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Roles not updated through transport!!!

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We have run into an issue with transporting personas roles and flavor assignments.

We have change flavor assignments to role in Dev system and transported the role and the flavor to Q system, but in Q system still the old flavor assignment is showing.

  • Dev sys - one flavor per FD transaction

  • Q sys - FD transactions with two flavors, although transportation was just now.

Thank you!

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Well, if you already had the other flavor assignments in the target system, then the new ones will be added to that... not sure I understand what is wrong with this.

Edit: Oh wait... now you have two default flavors per transaction. That's not good. We have to look into this.

Message was edited by: Tamas Hoznek

0 Kudos

Hi Diana,

I checked your screenshots and based on your description I'm assuming that your issue relates to a bug in Personas transport management. I have reported the issue internally under number PERSONAS30-6735. It would be helpful if you could additionally raise a customer ticket with opened system connection and ask to assign it directly to me.

For the time in between you could try doing a workaround:

1) Go to Admin-Transaction and maintain the "Import client" table.

2) Enter your system id and client into that table and transport this table to your target system.

3) Re-transport your role/flavor assignments again and check whether this deletes the wrong assigment

Please let me know about your workaround results. Progress of our internal ticket will be posted here.

Best regards,


Former Member
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Hi Tamas, yes thatis exacty the weirdness I was trying to point out, that if we initiallyasign one flavor and then later change flavor, i Q both favors stays.

Former Member
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Hi Dominik,

I did the workaround, but i still have two default flavors after transport in Q system.

I will open also incident today.

Thanks for your help


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When you open the incident please ask the colleagues to assign it directly to me. I'll take of it. Furthermore please ensure that I have access to both systems. At last point please also provide me the transport request numbers you used for testing this issue. They are having logs which help me in analysis the issue.