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Interchecklist relationship

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Hi All,

When we are trying to create project from an existing project using Copy Project relationship between Interchecklist Tasks get broken.

e.g. Let's say we have Project A and it has Phase A . Now under this Phase A we have checklist A & B. In Checklist A We have Checklist Item ABC which has Task 1 , Task 2. In Checklist B we have checklist Item XYZ which has Task 3, Task 4.  Now Task 3 has predecessor Task 1 and Successor Task 4.

Now when I copy Project A to Project B using Copy Project Relationship between Task 3 and Task 1 get's broken as they belong to different Checklist. Whereas relationship between Task 3 and Task 4 remains as it is. In addition to this if we move any project element up or down relationship of that element also get's vanished.

We would like to keep this relationship, we came across the BADI "DPR_COPY_FINALIZER" but it doesn't suffice this.



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Former Member
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Hi Peter,

Copying project is working fine but we cannot use because our items are linked with it for synchronization.

Actually we are trying to create a Project Template from Operational Project and then use that Project template for Creating Project .

So to rephrase my example/query

e.g. Let's say we have Project A and it has Phase A . Now under this Phase A we have checklist A & B. In Checklist A We have Checklist Item ABC which has Task 1 , Task 2. In Checklist B we have checklist Item XYZ which has Task 3, Task 4.  Now Task 3 has predecessor Task 1 and Successor Task 4.

Now when we create Project Template B using Project A Only Checklist reference are created hence relationship get's broken when we use this template to create operational project



Active Participant
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Hi Alex,

now the behavior is much clearer to me. So I recap: You use checklist references in your operational project, which are resolved by the user. The user creates tasks and relationships between them, a.s.o. When you create a template out of these operational projects the checklist items are lost (with them the subordinate tasks and created relationships).

This is unfortunately an SAP standard behavior. If you use checklist references, which are resolved in operational projects, they are reverted back to the checklist reference when 'copied' to templates.

There are several options for checklists when creating templates out of operational projects.

Have a look to this link (section 'Creating a Template based on  an Operational Project'



Former Member
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Hi Peter,

Yes your understanding is right. Also I have gone through the link before as well and tried creating the Project Template based on Operational Project using all three options in New Checklist Templates which are "None","Only Checklists Without a Reference" and "From All Checklists" but none of them helps in creating the Template which can provide interchecklist relationship.

Also when we move checklist up and down in hierarchy, relationships between interchecklist tasks get's removed.



Active Participant
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Hi Alex,

I never came across this specific case that relationsships are removed when moving checklists along the hierarchy. I know that there is a logic to prevent cycles in scheduling that results sometimes in auto-remove of relationships (especially when using cut&copy&paste = moving up/down). See that hint in note

Is there a message raised when moving the checklists up the hierarchy? Like DPR_SHAREDXXX in combination with scheduling? Have also a look to this note as it is implementable for your system and SP level.



Active Participant
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Hi Alex,

I can reproduce this issue on my system and it doesn't depend on templates or cycles. It works also in operational projects and I assume it is an error in SAP standard.

Even very simple relations between interchecklist-tasks - as you described - that never can cause cycles are getting removed. In comparison to tasks under a phase or under a checklist that can be moved without getting relations removed - BUT: Moving tasks from one phase to another also removes relationships.

I even can't fully understand the system behavior, so I would suggest to raise an OSS call at SAP. You can post a pointer to this SCN discussion, if it helps to resolve this issue.



Former Member
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Hi Peter,

Thanks for your findings & valuable suggestions.We are currently doing copy project and checking possibilities of whether it is good to go with or not.



Active Participant
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Hi Alex,

as I wrote in I raised an OSS call at SAP, because also with simple move up/down, drag/drop accross checklists and phases the relationsships get removed.

There is a note, that changes this behavior so that relationships are not deleted. Unfortunately - until now and for SAP internal reasons - this note is SPC (pilot release). The number of the note is 2324299.

You have to raise an OSS call by your own to be assigned to this pilot note and to be able to download this solution to SNOTE.

I hope this solutions helps you with your issue - for me it does 🙂



Active Participant
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Hi Alex,

I've just tried this scenario and it worked for me. So we are on PPM 6.1 SP4. As I see from your tagging you are (perhaps) on PPM 6.0 ? Which support package do you use?

It seems to me that there is either an error fixed by a note I can't identify at the moment or some custom coding implemented with some of the often used BAdIs (e.g. DPR_ATTRIBUTES) has broken the assignments.

Perhaps there is another circumstance I can't see at the moment - perhaps you can elaborate some of my thoughts to localize the error.

Adding some comments to DPR_COPY_FINALIZER: You can do only some minor things with this BAdI as copying notes or the constraint dates by setting the ON-switch.

Other control options (but not relations) for copying project data is located in DPR_ATTRIBUTES method CTRL_COPY_PROJECT.



Former Member
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Hi Peter,

We are on Release 600_740 and SP Level is 0001. We check for enhancement but BADI  DPR_ATTRIBUTES is not implemented in our system. We have BADI DPR_EXTENSIONS implemented in our system which we use to Fill our Custom Tab at Checklist Item.

Yes we explore DPR_COPY_FINALIZER this BADI to analyze the if any possibility for influencing relationship, as you rightly said it facilitates to copying notes or the constraint dates etc.

Inaddition to the above when we move up-down project element relationship also get's affected(broken).

