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CR XI compatibility with Windows 8 and 10 questions

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We are using craxdrt.dll ActiveX designer run time in a MS VS C++ 2005 .NET FW 2.0.50727 SP2 compiled application using a xml input file to create reports currently on Windows 7.

We are using the following CR XI objects;

// Crystal RDC runtime library objects

   IApplicationPtr   m_pApplication;

   IReportPtr        m_pReport;

We create a .RPT file in the designer to use with our application.  When we run our current VB 6.0 application built from the above specs on Windows 7 we get an error 80047e4c error number 31820 - "Failed to load database information",  when run on a Windows 10 box.

Is there any insight into this error you can provide to help me debug this?  Can this version work on Windows 10? 

I am really looking for what will get this to work without upgrading CR at this time.  Please let me know if this is even possible?

Any insight or discussion would be greatly appreciated.

Following is output into our log file of CR actions in the software logic;

<Msg><DateTime>Fri May 27 06:31:57 2016 --> INFO: Initialization successful.</DateTime></Msg>

<Msg><DateTime>Fri May 27 06:31:57 2016 --> INFO: OpenReport() - CoInitialize() succeeded.</DateTime></Msg>

<Msg><DateTime>Fri May 27 06:31:57 2016 --> INFO: OpenReport() - CLSIDFromProgID() succeeded.</DateTime></Msg>

<Msg><DateTime>Fri May 27 06:31:57 2016 --> INFO: OpenReport() - CoCreateInstance() succeeded.</DateTime></Msg>

<Msg><DateTime>Fri May 27 06:31:57 2016 --> Opening report: C:\AVI\Manifest\309c\\3600r.rpt</DateTime></Msg>

<Msg><DateTime>Fri May 27 06:32:04 2016 --> INFO: OpenReport() successfully opened C:\AVI\Manifest\309c\\3600r.rpt</DateTime></Msg>

<Msg><DateTime>Fri May 27 06:32:05 2016 --> INFO : No DSN is created for XML data</DateTime></Msg>

<Msg><DateTime>Fri May 27 06:32:05 2016 --> INFO: ExportReport() - Preparing to export to C:\AVI\Manifest\309c\Reports\333600r.pdf</DateTime></Msg>

<Msg><DateTime>Fri May 27 06:32:05 2016 --> INFO: ExportReport() - Export type is PDF</DateTime></Msg>

<Msg><DateTime>Fri May 27 06:32:05 2016 --> INFO: ExportReport() - Export name is C:\AVI\Manifest\309c\Reports\333600r.pdf</DateTime></Msg>

<Msg><DateTime>Fri May 27 06:32:05 2016 --> INFO: ExportReport() - PDFExportAllPages = -1</DateTime></Msg>

<Msg><DateTime>Fri May 27 06:32:05 2016 --> INFO: ExportReport() - DiskFileName = C:\AVI\Manifest\309c\Reports\333600r.pdf</DateTime></Msg>

<Msg><DateTime>Fri May 27 06:32:05 2016 --> INFO: ExportReport() - FormatType = INFO: ExportReport() - PDFExportAllPages = 31</DateTime></Msg>

<Msg><DateTime>Fri May 27 06:32:05 2016 --> INFO: ExportReport() - DestinationType = INFO: ExportReport() - PDFExportAllPages = 1</DateTime></Msg>

<Msg><DateTime>Fri May 27 06:32:05 2016 --> Error</DateTime></Msg>

<Msg><DateTime>Fri May 27 06:32:05 2016 --> Code = 80047e4c


<Msg><DateTime>Fri May 27 06:32:05 2016 --> Code meaning = IDispatch error #31820</DateTime></Msg>

<Msg><DateTime>Fri May 27 06:32:05 2016 --> Source = Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer


<Msg><DateTime>Fri May 27 06:32:05 2016 --> Description = Failed to load database information.


<Msg><DateTime>Fri May 27 06:32:05 2016 --> ERROR: ExportReport() Failed</DateTime></Msg>

<Msg><DateTime>Fri May 27 06:32:05 2016 --> Exception:runReportEngine(1)::Unable to export report.</DateTime></Msg>

<Msg><DateTime>Fri May 27 06:32:05 2016 --> Exception:runPrReport() Details:Postal Reporter Exception:  Unable to export report.</DateTime></Msg>

<Msg><DateTime>Fri May 27 06:32:05 2016 --> INFO: ~CReportEngine() - Termination successful.</DateTime></Msg>

<Msg><DateTime>Fri May 27 06:32:05 2016 --> INFO: ~CReportEngine - Normal Termination

Thank you,


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Hello.  I see that this post didn't work very well for me.  I am new to SAP support and would like a bit of guidance if anyone could spare a few minutes.  I understand that CR XI is not supported at this time but looking for anyone to answer or guide me.  I just basically need to know if getting the error #31820 using CR XI runtime engine on WIN10 (this same logic has worked on WIN7 for many years), is a show stopper and I need to upgrade or is there a fix or some knowledge that I need to get my logic to work as designed to be able to stay in WIN7 environment?  Thank you for your time and any guidance would be greatly appreciated, Rich