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Javascript process to read from SAP Web Service (WSADMIN)

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Hello Anton / Anh,

I have a BIG Disconnect between Providing & Consuming Processes for web service.

1) SAP Transaction WSADMIN is the Provider where i am able to see the WSDL.

2) Javascript is the Consumer.

What is the process to connect this two area? why do i need this intermediate tool .netwebservicestudio?

Could any of you let me know complete steps from Providing to Consuming?



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Hello Anton,

Thanks a lot for your valuable time.

I understand Javascript good but the problem i have is with identifying the ServiceName, OperationName, dparameter, Input / Output Parameters from the WSDL.

All i need is one simple example which works i could take it from there.



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send me the WSDL and I get you the constructor & message.

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Hello Anton,

My E-mail

I would like to send you the Downloaded XML file for the WSDL for my RFC Function.Could you provide your E-mail?

Specification of RFC:

Input Parameters : PVERSION CHAR 7

Output Parameters : LOW NUMERIC 6


Will you be able to send me one complete HTML page with Javascript to Request (PVERSION) & Reponse (LOW & HIGH)?



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1) my email can be taken from my business card by everyone.

2) everything you need to solve your problem is in the example. only if you don't know Javascript this won't help you.

3) I hope you recognized that I really want to help you here; simply because I like the topic.

But I think you have to do your specific work yourself.

Hoping for your understanding.


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well, JavaScript isn't the easiest target technology for consuming webservices to begin with.

but you asked for it:

first of all you need a suitable runtime environment to run your javascript. Depending on the runtime environment chosen several restrictions may apply.

If your runtime environment is your browser's engine, you can't easily use cUrl, so you have to use some AJAX like strategy which itself is restricted by cross browser scripting restrictions(meaning, you can only call a webservice which is within the same domain as your webservice's server).

If your runtime environment is the JavaScript runtime of the Yahoo Widget engine, you have no cross browser troubles and you can use the AJAX approach. Then remains a further limitation, which is the non-existence of suitable SOAP libraries. So you have to create the SOAP message manually.

An example for this is the basis for my blog on a speedometer widget to be found <a href="/people/anton.wenzelhuemer/blog/2007/03/04/kpi-speedometer-widget">here</a>. If you decompile this widget, you will find a working example of a javascript program consuming a webservice.

Following I will paste the coding of the main routines to this thread.

Function <i>getHTTPObject</i> creates an XMLHttpRequest object.

<i>callService</i> sets the service URL (found in the WSDL), builds an appropriate XML message according to the WSDL, and calls the service.

Function <i>handleHttpResponse</i> parses the webservice's response.

Without further ado here's the coding for you to dissect:

// KPISpeedo main library
// (c) 2007 by ACW (
// *	Disclaimer/License:
// *	Did this for my personal fun. Don't blame me for anything.
// *	Licensed under MLL (My Little License):
// *		MLL:	Use it for free if you like it.
// *			Modify it, get rich with it if you've got a chance to.
// *			Acknowledge me visual if you think it's worth it.
// *			Keep this disclaimer in the source.
// *	Feedback:
// *	- welcome at
// ********************************************************************************

var username       = null;
var password       = null;
var baseURL        = null;
var dparameter     = null;
var interval       = null;
var serviceName    = "ZTW_SPEEDO";
var clientID       = "200";
var operationName  = "ZtwSpeedo";
var speedoCaption  = null;

var myText = new Text(mainWindow);
var captionText = new Text(mainWindow);

function getHTTPObject() {
  var xmlhttp;
  if (!xmlhttp && typeof XMLHttpRequest != 'undefined') {
   try {
     xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
   } catch (e) {
   xmlhttp = false;
return xmlhttp;
<!-- ************************************************* -->

function callService()

  http = getHTTPObject(); // this is our HTTP Object
  try {"POST", baseURL + "/sap/bc/srt/rfc/sap/" + serviceName + "?sap-client=200&wsdl=1.1&style=rpc&sap-user=" + username + "&sap-password=" + password, true);
  } catch (exc) {
  http.onreadystatechange = handleHttpResponse;
  http.setRequestHeader("Man","POST /sap/bc/srt/rfc/sap/" + serviceName + "?sap-client=200 HTTP/1.0");
  http.setRequestHeader("Host", baseURL);
  http.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=ISO-8859-1");
//  http.setRequestHeader("SoapAction", "");

  xmlstring = "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>" +
              "<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""" +
              " xmlns:xsd=''" +
              " xmlns:xsi=''" +
              " xmlns:SOAP-ENC=''" +
              " xmlns:si=''" +
              " xmlns:tns='urn:sap-com:document:sap:soap:functions:mc-style'>" +
              "<SOAP-ENV:Body>" +
              "<tns:" + operationName + " xmlns:tns='urn:sap-com:document:sap:soap:functions:mc-style'>" +
              "<ParameterName>" + dparameter + "</ParameterName>" +
              "</tns:" + operationName + ">" +
              "</SOAP-ENV:Body>" +

<!-- ************************************************* -->
function handleHttpResponse() {
  if (http.readyState == 4) {
    if (http.status == 200 ) {
      var parser = new DOMImplementation();

    //load the XML into the parser and get the DOMDocument
      var domDoc = parser.loadXML(http.responseText);

    // print(http.responseText);

    //get the root node
    var docRoot = domDoc.getDocumentElement();

    var resParameterValue = parseInt(docRoot.getElementsByTagName("ParameterValue").item(0).getFirstChild().nodeValue);
    var resMinGauge       = parseInt(docRoot.getElementsByTagName("MinGauge").item(0).getFirstChild().nodeValue);
    var resMaxGauge       = parseInt(docRoot.getElementsByTagName("MaxGauge").item(0).getFirstChild().nodeValue);
    var resParameterUnits = docRoot.getElementsByTagName("ParameterUnits").item(0).getFirstChild().nodeValue;
    var corrParameterValue = resParameterValue;
    if (resParameterValue <= resMinGauge) {
      corrParameterValue = resMinGauge;
    if (resParameterValue >= resMaxGauge) {
      corrParameterValue = resMaxGauge;
var minGaugeText = new Text(mainWindow);
   minGaugeText.visible = false;
   minGaugeText.hAlign    = "left";      = resMinGauge;
   minGaugeText.bgColor   = "#000000";
   minGaugeText.size      = 8;
   minGaugeText.font      = "Tahoma, Arial";     = "bold";
   minGaugeText.bgOpacity = 1;   
   minGaugeText.color     = "#000000";
   minGaugeText.vOffset   = 110;
   minGaugeText.hOffset   = 30;
   minGaugeText.zOrder    = 90;

   minGaugeText.visible = true;

var maxGaugeText = new Text(mainWindow);
   maxGaugeText.visible = false;
   maxGaugeText.hAlign    = "right";      = resMaxGauge;
   maxGaugeText.bgColor   = "#000000";
   maxGaugeText.size      = 8;
   maxGaugeText.font      = "Tahoma, Arial";     = "bold";
   maxGaugeText.bgOpacity = 1;   
   maxGaugeText.color     = "#000000";
   maxGaugeText.vOffset   = 110;
   maxGaugeText.hOffset   = 185;
   maxGaugeText.zOrder    = 90;

   maxGaugeText.visible = true;
    var rotation = 180 * (corrParameterValue - resMinGauge) / (resMaxGauge - resMinGauge) + 270 ;
    needle.rotation = rotation;

    //print("Rotation: " + rotation);
    var tempString = resParameterValue + " " + resParameterUnits;

    placeText(tempString, 107, 140);

    else {
      var errStr = "HTTP Response " + http.status;
      placeText(errStr, 107, 140);

function checkMandatoryFields()
	if (preferences.sapUsername.value    == null ||
	    preferences.sapPassword.value    == null ||
	    preferences.parameterName.value        == null ||
	    preferences.refreshTimeInMinutes.value      == null ||
	    preferences.KPIURLLocation.value == null ||
	    preferences.sapUsername.value    == "" ||
	    preferences.sapPassword.value    == "" ||
	    preferences.parameterName.value        == "" ||
	    preferences.refreshTimeInMinutes.value      == "" ||
	    preferences.KPIURLLocation.value == "")
		return false;
	return true;

function initializeFields()
  username   = preferences.sapUsername.value;
  password   = preferences.sapPassword.value;
  dparameter = preferences.parameterName.value;
  baseURL    = preferences.KPIURLLocation.value;
  interval   = preferences.refreshTimeInMinutes.value;
  if (preferences.speedometerCaption.value != null &&
      preferences.speedometerCaption.value != "") {
    caption    = preferences.speedometerCaption.value;
  else {
    caption    = preferences.parameterName.value;

function placeText(aString, hOff, vOff)
   myText.visible = false;
   myText.hAlign    = "center";
   myText.width     = 181;      = aString;
   myText.bgColor   = "#000000";
   myText.size      = 12;
   myText.font      = "Tahoma, Arial";     = "bold";
   myText.bgOpacity = 1;   
   myText.color     = "#FF0000";
   myText.vOffset   = vOff;
   myText.hOffset   = hOff;
   myText.zOrder    = 100;

   myText.visible = true;

function placeCaption(theCaption) {
   captionText.visible = false;
   captionText.hAlign    = "center";      = caption;
   captionText.size      = 10;
   captionText.font      = "Tahoma, Arial";     = "bold";
   captionText.bgOpacity = 0;   
   captionText.color     = "#000000";
   captionText.vOffset   = 155;
   captionText.hOffset   = 107;
   captionText.zOrder    = 100;

   captionText.visible = true;



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0 Kudos

cause i just noticed:

some of the variables come from outside the script, e.g. baseURL. don't get confused by that.