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How to change the owner of the database from SAPSR3 to SAP<SID>

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I was Installaing ECC 6.0 SR1 on Oracle 10.2 and HP UX 11.23 . The Installation stopped in between due to some errors.I was in ABAP Import Phase.

After That I found that theENV varaibles were point the Schema to SAPSR3 but my SID was EC6 . I change the Environment variable dbs_oracle_Schema = SAPEC6 and then restarted but still the Owner of the database is SAPSR3 .

I confirmed this as all the table's owner is SAPSR3 (when I run the SQL Select Owner , Table_Name from DBA_TABLES;)

I have checked the Listenaer.ora , sqlnet and tnsnames files and have the entries as EC6 . Listener Status also shows Ssystem as EC6.

Even when i run BRTOOLS it gives me the Error that -

BR0824E Owner SAPEC6 not found in database or not SAP owner

Please help me to change the Owner of the database.


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Hi Yogesh,

From ECC5.0 onwards the schema user will be SAPSR3 by default. If you want to keep SAPSAP<SID> as schema user you have to change schema user while installation it self. Don't change Environmental variable with SAPEC6. If you had change replace with original value and again.

The problem is not with environmental variables. Please try as i suggest

1.First check whether TNSListener is running. If is running Login as <SID>adm and check whether database is up and running.

How to check?

goto run and type sqlplus "/as sysdba"

If you get Ideal Instance as a result use STARTUP command to start database.

If database is already up and running follw the step2.

2. Goto init<SID>.ora file at OS level. (

take a back up of file and change the following parameters values as i specified.

a. shared_pool_size = 20M and

b. db_cache_size = 20M

then restart Installation.

This will solve your problem.



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I cant do that because all my Datafiles , init<sid>.ora , Listener, SQLnet , tnsnames , Schema is with SID EC6 . Eevn if I change the SID Back to SR3 then also it will not work.

I am getting an Error when I run R3Trans -d

ORA 01017 invalid username password logon denied

I tried everythink with SAP Note Note 400241 - Problems with ops$ or sapr3 connect to Oracle

When I change the Password of SAPUSER through BRTOOLS and BRCONNECT ,but still getting the error that the Database Owner is Not SAPEC6

When I put Owner as SAPSR3 then the Pasword changes.


Former Member
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from the sql level drop and recreate the owner and grant him the privileages. chk the SAP note : 50088

try with note 400241 once again it shud work


Umesh K

Former Member
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Revert all the things u done to the original state and run the brtools and change the owner


Umesh K