelope", the default contnet type is application/xml. You can change the content type like this: Go to the SOAP receiver communication channel module tab. Add the module "localejbs/AF_Modules/MessageTransformBean" before the standard module. Add the parameter name Transform.ContentType and value text/xml</b>

<u>I wanted to know based on the error should I change the content type to text/html or text/xml in either case its giving the same error.Also the parameter value should also have text/html;charset=utf-8 or text/xml;charset=utf-8</u> (Also the separator is a semi colon or a colon between (text/html andcharset=utf-8)

I also tried if there was any problem with the URL as suggested by Ricardo Quintino

<b>The address in soap address location from main.wsdl was wrong! I tried opening this address in a web browser and the page that I see is info with the webservice published and a link to the webservice wsdl. Using this wsdl link in my receiver soap adapter works!!!</b>

So, the web service address that we must type in target URL of receiver soap adapter is the address to the WSDL. To be sure types this address in a browser and you must see a WSDL code of the webservice that you want invoke.

But it still gives the same error.

Please help me with the same.



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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This error is thrown when you get a non-SOAP response back from a Web Service.

The SOAP adapter expects a SOAP response but it is not getting it.

The best thing to do is supply the SOAP request XML to the Web Service supplier and see if they can spot anything wrong with the request.

Alternatively, use XMLSPY to submit the request and see what you get back.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Colin,

Thanks for your prompt response.I am using soapUI for checking the request sent and monitoring it in SXMB_MONI. Is there any other form of debugging that can be done?



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I wanted to know based on the error should I change the content type to text/html or text/xml in either case its giving the same error.Also the parameter value should also have text/html;charset=utf-8 or text/xml;charset=utf-8 (Also the separator is a semi colon or a colon between (text/html andcharset=utf-8)




Former Member
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Check this weblog and try to debug if you want:




Former Member
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The Web Service is giving you an invalid response ie. non-SOAP so you should not change anything on your side for the response.

This error means that the response is an HTML document. This will happen when no SOAP endpoint is found at the URL, the server falls back to HTML error reporting. If you can check the return code it will most likely be a 404.

<b>You will want to validate that the URL you are trying to access is a valid SOAP endpoint.</b>



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Colin,

I checked it and I am getting the following error in SXMB_MONI

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>

- <!-- Aufruf eines Adapters


- <SAP:Error xmlns:SAP="" xmlns:SOAP="" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1">



<SAP:P1 />

<SAP:P2 />

<SAP:P3 />

<SAP:P4 />

<b><SAP:AdditionalText> invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/HTML</SAP:AdditionalText></b>

<SAP:ApplicationFaultMessage namespace="" />

<SAP:Stack />



Former Member
0 Kudos


Your endpoint you should be calling is located at the bottom of the WSDL file you have been provided.

What have you checked it against ?

If you have changed it recently to the correct value from the WSDL, make sure it is activated before you put through another test.

Have you tried calling the endpoint from the WSDL in a browser (I think you said you have) ?



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