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ADS service on Netweaver7.4 administrator does not start

Former Member
0 Kudos


  I am very new for Netweaver java stack installation, I have followed  couple of blogs and finally, I succeeded to install Netweaver java stack.

  Installation details  are as below.

Windows server 2008R service pack1 - windows fully updated  on VMware workstation Memroy 4GB

DB - oracle_12.1_x64

JDK - jdk-7u67-windows-x64.exe

Kernel -7.42 51049724_10_Kernel_unicode




NW740 SR2 JAVA -Package 51048524

But when I checked ADS service on the administrator, it does not start due to dependency issue.

I don't know where I start digging for this issue.

I just want to run ADS service on the server. That's it but it was not easy.

I just installed only ADS package from SWPM.

Please take a close look below attached images and advise me . Thank you so much for reading up to here.

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
0 Kudos

this is "applications.00.0.log" file if it any helps...

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Most of the logs you linked from the Google drive won't open, so we can't look at those. The one you copied here doesn't say much. The only thing I saw that could impact ADS starting was a lack of SLD configuration, but I suspect your problem is deeper than this.

I keep seeing in the dependencies that NWA (NetWeaver Administrator) isn't starting, and this is what you should be focusing on. You won't be able to do much with this server if you can't get NWA running.

The log you probably want to investigate is dev_server0. Look for failed service starts in there and so forth.

Although the installation guide lists 4 GB as the "minimum" RAM for a system, I still maintain that this isn't enough, and I wouldn't be surprised if you eventually find that your service startup failures can be traced to not enough memory. Can you double the RAM and try again?

Former Member
0 Kudos


  Thank you for your precious advice.

Actually, I am installing the whole system with 8GB RAM again.

  I will keep posting the issue here.

Again , I appreciate your help.

Former Member
0 Kudos

I reinstalled the server but the same error occurred.

This is server_dev_0 log...


trc file: "dev_server0", trc level: 1, release: "742"


sysno      00

sid        ER2

systemid   562 (PC with Windows NT)

relno      7420

patchlevel 0

patchno    32

intno      20020600

make       multithreaded, Unicode, 64 bit, optimized

profile    \\SAPECC60\sapmnt\ER2\SYS\profile\ER2_J00_SAPECC60

pid        3472


*  ACTIVE TRACE LEVEL           1



Thu Jul 28 16:50:38 2016


*  trace logging activated, max size = 52428800 bytes, 2 versions


arguments :

  arg[ 0] : F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\jstart.EXE

  arg[ 1] : -appTrc

  arg[ 2] : -nodeId=2

  arg[ 3] : pf=\\SAPECC60\sapmnt\ER2\SYS\profile\ER2_J00_SAPECC60

  arg[ 4] : -DSAPINFO=ER2_00_server0

  arg[ 5] : -hostvm

  arg[ 6] : -nodeName=ID2108650

  arg[ 7] : -file=F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\j2ee\cluster\

  arg[ 8] : -jvmFile=F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\work\jstart.jvm

  arg[ 9] : -traceFile=F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\work\dev_server0

  arg[10] : -javaOutFile=F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\work\jvm_server0.out

F Thu Jul 28 16:50:38 2016

F  ********************************************************************************

F  Java environment properties

F    root directory    : F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6

F    vendor            : SAP AG

F    version           : 1.6.0_71

F    cpu               : amd64

F    java vm type      : server

F    java vm version   : 6.1.064 24.51-b11

F    jvm library name  : jvm.dll

F    library path      : F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\jre\bin\server;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\jre\bin

F    executable path   : F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\bin

F    SAP extensions    : available

F  ********************************************************************************

I  [Thr 744] MtxInit: 10002 0 2

I  [Thr 744] MPI: dynamic quotas disabled.

I  [Thr 744] MPI init: pipes=4000 buffers=6395 reserved=1918 quota=10%

M  [Thr 744] CCMS: SemInMgt: Semaphore Management initialized by AlAttachShm_Ext.

M  [Thr 744] CCMS: SemInit: Semaphore 38 initialized by AlAttachShm_Ext.

M  [Thr 744] CCMS: CCMS Monitoring Initialization finished, rc=0.

F Thu Jul 28 16:50:38 2016

F  ********************************************************************************

F  SAP Java VM arguments:

F    arg[ 0] = vfprintf

F    arg[ 1] = abort

F    arg[ 2] = exit

F    arg[ 3] = -XmonGcCallback

F    arg[ 4] = -XdebugStateChangeCallback

F    arg[ 5] = -DSAPJStartVersion=742, patch 101, changelist 1567027, ntamd64, optU (Mar 24 2015, 16:12:27)

F    arg[ 6] = -Xjvmx

F    arg[ 7] = -XsapSystem:00

F    arg[ 8] = -DSAPSTARTUP=1

F    arg[ 9] = -DSAPSYSTEM=00

F    arg[10] = -DSAPSYSTEMNAME=ER2

F    arg[11] = -DSAPMYNAME=SAPECC60_ER2_00

F    arg[12] = -DSAPDBHOST=SAPECC60

F    arg[13] = -DSAPINFO=ER2_00_server0

F    arg[14] = -Dj2ee.dbhost=SAPECC60

F    arg[15] =

F    arg[16] = 

F    arg[17] = -Djstartup.mode=JSTART

F    arg[18] = -Djstartup.whoami=server

F    arg[19] = -Djstartup.ownProcessId=3472

F    arg[20] = -Djstartup.ownHardwareId=M1111600749

F    arg[21] = -Djstartup.debuggable=yes

F    arg[22] = -DLoadBalanceRestricted=no

F    arg[23] = -XdebugPortRange:50021-50021

F    arg[24] = -Denv.class.path=

F    arg[25] =\usr\sap\ER2\SYS\global

F    arg[26] = -Dapplication.home=F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe

F    arg[27] = -Djava.class.path=F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\jstart71.jar;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\lib\jvmx.jar;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\lib\jvmx_tools.jar;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\jre\lib\iqlib.jar;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\lib\tools.jar;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\j2ee\cluster\bin\boot\;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\j2ee\cluster\bin\boot\jaas.jar;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\j2ee\cluster\bin\system\;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\j2ee\cluster\bin\boot\memoryanalyzer.jar

F    arg[28] = -Djava.library.path=F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\jre\bin\server;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\jre\bin;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\j2ee\os_libs;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\bin;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe;F:\app\Administrator\product\12.1.0\dbhome_1\bin;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_67\bin;F:\usr\sap\ER2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64

F    arg[29] = -XX:PermSize=1024m

F    arg[30] = -Xmx4096m

F    arg[31] = -XX:MaxNewSize=1365m

F    arg[32] = -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m

F    arg[33] = -Xms4096m

F    arg[34] = -XX:NewSize=1365m

F    arg[35] =

F    arg[36] =

F    arg[37] = -Djmx.invoke.getters=true

F    arg[38] =

F    arg[39] =

F    arg[40] = -Djava.awt.headless=true

F    arg[41] =

F    arg[42] = -Drdbms.driverLocation=F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\ojdbc6.jar

F    arg[43] =

F    arg[44] = -Dsun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax=true

F    arg[45] =|iaik.protocol

F    arg[46] = -Dnetworkaddress.cache.ttl=10

F    arg[47] =

F    arg[48] = -Djco.jarm=1

F    arg[49] =

F    arg[50] = -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC

F    arg[51] = -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90

F    arg[52] = -verbose:gc

F    arg[53] = -XX:+DumpDetailedClassStatisticOnOutOfMemory

F    arg[54] = -XX:+PrintGCDetails

F    arg[55] = -XX:MaxErrorQueueLength=200

F    arg[56] = -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps

F    arg[57] = -XX:+DisableExplicitGC

F    arg[58] = -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=1

F    arg[59] = -XX:-StringInternTableInPermGen

F    arg[60] = -XX:SurvivorRatio=6

F    arg[61] = -Xss2m

F    arg[62] = -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError

F    arg[63] = -XX:HeapDumpPath=OOM.hprof

F    arg[64] = -XX:-TraceClassUnloading

F  ignore unrecognized options : no

F  ********************************************************************************

J  JVMX version - Mar 14 2014 00:30:40 - 61_REL - optU - windows amd64 - 6 - bas2:213865 (mixed mode)

J  (CompilerOracle read from file F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\jre\.hotspot_compiler)

J Thu Jul 28 16:50:39 2016

J  OS: [3868]  16:50:39    ***Warning: VMWare vSphere UpdateInfo failed: VMware Guest API is not enabled on the host

F  [Thr 3868] *** LOG => SfCJavaVm: Java VM started.

F  ********************************************************************************

F  Main method call:

F  com/sap/engine/boot/Start.main()

F  ********************************************************************************

J Thu Jul 28 16:50:39 2016

J  0.989: [GC0.989: [ParNew: 1048320K->3438K(1223040K), 0.0124135 secs] 1048326K->3445K(4019584K), 0.0125491 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs]

F [Thr 3868] Thu Jul 28 16:50:40 2016

F  [Thr 3868] *** LOG => State changed from 0 (Initial) to 1 (Waiting to start).

F  [Thr 3868] *** LOG    state real time: 2.589 CPU time: 0.452 sys, 3.120 usr

F  [Thr 3868] *** LOG    total real time: 2.589 CPU time: 0.452 sys, 3.120 usr

F  [Thr 3868]

F  [Thr 3868] *** LOG => State changed from 1 (Waiting to start) to 2 (Starting framework).

F  [Thr 3868] *** LOG    state real time: 0.000 CPU time: 0.000 sys, 0.000 usr

F  [Thr 3868] *** LOG    total real time: 2.589 CPU time: 0.452 sys, 3.120 usr

F  [Thr 3868]

M [Thr 4052] Thu Jul 28 16:50:42 2016

M  [Thr 4052] NiInit3: NI already initialized; param 'maxHandles' ignored (init=2;par=65536;cur=2048)

J Thu Jul 28 16:51:45 2016

J  66.640: [GC66.641: [ParNew: 1051758K->65124K(1223040K), 0.0797767 secs] 1052316K->65682K(4019584K), 0.0799118 secs] [Times: user=0.20 sys=0.00, real=0.08 secs]

M [Thr 4052] Thu Jul 28 16:51:48 2016

M  [Thr 4052] CCMS: openMonitoringSegment(): inside static JMON Lib: already connected.

J Thu Jul 28 16:52:06 2016

J  87.471: [GC87.471: [ParNew: 1113444K->123360K(1223040K), 0.1935414 secs] 1116233K->126149K(4019584K), 0.1936712 secs] [Times: user=0.16 sys=0.16, real=0.20 secs]

F [Thr 3868] Thu Jul 28 16:52:10 2016

F  [Thr 3868] *** LOG => State changed from 2 (Starting framework) to 10 (Starting apps).

F  [Thr 3868] *** LOG    state real time: 90.192 CPU time: 6.786 sys, 59.233 usr

F  [Thr 3868] *** LOG    total real time: 92.781 CPU time: 7.238 sys, 62.353 usr

F  [Thr 3868]

J Thu Jul 28 16:52:17 2016

J  98.883: [GC98.883: [ParNew: 1171679K->138589K(1223040K), 0.1099238 secs] 1174969K->141879K(4019584K), 0.1100674 secs] [Times: user=0.30 sys=0.03, real=0.11 secs]

J Thu Jul 28 16:53:02 2016

J  143.213: [GC143.213: [ParNew: 1186909K->134336K(1223040K), 0.1380667 secs] 1190214K->137642K(4019584K), 0.1381988 secs] [Times: user=0.25 sys=0.02, real=0.13 secs]

J Thu Jul 28 16:54:03 2016

J  204.261: [GC204.267: [ParNew: 1182656K->137361K(1223040K), 0.1705789 secs] 1185962K->140666K(4019584K), 0.1764727 secs] [Times: user=0.33 sys=0.01, real=0.18 secs]

F [Thr 636] Thu Jul 28 16:54:55 2016

F  [Thr 636] *** WARNING => ShmComponent_findAlias: Cannot find alias for URL '/' (rc = 4 object not found). [sfxxjshm.c   2135]

J Thu Jul 28 16:55:01 2016

J  262.875: [GC262.875: [ParNew: 1185681K->147779K(1223040K), 0.1182426 secs] 1189353K->151452K(4019584K), 0.1183780 secs] [Times: user=0.41 sys=0.00, real=0.12 secs]

J Thu Jul 28 16:55:10 2016

J  271.420: [GC271.420: [ParNew: 1196099K->163773K(1223040K), 0.1167342 secs] 1199965K->167638K(4019584K), 0.1168679 secs] [Times: user=0.44 sys=0.02, real=0.12 secs]

F [Thr 636] Thu Jul 28 16:55:22 2016

F  [Thr 636] *** LOG => State changed from 10 (Starting apps) to 3 (Running).

F  [Thr 636] *** LOG    state real time: 192.187 CPU time: 138.513 sys, 61.901 usr

F  [Thr 636] *** LOG    total real time: 284.969 CPU time: 145.751 sys, 124.254 usr

F  [Thr 636]

J Thu Jul 28 17:00:17 2016

J  578.819: [GC578.819: [ParNew: 1212093K->138121K(1223040K), 0.2297834 secs] 1216069K->185217K(4019584K), 0.2299270 secs] [Times: user=0.48 sys=0.06, real=0.23 secs]

F [Thr 744] Thu Jul 28 17:01:17 2016

F  [Thr 744] *** LOG => Command STOP 0 {internal}.

F  [Thr 744] *** LOG => Result for STOP 0 {internal}: 0 ok, 00000000.

F [Thr 5736] Thu Jul 28 17:01:17 2016

F  [Thr 5736] *** LOG => State changed from 3 (Running) to 4 (Waiting to stop).

F  [Thr 5736] *** LOG    state real time: 355.120 CPU time: 12.152 sys, 28.064 usr

F  [Thr 5736] *** LOG    total real time: 640.090 CPU time: 157.904 sys, 152.319 usr

F  [Thr 5736]

F  [Thr 5736] *** LOG => State changed from 4 (Waiting to stop) to 5 (Stopping).

F  [Thr 5736] *** LOG    state real time: 0.000 CPU time: 0.000 sys, 0.000 usr

F  [Thr 5736] *** LOG    total real time: 640.090 CPU time: 157.904 sys, 152.319 usr

F  [Thr 5736]

M [Thr 3916] Thu Jul 28 17:01:18 2016

M  [Thr 3916] CCMS: closeMonitoringSegment(): inside static JMON Lib: nothing to do.

I [Thr 4496] Thu Jul 28 17:01:25 2016

I  [Thr 4496] WARNING: MPI Pipe 2 still in use 1 0 0(-1) 0(-1)

F [Thr 5736] Thu Jul 28 17:01:25 2016

F  [Thr 5736] *** LOG => State changed from 5 (Stopping) to 6 (Stopped).

F  [Thr 5736] *** LOG    state real time: 7.650 CPU time: 0.468 sys, 3.042 usr

F  [Thr 5736] *** LOG    total real time: 647.740 CPU time: 158.372 sys, 155.361 usr

F  [Thr 5736]

J Thu Jul 28 17:01:26 2016

J  Heap

J   par new generation   reserved 1397760K, committed 1397760K, used 1160377K [0x00000001401a0000, 0x00000001956a0000, 0x00000001956a0000)

J    eden space 1048320K,  97% used [0x00000001401a0000, 0x000000017e7ec0f8, 0x0000000180160000)

J    from space 174720K,  79% used [0x000000018ac00000, 0x00000001932e2698, 0x00000001956a0000)

J    to   space 174720K,   0% used [0x0000000180160000, 0x0000000180160000, 0x000000018ac00000)

J   concurrent mark-sweep generation reserved 2796544K, committed 2796544K, used 47417K [0x00000001956a0000, 0x00000002401a0000, 0x00000002401a0000)

J   concurrent-mark-sweep perm gen reserved 1048576K, committed 1048576K, used 177375K [0x00000002401a0000, 0x00000002801a0000, 0x00000002801a0000)

F [Thr 2780] Thu Jul 28 17:01:26 2016

F  [Thr 2780] *** LOG => SfCJavaVm: exit hook is called. (rc = 0)

F  [Thr 2780] *** LOG => exiting (exitcode 0, retcode 0).

M  [Thr 2780] CCMS: CCMS Monitoring Cleanup finished successfully.


trc file: "dev_server0", trc level: 1, release: "742"


sysno      00

sid        ER2

systemid   562 (PC with Windows NT)

relno      7420

patchlevel 0

patchno    32

intno      20020600

make       multithreaded, Unicode, 64 bit, optimized

profile    \\SAPECC60\sapmnt\ER2\SYS\profile\ER2_J00_SAPECC60

pid        6068


*  ACTIVE TRACE LEVEL           1



Thu Jul 28 17:04:10 2016


*  trace logging activated, max size = 52428800 bytes, 2 versions


arguments :

  arg[ 0] : F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\jstart.EXE

  arg[ 1] : -appTrc

  arg[ 2] : -nodeId=2

  arg[ 3] : pf=\\SAPECC60\sapmnt\ER2\SYS\profile\ER2_J00_SAPECC60

  arg[ 4] : -DSAPINFO=ER2_00_server0

  arg[ 5] : -hostvm

  arg[ 6] : -nodeName=ID2108650

  arg[ 7] : -file=F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\j2ee\cluster\

  arg[ 8] : -jvmFile=F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\work\jstart.jvm

  arg[ 9] : -traceFile=F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\work\dev_server0

  arg[10] : -javaOutFile=F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\work\jvm_server0.out

F Thu Jul 28 17:04:10 2016

F  ********************************************************************************

F  Java environment properties

F    root directory    : F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6

F    vendor            : SAP AG

F    version           : 1.6.0_71

F    cpu               : amd64

F    java vm type      : server

F    java vm version   : 6.1.064 24.51-b11

F    jvm library name  : jvm.dll

F    library path      : F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\jre\bin\server;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\jre\bin

F    executable path   : F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\bin

F    SAP extensions    : available

F  ********************************************************************************

I  [Thr 6020] MtxInit: 10002 0 2

I  [Thr 6020] MPI: dynamic quotas disabled.

I  [Thr 6020] MPI init: pipes=4000 buffers=6395 reserved=1918 quota=10%

M  [Thr 6020] CCMS: SemInMgt: Semaphore Management initialized by AlAttachShm_Ext.

M  [Thr 6020] CCMS: SemInit: Semaphore 38 initialized by AlAttachShm_Ext.

M  [Thr 6020] CCMS: CCMS Monitoring Initialization finished, rc=0.

F Thu Jul 28 17:04:10 2016

F  ********************************************************************************

F  SAP Java VM arguments:

F    arg[ 0] = vfprintf

F    arg[ 1] = abort

F    arg[ 2] = exit

F    arg[ 3] = -XmonGcCallback

F    arg[ 4] = -XdebugStateChangeCallback

F    arg[ 5] = -DSAPJStartVersion=742, patch 101, changelist 1567027, ntamd64, optU (Mar 24 2015, 16:12:27)

F    arg[ 6] = -Xjvmx

F    arg[ 7] = -XsapSystem:00

F    arg[ 8] = -DSAPSTARTUP=1

F    arg[ 9] = -DSAPSYSTEM=00

F    arg[10] = -DSAPSYSTEMNAME=ER2

F    arg[11] = -DSAPMYNAME=SAPECC60_ER2_00

F    arg[12] = -DSAPDBHOST=SAPECC60

F    arg[13] = -DSAPINFO=ER2_00_server0

F    arg[14] = -Dj2ee.dbhost=SAPECC60

F    arg[15] =

F    arg[16] = 

F    arg[17] = -Djstartup.mode=JSTART

F    arg[18] = -Djstartup.whoami=server

F    arg[19] = -Djstartup.ownProcessId=6068

F    arg[20] = -Djstartup.ownHardwareId=M1111600749

F    arg[21] = -Djstartup.debuggable=yes

F    arg[22] = -DLoadBalanceRestricted=no

F    arg[23] = -XdebugPortRange:50021-50021

F    arg[24] = -Denv.class.path=

F    arg[25] =\usr\sap\ER2\SYS\global

F    arg[26] = -Dapplication.home=F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe

F    arg[27] = -Djava.class.path=F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\jstart71.jar;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\lib\jvmx.jar;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\lib\jvmx_tools.jar;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\jre\lib\iqlib.jar;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\lib\tools.jar;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\j2ee\cluster\bin\boot\;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\j2ee\cluster\bin\boot\jaas.jar;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\j2ee\cluster\bin\system\;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\j2ee\cluster\bin\boot\memoryanalyzer.jar

F    arg[28] = -Djava.library.path=F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\jre\bin\server;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\jre\bin;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\j2ee\os_libs;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\bin;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe;F:\app\Administrator\product\12.1.0\dbhome_1\bin;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_67\bin;F:\usr\sap\ER2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64

F    arg[29] = -XX:PermSize=1024m

F    arg[30] = -Xmx4096m

F    arg[31] = -XX:MaxNewSize=1365m

F    arg[32] = -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m

F    arg[33] = -Xms4096m

F    arg[34] = -XX:NewSize=1365m

F    arg[35] =

F    arg[36] =

F    arg[37] = -Djmx.invoke.getters=true

F    arg[38] =

F    arg[39] =

F    arg[40] = -Djava.awt.headless=true

F    arg[41] =

F    arg[42] = -Drdbms.driverLocation=F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\ojdbc6.jar

F    arg[43] =

F    arg[44] = -Dsun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax=true

F    arg[45] =|iaik.protocol

F    arg[46] = -Dnetworkaddress.cache.ttl=10

F    arg[47] =

F    arg[48] = -Djco.jarm=1

F    arg[49] =

F    arg[50] = -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC

F    arg[51] = -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90

F    arg[52] = -verbose:gc

F    arg[53] = -XX:+DumpDetailedClassStatisticOnOutOfMemory

F    arg[54] = -XX:+PrintGCDetails

F    arg[55] = -XX:MaxErrorQueueLength=200

F    arg[56] = -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps

F    arg[57] = -XX:+DisableExplicitGC

F    arg[58] = -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=1

F    arg[59] = -XX:-StringInternTableInPermGen

F    arg[60] = -XX:SurvivorRatio=6

F    arg[61] = -Xss2m

F    arg[62] = -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError

F    arg[63] = -XX:HeapDumpPath=OOM.hprof

F    arg[64] = -XX:-TraceClassUnloading

F  ignore unrecognized options : no

F  ********************************************************************************

J  JVMX version - Mar 14 2014 00:30:40 - 61_REL - optU - windows amd64 - 6 - bas2:213865 (mixed mode)

J  (CompilerOracle read from file F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\jre\.hotspot_compiler)

J  OS: [5888]  17:04:10    ***Warning: VMWare vSphere UpdateInfo failed: VMware Guest API is not enabled on the host

F  [Thr 5888] *** LOG => SfCJavaVm: Java VM started.

F  ********************************************************************************

F  Main method call:

F  com/sap/engine/boot/Start.main()

F  ********************************************************************************

J Thu Jul 28 17:04:11 2016

J  1.319: [GC1.319: [ParNew: 1048320K->5389K(1223040K), 0.0134304 secs] 1048326K->5396K(4019584K), 0.0135360 secs] [Times: user=0.00 sys=0.00, real=0.00 secs]

F [Thr 5888] Thu Jul 28 17:04:11 2016

F  [Thr 5888] *** LOG => State changed from 0 (Initial) to 1 (Waiting to start).

F  [Thr 5888] *** LOG    state real time: 2.855 CPU time: 0.327 sys, 3.307 usr

F  [Thr 5888] *** LOG    total real time: 2.855 CPU time: 0.327 sys, 3.307 usr

F  [Thr 5888]

F  [Thr 5888] *** LOG => State changed from 1 (Waiting to start) to 2 (Starting framework).

F  [Thr 5888] *** LOG    state real time: 0.000 CPU time: 0.000 sys, 0.000 usr

F  [Thr 5888] *** LOG    total real time: 2.855 CPU time: 0.327 sys, 3.307 usr

F  [Thr 5888]

M [Thr 4316] Thu Jul 28 17:04:14 2016

M  [Thr 4316] NiInit3: NI already initialized; param 'maxHandles' ignored (init=2;par=65536;cur=2048)

J Thu Jul 28 17:05:03 2016

J  53.728: [GC53.729: [ParNew: 1053709K->94213K(1223040K), 0.0944965 secs] 1056439K->96942K(4019584K), 0.0946521 secs] [Times: user=0.30 sys=0.03, real=0.09 secs]

M [Thr 4340] Thu Jul 28 17:05:04 2016

M  [Thr 4340] CCMS: openMonitoringSegment(): inside static JMON Lib: already connected.

F [Thr 5888] Thu Jul 28 17:05:36 2016

F  [Thr 5888] *** LOG => State changed from 2 (Starting framework) to 10 (Starting apps).

F  [Thr 5888] *** LOG    state real time: 84.300 CPU time: 9.360 sys, 48.968 usr

F  [Thr 5888] *** LOG    total real time: 87.156 CPU time: 9.687 sys, 52.275 usr

F  [Thr 5888]

J Thu Jul 28 17:05:37 2016

J  87.380: [GC87.380: [ParNew: 1142533K->130583K(1223040K), 0.1339811 secs] 1145566K->133615K(4019584K), 0.1341457 secs] [Times: user=0.34 sys=0.05, real=0.14 secs]

J Thu Jul 28 17:07:23 2016

J  193.376: [GC193.376: [ParNew: 1178903K->168774K(1223040K), 0.1385703 secs] 1182316K->172187K(4019584K), 0.1387063 secs] [Times: user=0.28 sys=0.05, real=0.14 secs]

J Thu Jul 28 17:07:46 2016

J  216.648: [GC216.649: [ParNewJ 

J Thu Jul 28 17:07:47 2016

: 1217094K->110210K(1223040K), 0.2594297 secs] 1220684K->180193K(4019584K), 0.2595701 secs] [Times: user=0.48 sys=0.08, real=0.25 secs]

J Thu Jul 28 17:08:07 2016

J  236.855: [GC236.855: [ParNew: 1158286K->113874K(1223040K), 0.0755311 secs] 1228313K->183901K(4019584K), 0.0756692 secs] [Times: user=0.26 sys=0.00, real=0.08 secs]

J Thu Jul 28 17:08:46 2016

J  276.163: [GC276.164: [ParNew: 1161752K->118336K(1223040K), 0.0758219 secs] 1231956K->188540K(4019584K), 0.0759764 secs] [Times: user=0.25 sys=0.00, real=0.06 secs]

F [Thr 6020] Thu Jul 28 17:08:46 2016

F  [Thr 6020] *** LOG => Command STOP 0 {internal}.

F  [Thr 6020] *** LOG => Result for STOP 0 {internal}: 0 ok, 00000000.

F [Thr 5880] Thu Jul 28 17:08:46 2016

F  [Thr 5880] *** LOG => State changed from 10 (Starting apps) to 4 (Waiting to stop).

F  [Thr 5880] *** LOG    state real time: 190.226 CPU time: 22.963 sys, 61.355 usr

F  [Thr 5880] *** LOG    total real time: 277.383 CPU time: 32.651 sys, 113.631 usr

F  [Thr 5880]

F  [Thr 5880] *** LOG => State changed from 4 (Waiting to stop) to 5 (Stopping).

F  [Thr 5880] *** LOG    state real time: 0.000 CPU time: 0.000 sys, 0.000 usr

F  [Thr 5880] *** LOG    total real time: 277.383 CPU time: 32.651 sys, 113.631 usr

F  [Thr 5880]

M [Thr 3084] Thu Jul 28 17:08:46 2016

M  [Thr 3084] CCMS: closeMonitoringSegment(): inside static JMON Lib: nothing to do.

J Thu Jul 28 17:08:47 2016

J  277.400: [GC277.400: [ParNew: 1166656K->107715K(1223040K), 0.0589983 secs] 1237029K->178089K(4019584K), 0.0591859 secs] [Times: user=0.20 sys=0.00, real=0.06 secs]

I [Thr 5080] Thu Jul 28 17:08:49 2016

I  [Thr 5080] WARNING: MPI Pipe 2 still in use 1 0 0(-1) 0(-1)

I [Thr 4248] Thu Jul 28 17:08:53 2016

I  [Thr 4248] WARNING: MPI Pipe 3 still in use 1 0 0(-1) 0(-1)

F [Thr 5880] Thu Jul 28 17:08:53 2016

F  [Thr 5880] *** LOG => State changed from 5 (Stopping) to 6 (Stopped).

F  [Thr 5880] *** LOG    state real time: 7.207 CPU time: 0.686 sys, 1.996 usr

F  [Thr 5880] *** LOG    total real time: 284.590 CPU time: 33.337 sys, 115.627 usr

F  [Thr 5880]

J Thu Jul 28 17:08:54 2016

J  Heap

J   par new generation   reserved 1397760K, committed 1397760K, used 373614K [0x00000001401a0000, 0x00000001956a0000, 0x00000001956a0000)

J    eden space 1048320K,  25% used [0x00000001401a0000, 0x000000015054aa40, 0x0000000180160000)

J    from space 174720K,  61% used [0x0000000180160000, 0x0000000186a90f08, 0x000000018ac00000)

J    to   space 174720K,   0% used [0x000000018ac00000, 0x000000018ac00000, 0x00000001956a0000)

J   concurrent mark-sweep generation reserved 2796544K, committed 2796544K, used 70529K [0x00000001956a0000, 0x00000002401a0000, 0x00000002401a0000)

J   concurrent-mark-sweep perm gen reserved 1048576K, committed 1048576K, used 151581K [0x00000002401a0000, 0x00000002801a0000, 0x00000002801a0000)

F [Thr 3112] Thu Jul 28 17:08:54 2016

F  [Thr 3112] *** LOG => SfCJavaVm: exit hook is called. (rc = 0)

F  [Thr 3112] *** LOG => exiting (exitcode 0, retcode 0).

M  [Thr 3112] CCMS: CCMS Monitoring Cleanup finished successfully.


trc file: "dev_server0", trc level: 1, release: "742"


sysno      00

sid        ER2

systemid   562 (PC with Windows NT)

relno      7420

patchlevel 0

patchno    32

intno      20020600

make       multithreaded, Unicode, 64 bit, optimized

profile    \\SAPECC60\sapmnt\ER2\SYS\profile\ER2_J00_SAPECC60

pid        5676


*  ACTIVE TRACE LEVEL           1



Thu Jul 28 17:09:01 2016


*  trace logging activated, max size = 52428800 bytes, 2 versions


arguments :

  arg[ 0] : F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\jstart.EXE

  arg[ 1] : -appTrc

  arg[ 2] : -nodeId=2

  arg[ 3] : pf=\\SAPECC60\sapmnt\ER2\SYS\profile\ER2_J00_SAPECC60

  arg[ 4] : -DSAPINFO=ER2_00_server0

  arg[ 5] : -hostvm

  arg[ 6] : -nodeName=ID2108650

  arg[ 7] : -file=F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\j2ee\cluster\

  arg[ 8] : -jvmFile=F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\work\jstart.jvm

  arg[ 9] : -traceFile=F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\work\dev_server0

  arg[10] : -javaOutFile=F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\work\jvm_server0.out

F Thu Jul 28 17:09:01 2016

F  ********************************************************************************

F  Java environment properties

F    root directory    : F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6

F    vendor            : SAP AG

F    version           : 1.6.0_71

F    cpu               : amd64

F    java vm type      : server

F    java vm version   : 6.1.064 24.51-b11

F    jvm library name  : jvm.dll

F    library path      : F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\jre\bin\server;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\jre\bin

F    executable path   : F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\bin

F    SAP extensions    : available

F  ********************************************************************************

I  [Thr 6140] MtxInit: 10002 0 2

I  [Thr 6140] MPI: dynamic quotas disabled.

I  [Thr 6140] MPI init: pipes=4000 buffers=6395 reserved=1918 quota=10%

M  [Thr 6140] CCMS: SemInMgt: Semaphore Management initialized by AlAttachShm_Ext.

M  [Thr 6140] CCMS: SemInit: Semaphore 38 initialized by AlAttachShm_Ext.

M  [Thr 6140] CCMS: CCMS Monitoring Initialization finished, rc=0.

F Thu Jul 28 17:09:01 2016

F  ********************************************************************************

F  SAP Java VM arguments:

F    arg[ 0] = vfprintf

F    arg[ 1] = abort

F    arg[ 2] = exit

F    arg[ 3] = -XmonGcCallback

F    arg[ 4] = -XdebugStateChangeCallback

F    arg[ 5] = -DSAPJStartVersion=742, patch 101, changelist 1567027, ntamd64, optU (Mar 24 2015, 16:12:27)

F    arg[ 6] = -Xjvmx

F    arg[ 7] = -XsapSystem:00

F    arg[ 8] = -DSAPSTARTUP=1

F    arg[ 9] = -DSAPSYSTEM=00

F    arg[10] = -DSAPSYSTEMNAME=ER2

F    arg[11] = -DSAPMYNAME=SAPECC60_ER2_00

F    arg[12] = -DSAPDBHOST=SAPECC60

F    arg[13] = -DSAPINFO=ER2_00_server0

F    arg[14] = -Dj2ee.dbhost=SAPECC60

F    arg[15] =

F    arg[16] = 

F    arg[17] = -Djstartup.mode=JSTART

F    arg[18] = -Djstartup.whoami=server

F    arg[19] = -Djstartup.ownProcessId=5676

F    arg[20] = -Djstartup.ownHardwareId=M1111600749

F    arg[21] = -Djstartup.debuggable=yes

F    arg[22] = -DLoadBalanceRestricted=no

F    arg[23] = -XdebugPortRange:50021-50021

F    arg[24] = -Denv.class.path=

F    arg[25] =\usr\sap\ER2\SYS\global

F    arg[26] = -Dapplication.home=F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe

F    arg[27] = -Djava.class.path=F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\jstart71.jar;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\lib\jvmx.jar;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\lib\jvmx_tools.jar;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\jre\lib\iqlib.jar;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\lib\tools.jar;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\j2ee\cluster\bin\boot\;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\j2ee\cluster\bin\boot\jaas.jar;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\j2ee\cluster\bin\system\;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\j2ee\cluster\bin\boot\memoryanalyzer.jar

F    arg[28] = -Djava.library.path=F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\jre\bin\server;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\jre\bin;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\j2ee\os_libs;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\bin;F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe;F:\app\Administrator\product\12.1.0\dbhome_1\bin;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_67\bin;F:\usr\sap\ER2\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64

F    arg[29] = -XX:PermSize=1024m

F    arg[30] = -Xmx4096m

F    arg[31] = -XX:MaxNewSize=1365m

F    arg[32] = -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m

F    arg[33] = -Xms4096m

F    arg[34] = -XX:NewSize=1365m

F    arg[35] =

F    arg[36] =

F    arg[37] = -Djmx.invoke.getters=true

F    arg[38] =

F    arg[39] =

F    arg[40] = -Djava.awt.headless=true

F    arg[41] =

F    arg[42] = -Drdbms.driverLocation=F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\ojdbc6.jar

F    arg[43] =

F    arg[44] = -Dsun.lang.ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax=true

F    arg[45] =|iaik.protocol

F    arg[46] = -Dnetworkaddress.cache.ttl=10

F    arg[47] =

F    arg[48] = -Djco.jarm=1

F    arg[49] =

F    arg[50] = -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC

F    arg[51] = -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90

F    arg[52] = -verbose:gc

F    arg[53] = -XX:+DumpDetailedClassStatisticOnOutOfMemory

F    arg[54] = -XX:+PrintGCDetails

F    arg[55] = -XX:MaxErrorQueueLength=200

F    arg[56] = -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps

F    arg[57] = -XX:+DisableExplicitGC

F    arg[58] = -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=1

F    arg[59] = -XX:-StringInternTableInPermGen

F    arg[60] = -XX:SurvivorRatio=6

F    arg[61] = -Xss2m

F    arg[62] = -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError

F    arg[63] = -XX:HeapDumpPath=OOM.hprof

F    arg[64] = -XX:-TraceClassUnloading

F  ignore unrecognized options : no

F  ********************************************************************************

J  JVMX version - Mar 14 2014 00:30:40 - 61_REL - optU - windows amd64 - 6 - bas2:213865 (mixed mode)

J  (CompilerOracle read from file F:\usr\sap\ER2\J00\exe\sapjvm_6\jre\.hotspot_compiler)

J  OS: [4868]  17:09:01    ***Warning: VMWare vSphere UpdateInfo failed: VMware Guest API is not enabled on the host

F  [Thr 4868] *** LOG => SfCJavaVm: Java VM started.

F  ********************************************************************************

F  Main method call:

F  com/sap/engine/boot/Start.main()

F  ********************************************************************************

J Thu Jul 28 17:09:02 2016

J  1.077: [GC1.077: [ParNew: 1048320K->5348K(1223040K), 0.0139488 secs] 1048326K->5355K(4019584K), 0.0140562 secs] [Times: user=0.06 sys=0.00, real=0.02 secs]

F [Thr 4868] Thu Jul 28 17:09:03 2016

F  [Thr 4868] *** LOG => State changed from 0 (Initial) to 1 (Waiting to start).

F  [Thr 4868] *** LOG    state real time: 2.575 CPU time: 0.358 sys, 3.603 usr

F  [Thr 4868] *** LOG    total real time: 2.575 CPU time: 0.358 sys, 3.603 usr

F  [Thr 4868]

F  [Thr 4868] *** LOG => State changed from 1 (Waiting to start) to 2 (Starting framework).

F  [Thr 4868] *** LOG    state real time: 0.000 CPU time: 0.000 sys, 0.000 usr

F  [Thr 4868] *** LOG    total real time: 2.575 CPU time: 0.358 sys, 3.603 usr

F  [Thr 4868]

M [Thr 4632] Thu Jul 28 17:09:05 2016

M  [Thr 4632] NiInit3: NI already initialized; param 'maxHandles' ignored (init=2;par=65536;cur=2048)

J Thu Jul 28 17:09:56 2016

J  55.151: [GC55.151: [ParNew: 1053668K->99008K(1223040K), 0.0943917 secs] 1056428K->101767K(4019584K), 0.0945881 secs] [Times: user=0.30 sys=0.03, real=0.09 secs]

M [Thr 4000] Thu Jul 28 17:09:56 2016

M  [Thr 4000] CCMS: openMonitoringSegment(): inside static JMON Lib: already connected.

F [Thr 4868] Thu Jul 28 17:10:20 2016

F  [Thr 4868] *** LOG => State changed from 2 (Starting framework) to 10 (Starting apps).

F  [Thr 4868] *** LOG    state real time: 77.105 CPU time: 3.494 sys, 48.968 usr

F  [Thr 4868] *** LOG    total real time: 79.680 CPU time: 3.853 sys, 52.572 usr

F  [Thr 4868]

J Thu Jul 28 17:10:20 2016

J  78.728: [GC78.728: [ParNew: 1147328K->135015K(1223040K), 0.1183180 secs] 1150375K->138063K(4019584K), 0.1184838 secs] [Times: user=0.38 sys=0.03, real=0.12 secs]

J  79.362: [GC79.362: [ParNew: 1183282K->119894K(1223040K), 0.0698140 secs] 1186401K->123013K(4019584K), 0.0699580 secs] [Times: user=0.26 sys=0.00, real=0.07 secs]

F [Thr 3544] Thu Jul 28 17:10:21 2016

F  [Thr 3544] *** WARNING => ShmComponent_findAlias: Cannot find alias for URL '/' (rc = 4 object not found). [sfxxjshm.c   2135]

J Thu Jul 28 17:10:29 2016

J  87.804: [GC87.804: [ParNew: 1168214K->165826K(1223040K), 0.1086751 secs] 1172178K->169790K(4019584K), 0.1088240 secs] [Times: user=0.39 sys=0.00, real=0.11 secs]

J Thu Jul 28 17:10:36 2016

J  94.791: [GC94.791: [ParNewJ 

J Thu Jul 28 17:10:37 2016

: 1214081K->174719K(1223040K), 0.9757959 secs] 1218258K->473011K(4019584K), 0.9759908 secs] [Times: user=1.33 sys=0.36, real=0.98 secs]

J Thu Jul 28 17:10:50 2016

J  108.509: [GC108.509: [ParNew: 1222967K->174720K(1223040K), 0.1527820 secs] 1521264K->824556K(4019584K), 0.1529535 secs] [Times: user=0.50 sys=0.08, real=0.15 secs]

F [Thr 3544] Thu Jul 28 17:10:57 2016

F  [Thr 3544] *** LOG => State changed from 10 (Starting apps) to 3 (Running).

F  [Thr 3544] *** LOG    state real time: 37.821 CPU time: 5.491 sys, 61.027 usr

F  [Thr 3544] *** LOG    total real time: 117.502 CPU time: 9.344 sys, 113.599 usr

F  [Thr 3544]

J Thu Jul 28 17:46:53 2016

J  2272.399: [GC2272.399: [ParNewJ 

J Thu Jul 28 17:46:54 2016

: 1223040K->68700K(1223040K), 0.1310545 secs] 1873740K->892257K(4019584K), 0.1312127 secs] [Times: user=0.31 sys=0.05, real=0.13 secs]

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I don't see anything really standing out here, other than it stopped and restarted once or twice, but that would be normal, I think, immediately after installation.

I just zeroed in on something you said in the initial message: "I just installed only ADS package from SWPM." What do you mean by that?

Try this. In your browser, navigate to http://SAPECC60:50000/sld/fun. ("Fun" is short for "Functional Units," not "We're about to have a lot of fun here"). The very first Functional Unit you'll see in the list is Adobe Document Services. Given the issue you're trying to resolve, the status will probably be "Disabled" and that's what you want to change, right?

For a basic ADS system, you need three Functional Units to be enabled: Adobe Document Services, Java Foundation, and System Landscape Directory.

When you selected "ADS" in SWPM during installation, I believe it should have preselected Java Foundation as well. Anyway, if not, try "Enable manually" for ADS and see what happens. It should work. If not, it might give you some more meaningful error messages. If Java Foundation isn't enabled, try enabling that.

If enabling manually doesn't work, then try "Enable Automatically" on ADS. That will trigger a sequence of automated processes which should take care of very basic configuration, and will possibly correct whatever is missing here.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi  Matt,

I have followed your /sld/fun instruction,

how function of ADS/java foundation/system landscape directory  is from 'disable' to 'Enable' without  any error.

But when I go back to overview screen, ADS is not still running,

Are there any more steps to follow from here ?

or any pre-configurations need to be done before running the ADS ? cause I didn't any configuration steps yet, I thought they should be followed after running ADS first on the server , right ?

Anyway, My SWPM selection was like below,

Thank you so much for your kind help up to now. I appreciate it.

Former Member
0 Kudos


My SWPM first screen was like below.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

In SWPM, on the Product Instances to be Installed selection screen, uncheck everything except Adobe Document Services. If ADS is the only purpose of this server, you don't need to select anything else on this screen except that one -- if others are needed, SWPM will automatically include them.

Still, it should have worked even with all those other things present. The key thing that is failing to start, and kicking off this chain reaction, is Java Foundation / SAP NetWeaver Administrator (NWA). In other words, it's not a problem with ADS, per se, or even with Java Foundation, but with the prerequisite component NWA.

Not that this is where I think your issue stems from, but as a checklist of your initial system configuration, you might have a look at . Beyond that, specific for ADS, I recommend and .

What happens if you logon to http://SAPECC60:50000/nwa? Does that work? Can you actually access the NetWeaver Administrator? It occurs to me that you might be chasing a false status, due to the issues mentioned in Notes 2080293 and/or 2160720.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Matt,

  Hope you have been doing good.

I have followed the notes you provided.

I have patched some of components and now all the ADS & JAVA foundation is running OK.

Thank you so much for your help. I appreciate it.

Have nice weekend.

Answers (6)

Answers (6)

Former Member
0 Kudos

This is one of logs..

#2.0 #2016 07 24 03:16:08:701#0-400#Info#/System/Server/Deployment#[main,5,main]#Plain##

[offline] (21) :Offline Phase Deployer - component [sdu id: [com.adobe_XMLFormService]

sdu file path: [F:\\usr\\sap\\ER2\\J00\\j2ee\\cluster\\server0\\.\\temp\\tc~bl~deploy_controller\\archives\\21\\ADSSAP08_0_SCA1469344210929\\DEPLOYARCHIVES\\adobe-XMLForm.sda]

version status: [NEW]

deployment status: [OfflineSuccess]

description: []

] is persisted into the storage.#

#2.0 #2016 07 24 03:16:08:701#0-400#Info#/System/Server/Deployment#[main,5,main]#Plain##

[offline] (21) :Offline Phase Deployer - Starting AS Java offline deployment for component [com.adobe_DocumentServicesBinaries2].#

#2.0 #2016 07 24 03:16:16:813#0-400#Info#/System/Server/Deployment#[main,5,main]#Plain##

[offline] (21) :Offline Phase Deployer - Deployment of component [com.adobe_DocumentServicesBinaries2] has finished with [OfflineSuccess]#

#2.0 #2016 07 24 03:16:16:828#0-400#Info#/System/Server/Deployment#[main,5,main]#Plain##

[offline] (21) :Offline Phase Deployer - component [sdu id: [com.adobe_DocumentServicesBinaries2]

sdu file path: [F:\\usr\\sap\\ER2\\J00\\j2ee\\cluster\\server0\\.\\temp\\tc~bl~deploy_controller\\archives\\21\\ADSSAP08_0_SCA1469344210929\\DEPLOYARCHIVES\\adobe-DocumentServicesBinaries-2.sda]

version status: [NEW]

deployment status: [OfflineSuccess]

description: []

] is persisted into the storage.#

#2.0 #2016 07 24 03:16:16:828#0-400#Info#/System/Server/Deployment#[main,5,main]#Plain##

[offline] (21) :Offline Phase Deployer - Starting AS Java offline deployment for component [com.adobe_DocumentServicesLicenseSupportService].#

#2.0 #2016 07 24 03:16:17:608#0-400#Info#/System/Server/Deployment#[main,5,main]#Plain##

[offline] (21) :Offline Phase Deployer - Deployment of component [com.adobe_DocumentServicesLicenseSupportService] has finished with [OfflineSuccess]#

#2.0 #2016 07 24 03:16:17:624#0-400#Info#/System/Server/Deployment#[main,5,main]#Plain##

[offline] (21) :Offline Phase Deployer - component [sdu id: [com.adobe_DocumentServicesLicenseSupportService]

sdu file path: [F:\\usr\\sap\\ER2\\J00\\j2ee\\cluster\\server0\\.\\temp\\tc~bl~deploy_controller\\archives\\21\\ADSSAP08_0_SCA1469344210929\\DEPLOYARCHIVES\\adobe-DocumentServicesLicenseSupportService.sda]

version status: [NEW]

deployment status: [OfflineSuccess]

description: []

] is persisted into the storage.#

#2.0 #2016 07 24 03:16:17:624#0-400#Info#/System/Server/Deployment#[main,5,main]#Plain##

[offline] (21) :Offline Phase Deployer - Starting AS Java offline deployment for component [com.adobe_FontManagerService].#

#2.0 #2016 07 24 03:17:14:985#0-400#Info#/System/Server/Deployment#[main,5,main]#Plain##

[offline] (21) :Offline Phase Deployer - Deployment of component [com.adobe_FontManagerService] has finished with [OfflineSuccess]#

#2.0 #2016 07 24 03:17:15:001#0-400#Info#/System/Server/Deployment#[main,5,main]#Plain##

[offline] (21) :Offline Phase Deployer - component [sdu id: [com.adobe_FontManagerService]

sdu file path: [F:\\usr\\sap\\ER2\\J00\\j2ee\\cluster\\server0\\.\\temp\\tc~bl~deploy_controller\\archives\\21\\ADSSAP08_0_SCA1469344210929\\DEPLOYARCHIVES\\adobe-FontManager.sda]

version status: [NEW]

deployment status: [OfflineSuccess]

description: []

] is persisted into the storage.#

#2.0 #2016 07 24 03:17:15:001#0-400#Info#/System/Server/Deployment#[main,5,main]#Plain##

[offline] (21) :Offline Phase Deployer - Starting AS Java offline deployment for component [com.adobe_PDFManipulation].#

#2.0 #2016 07 24 03:17:15:719#0-400#Info#/System/Server/Deployment#[main,5,main]#Plain##

[offline] (21) :Offline Phase Deployer - Deployment of component [com.adobe_PDFManipulation] has finished with [OfflineSuccess]#

#2.0 #2016 07 24 03:17:15:781#0-400#Info#/System/Server/Deployment#[main,5,main]#Plain##

[offline] (21) :Offline Phase Deployer - component [sdu id: [com.adobe_PDFManipulation]

sdu file path: [F:\\usr\\sap\\ER2\\J00\\j2ee\\cluster\\server0\\.\\temp\\tc~bl~deploy_controller\\archives\\21\\ADSSAP08_0_SCA1469344210929\\DEPLOYARCHIVES\\adobe-PDFManipulation.sda]

version status: [NEW]

deployment status: [OfflineSuccess]

description: []

] is persisted into the storage.#

#2.0 #2016 07 24 03:17:15:781#0-400#Info#/System/Server/Deployment#[main,5,main]#Plain##

[offline] (21) :Offline Phase Deployer - Starting AS Java offline deployment for component [com.adobe_DataManagerService].#

#2.0 #2016 07 24 03:17:16:374#0-400#Info#/System/Server/Deployment#[main,5,main]#Plain##

[offline] (21) :Offline Phase Deployer - Deployment of component [com.adobe_DataManagerService] has finished with [OfflineSuccess]#

#2.0 #2016 07 24 03:17:16:389#0-400#Info#/System/Server/Deployment#[main,5,main]#Plain##

[offline] (21) :Offline Phase Deployer - component [sdu id: [com.adobe_DataManagerService]

sdu file path: [F:\\usr\\sap\\ER2\\J00\\j2ee\\cluster\\server0\\.\\temp\\tc~bl~deploy_controller\\archives\\21\\ADSSAP08_0_SCA1469344210929\\DEPLOYARCHIVES\\adobe-DataManager.sda]

version status: [NEW]

deployment status: [OfflineSuccess]

description: []

] is persisted into the storage.#

#2.0 #2016 07 24 03:17:16:389#0-400#Info#/System/Server/Deployment#[main,5,main]#Plain##

[offline] (21) :Offline Phase Deployer - Starting AS Java offline deployment for component [com.adobe_DocumentServicesDestProtoService].#

#2.0 #2016 07 24 03:17:16:795#0-400#Info#/System/Server/Deployment#[main,5,main]#Plain##

[offline] (21) :Offline Phase Deployer - Deployment of component [com.adobe_DocumentServicesDestProtoService] has finished with [OfflineSuccess]#

#2.0 #2016 07 24 03:17:16:811#0-400#Info#/System/Server/Deployment#[main,5,main]#Plain##

[offline] (21) :Offline Phase Deployer - component [sdu id: [com.adobe_DocumentServicesDestProtoService]

sdu file path: [F:\\usr\\sap\\ER2\\J00\\j2ee\\cluster\\server0\\.\\temp\\tc~bl~deploy_controller\\archives\\21\\ADSSAP08_0_SCA1469344210929\\DEPLOYARCHIVES\\adobe-DestProto.sda]

version status: [NEW]

deployment status: [OfflineSuccess]

description: []

] is persisted into the storage.#

#2.0 #2016 07 24 03:17:16:811#0-400#Info#/System/Server/Deployment#[main,5,main]#Plain##

[offline] (21) :Offline Phase Deployer - Starting AS Java offline deployment for component [com.adobe_DocumentServicesConfiguration].#

#2.0 #2016 07 24 03:17:17:528#0-400#Info#/System/Server/Deployment#[main,5,main]#Plain##

[offline] (21) :Offline Phase Deployer - Deployment of component [com.adobe_DocumentServicesConfiguration] has finished with [OfflineSuccess]#

#2.0 #2016 07 24 03:17:17:544#0-400#Info#/System/Server/Deployment#[main,5,main]#Plain##

[offline] (21) :Offline Phase Deployer - component [sdu id: [com.adobe_DocumentServicesConfiguration]

sdu file path: [F:\\usr\\sap\\ER2\\J00\\j2ee\\cluster\\server0\\.\\temp\\tc~bl~deploy_controller\\archives\\21\\ADSSAP08_0_SCA1469344210929\\DEPLOYARCHIVES\\adobe-DocumentServicesConfiguration.sda]

version status: [NEW]

deployment status: [OfflineSuccess]

description: []

] is persisted into the storage.#

#2.0 #2016 07 24 03:17:17:544#0-400#Info#/System/Server/Deployment#[main,5,main]#Plain##

[offline] (21) :Offline Phase Deployer - Starting AS Java offline deployment for component [com.adobe_DocumentServicesLicenseService].#

#2.0 #2016 07 24 03:17:18:183#0-400#Info#/System/Server/Deployment#[main,5,main]#Plain##

[offline] (21) :Offline Phase Deployer - Deployment of component [com.adobe_DocumentServicesLicenseService] has finished with [OfflineSuccess]#

#2.0 #2016 07 24 03:17:18:199#0-400#Info#/System/Server/Deployment#[main,5,main]#Plain##

[offline] (21) :Offline Phase Deployer - component [sdu id: [com.adobe_DocumentServicesLicenseService]

sdu file path: [F:\\usr\\sap\\ER2\\J00\\j2ee\\cluster\\server0\\.\\temp\\tc~bl~deploy_controller\\archives\\21\\ADSSAP08_0_SCA1469344210929\\DEPLOYARCHIVES\\adobe-DocumentServicesLicenseService.sda]

version status: [NEW]

deployment status: [OfflineSuccess]

description: []

] is persisted into the storage.#

#2.0 #2016 07 24 03:17:18:199#0-400#Info#/System/Server/Deployment#[main,5,main]#Plain##

[offline] (21) :Offline Phase Deployer - Starting AS Java offline deployment for component [com.adobe_TrustManagerService].#

#2.0 #2016 07 24 03:17:19:229#0-400#Info#/System/Server/Deployment#[main,5,main]#Plain##

[offline] (21) :Offline Phase Deployer - Deployment of component [com.adobe_TrustManagerService] has finished with [OfflineSuccess]#

#2.0 #2016 07 24 03:17:19:244#0-400#Info#/System/Server/Deployment#[main,5,main]#Plain##

[offline] (21) :Offline Phase Deployer - component [sdu id: [com.adobe_TrustManagerService]

sdu file path: [F:\\usr\\sap\\ER2\\J00\\j2ee\\cluster\\server0\\.\\temp\\tc~bl~deploy_controller\\archives\\21\\ADSSAP08_0_SCA1469344210929\\DEPLOYARCHIVES\\adobe-TrustManager.sda]

version status: [NEW]

deployment status: [OfflineSuccess]

description: []

] is persisted into the storage.#

Former Member
0 Kudos

This is one of logs....


trc file: "sapstartsrv.log", trc level: 0, release: "742"


pid        2760

[Thr 1372] Sun Jul 24 02:42:53 2016

SAP HA Trace: SAP Microsoft Cluster library '742, patch 101, changelist 1567027' initialized

CCMS agent initialization for instance type J2EE: return code 0.

CCMS agent start: return code 0.

Initializing SAPControl Webservice

[Thr 1100] Sun Jul 24 02:42:55 2016

Auto PSE update thread started

Starting AutoRestart thread

Starting WebService SSL thread

AutoRestart thread started, version check is enabled

Starting WebService Named Pipe thread

Starting WebService thread

Webservice named pipe thread started, listening on port \\.\pipe\sapcontrol_00

Webservice SSL thread started, listening on port 50014

Webservice SSL thread using system PKI credential

Webservice thread started, listening on port 50013

trusted named pipe user is stopping SAP System at 2016/07/24  2:46:26

SAP HA Trace: FindClusterResource: OpenCluster failed: 1060 [D:/depot/bas/742_REL/src/proj/sapha/sapwinha.cpp, line 214]

SAP HA Trace: SAP_HA_FindSAPInstance returns: SAP_HA_FAIL [D:/depot/bas/742_REL/src/proj/sapha/sapwinha.cpp, line 936]

trusted named pipe user is starting SAP System at 2016/07/24  2:46:26

SAP HA Trace: FindClusterResource: OpenCluster failed: 1060 [D:/depot/bas/742_REL/src/proj/sapha/sapwinha.cpp, line 214]

SAP HA Trace: SAP_HA_FindSAPInstance returns: SAP_HA_FAIL [D:/depot/bas/742_REL/src/proj/sapha/sapwinha.cpp, line 936]

SAPECC60\Administrator is stopping SAP System at 2016/07/24  6:46:17

SAP HA Trace: FindClusterResource: OpenCluster failed: 1060 [D:/depot/bas/742_REL/src/proj/sapha/sapwinha.cpp, line 214]

SAP HA Trace: SAP_HA_FindSAPInstance returns: SAP_HA_FAIL [D:/depot/bas/742_REL/src/proj/sapha/sapwinha.cpp, line 936]

SAPECC60\Administrator is starting SAP System at 2016/07/24  6:47:13

SAP HA Trace: FindClusterResource: OpenCluster failed: 1060 [D:/depot/bas/742_REL/src/proj/sapha/sapwinha.cpp, line 214]

SAP HA Trace: SAP_HA_FindSAPInstance returns: SAP_HA_FAIL [D:/depot/bas/742_REL/src/proj/sapha/sapwinha.cpp, line 936]

SAPECC60\Administrator is stopping SAP System at 2016/07/24  7:24:51

SAP HA Trace: FindClusterResource: OpenCluster failed: 1060 [D:/depot/bas/742_REL/src/proj/sapha/sapwinha.cpp, line 214]

SAP HA Trace: SAP_HA_FindSAPInstance returns: SAP_HA_FAIL [D:/depot/bas/742_REL/src/proj/sapha/sapwinha.cpp, line 936]

SAPECC60\Administrator is starting SAP System at 2016/07/24  7:25:48

SAP HA Trace: FindClusterResource: OpenCluster failed: 1060 [D:/depot/bas/742_REL/src/proj/sapha/sapwinha.cpp, line 214]

SAP HA Trace: SAP_HA_FindSAPInstance returns: SAP_HA_FAIL [D:/depot/bas/742_REL/src/proj/sapha/sapwinha.cpp, line 936]

Former Member
0 Kudos


  I attached all *.log files I can find from installation folder.

Please take look and help me out. Thank you so much.

0 Kudos

These screen shots are not really helpful. You should look into the default traces to know more. There is a "Dependencies" tab in the first screen shot when you have ADS selected. Check that to know the dependencies and start from there. If the dependencies are stopped then try to start them and check the default trace files at the OS level.

Matt - That blog doesn't help him as the Java stack is up and running and the issue is just with the ADS component whereas the blog is about Java startup issues.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Benjamin,

As you can see there is  not enough information on the " dependency " tab of ADS function.

There are just a few services runing on the server because I installed the just ADS.

I think somehow all the services running on are inter-dependent.

Sorry to bother you but could you pin point which log file should I look into ?

Becase there are many log files and I am just very new to Netweaver server.

Thank you so much for you help.

Former Member
0 Kudos


  I attached all *.log files I can find from installation folder.

Please take look and help me out. Thank you so much.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


Have a look through the excellent blog for Java startup troubleshooting tips. I suspect that following this blog you will be able to figure this out.

Off-hand, I don't think you have enough RAM allocated. 4 GB is very very low. Also, you don't need the Oracle JDK (unless it's needed for Oracle itself -- I don't know about that); the SAPJVM handles the JRE/JDK requirement for NetWeaver.



Former Member
0 Kudos


Please let me know what more information do you need to solve this issue. Thanks.