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how to access the context

Former Member
0 Kudos

how do I access the component controller's context from a view method? I was looking at the WD_COMP_CONTROLLER attribute. The IG_COMPONENTCONTROLLER interface does not seem to have any explicit attributes for the component controller context.

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Former Member
0 Kudos


Map the component controllers context to your view's context, by dragging and dropping the particular context node. Then you can access the context as your view's context itself. When you want the component controller's context shared across multiple views, map the context to each view's context.

The wd_comp_controller attribute is to access methods inside the component controller.

Hope this helps.



0 Kudos


wd_comp_controller allows you to access the component controller's methods as well as attributes.Mapping component controller's context to your context is the best way to access the context attributes.

For this you could go to your view context and you could see the controller contex also there...Map the attributes which are needed and access those using your view context.

Thanks and regards


0 Kudos

Hi ,

As suggested by all you cannot use directly context node of componentcontroller without adding this node to your view.. this can be done by drag and drop in your context node tab . Once you add this node in your view it would be mapped also so once you do any changes to this node it is reflected in coth places.



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