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SSO logout/timeout?

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As I continue my testing efforts, bug and feedback cataloging, I end up with many browser tabs open between my default browser of IE11 and Chrome.

This morning, and yesterday I noticed that the notifications/activities view was timing me out for some reason.  Inspired by the blog by I am adding this under the tag, but only because it doesn't error out, it simply provides this annoying message popup and then forces a refresh.

Similar to my comments on the blog, I would simply expect that upon entrance to any URL that accesses the new SCN, I would have a once and done experience, meaning never needing to manually login (or at least the prompt to login would be automatically provided upon touching the site) and therefore never timing out.  I would expect the yellow notification bubble next to my header avatar would stay reasonably up to date with background refreshes and not require me to keep refreshing the whole window to get notifications to disappear.

Screen capture snippet was from IE11, I didn't try to emulate or recreate this with Chrome, so I don't know if there are others of you out there who may have encountered this too.  Please share your findings or different experiences below - thanks!

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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I think what you are seeing there is because the Activities application is build as an HCP HTML5 application. When the auth session times out, it looses the connection to the backend service and shows this ugly popup. We plan to transform this into a proper JEE application, building a small java layer underneath, so that this effect wouldn't show up anymore. Totally annoying, absolutely agree.

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When is this planned to be delivered?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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part of the Activities improvements to be delivered till end of the year. I will try to push this specifically higher from a prio.

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Yes, it appeared in Firefox and in Pale Moon for me this morning and then again - just a few minutes ago. This would be something new, or at least it looks as a recent addition (last week I left several SCN tabs open, including the one from the screenshot, in different browsers idle for the whole night - I observed no such popups). The test I did at that time was in Windows and Linux and I haven't changed my browser settings or updated any add-ons since then - I don't think that this is be browser-related.

Maybe Jürgen is more active in SCN/SCN Beta and there was no chance for the session to expire.

The interesting part is, that this is not related to log outs - I opened a separate tab for Q&A before switching between notifications and activities (this is where I got the session expired popup) and I was still logged on. Now this popup makes even less sense than one would expect.

How do I feel about such functionality? Not happy.

Do we really have to go through the same discussions as for SAP One Support Launchpad again?

Use case:

I work on two laptops simultaneously during the day; one to connect to the client's corporate network, the other to connect to my company's systems. Most of my time I spend on the second one alternating between Chrome and IE11, doing my job.

On the first one I have to use two browsers again (I have S* and P* user, the private browsing workaround does not work in my case). For most of the day I use the browser, where I search SAP notes, and the other one - only when I have some spare time. It can happen that I open 10+ SCN tabs in the morning, which I read/respond to in the evening.

I don't expect to rely on the Activity Stream, not until at least the worst bugs and design flaws are fixed, but I still hope that this is just a minor technical hiccup (which will be fixed before the site launch) and not some design decision of questionable value.

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looks like the developer of the launchpad time out got a new job

Luckily I have not yet seen this pop-up in Chrome