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Reference Number in Copy Control VTFL

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Dear Experts,

I have a scenario that two sales orders created with two different P.O numbers and created one delivery document combined these two SOs.

Now while creating invoice, system splitting the invoice into two as the PO numbers are different.

Here in copy control VTFL, reference number is given as A ( PO number) as FI wants PO number to be copied in acc. document.

Now how to handle this requirement using any routing/exits, so that system can pass the two PO numbers to Financial accounting document for reference.

Hope I have made myself clear.



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Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello Jagan,

Since the reference number is a Header level field if the PO Numbers are different in case of Invoices created from Delivery of multiple Sales Order, split will happen.

This is SAP standard and it is advisable not to alter the behavior. Still I believe there are couple of threads here that give direction on how to avoid the split by some custom code.

Further what is the business reason Finance is giving for this requirement?


Jignesh Mehta

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello Jignesh,

I totally can understand the logic behind this system behavior as per std SAP.

But Finance (from business) wants to see the PO number as a reference of each invoice document in their report FBL5N and they don't want invoice split also.

Well, even if I use custom routine to avoid splitting, how can I show the two POs  in accounting document?  OR is there any other field in the accounting document which can show these two PO numbers so that FI can see them in FBL5N.

Appreciate your reply and thanks.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello Jagan,

There is a Text Field available in Account document header (Doc.Header Text) - BKPF - BKTXT.

You can explore the options with your developer whether it is possible bypass the Invoice splitting criteria and fill in the PO Numbers from multiple Sales Orders in Document Header Text field in Accounting Document.


Jignesh Mehta

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I like this idea, but theoretically there can be lost of POs in a single delivery, and header text field can only store so many POs. I think the best practice in this case should be not using PO number for header text, but storing its info on acc. document item text (BSEG-SGTXT). The downside of this is that on FBL5N this field is not immediately available on header - one should drilldown to item level to see its value.