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CTM to consider Weekly Capacity

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Hello All,

I've an issue where CTM has to consider the Weekly Capacity, under the Special Strategies in the CTM profile - We defined "Use Setting from Resource".

In the resource master, capacity is set up for each day so when CTM is executed my assumption is that it is only considering the capacity for each day.

CTM Time stream is defined for Weeks.

How do I configure the Weekly capacity in the resource master?

In the Resource Master >> under SNP bucket capacity I selected the option 'X Maintain' but in the Period Type it has option only to enter Day.

I selected Day in the period type, 7 days in Number of Periods  to see if CTM considers the capacity for whole 7 day period but it still looks at only each day's capacity while Planning. 

Issue Background:

  • Users Manually enters Planned Orders in weekly bucket, system defaults all the orders to middle day of the week without respecting any capacity and in the CTM consistency check the resource already displays an overload for this day and in the Resource Data view, certain % of capacity utilization is displayed in that respective weekly bucket.
  • Now when CTM is executed, it is generating orders for the other days of the bucket.
  • And when the resource data view is loaded ,it shows an overload for that weekly bucket, the capacity consumption is shown higher than 100%.


Since Manual Planned Orders are already consuming excess % of resource Capacity on a specific day, CTM when executed should consider the total capacity for the week and accordingly generate orders in the other days of the bucket without causing any overload

Kindly suggest .

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CTM is daily planning.  If users are manually entering planning books then that is SNP Heuristics.  

CTM can not consider weekly capacity.  It is using daily buckets, that is sole definition of CTM.

Search for the exact same question someone else asked just last week.  
