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degree day cofficients

Former Member
0 Kudos

hi guys


In weighing procedures please explain  degree day we define degree day coefficient. what is the role of this coefficient when doing estimations for electricity says it takes seasonal consideration in account.In what cases do we use this type of procedure.

please explain in detail as there is very less content online.


0 Kudos

Hi Pankaj,

In general, this weighting procedure considers seasonal fluctuations during estimation process.

Can you please check the below links from SAP Help Portal which gives good idea about this weighting procedures:

Also, in spro path for each node you can also get additional help like in:

spro -> SAP Utilities -> Device Management -> Meter Reading -> Weighting Procedures -> all nodes under this

Few parameters you maintain under weighting of degree days are also used in thermal gas billing.



0 Kudos

thanks srini

but how we calculate this degree day cofficient.

and one more thing

we give weighing key in register data and in register operand also.what is the difference between the two.or we have to maintain this at both level. and in what case we can maintain this at one level only.

0 Kudos

Hi Pankaj,

To determine the expected consumption (extrapolations or proration), SAP uses this weighting key and after you maintain all the relevant parameters in spro, SAP internally applies this weighting procedure and determines the expected consumption, if you want to calculate yourself then you have to go through the SAP help links which I sent you earlier.

Weighting key has to be maintained for Billing Operands with Operand Category TQUANT, QUANT and AMOUNT - this is used in Billing if there is a need a need for proration (examples like change in Price, change in Tariffs during the billing period).

You have mentioned that you need weighting key at Register Data - I am not sure what do you mean by this? is this Rate Data you are referring to? if so then only Rate Type and Rate Fact Groups are maintained.



0 Kudos

when we create a register group at that time we can assign a weighing key to the register intthe field of weighing key.

0 Kudos

we can assign a weighing key to a register at the time of creating a register group.

0 Kudos

Hi Pankaj,

Now I got you what you were referring to, in most of the IS-U implementation we wont be maintaining Weighting Key at Register Group level and even then the usage is same as explained before i.e. used while determining the expected consumption. If you want to override what you maintained in Rate Operands then you can use this Register level weighting key. In our project we don't maintain at Register Group level as we use Device Info Record.



0 Kudos

great help.
