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Can we delete the Payment term from SAP CLM integrated with Business system.

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Hi All,

Can we make inactive the Payment term from SAP CLM integrated with Business system(SAP ECC)?

As in ECC ,some payment term is going to remove but that payment term has been used in contract  in SAP CLM.

So once will import the updated file for PT from ECC to SAP CLM ,

how the behaviour change or is there  any other consequence ,or  is there any other way to achieve this?

Please kindly provide your feedback.


Peeyush Ranjan

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Hi Peeyush,

     Your question is a little confusing please elaborate ..

Are you wondering how the Payment term that is deleted in SAP ECC is handled when the new Master Data is re-imported back to SAP Sourcing ? OR

Is the question about how the inactive Payment terms are handled on Contracts that have already used the Payment term?


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Hi Prasad ,

Thanks for your kind response.

Once The PT removed from SAP ECC  and re-imported Back to Sourcing ,then how PT which has been already used in Contract (deleted in SAP ECC in case) will behave.

As I currently see almost all the Pt present under  master data has been used in at least  in one contarct.

And secondaly ,I am not able to inactive(No editable check box) the PT is this the standard behaviour or something I can do with this.


Peeyush Ranjan

Former Member
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    When a PT is removed in ECC, the ideal case should be that this PT should be marked as 'Inactive' in the SAP Sourcing system. From the point of vie of the existing Contracts, there will not be a problem in SAP Sourcing since the PT is not removed but exists in inactive state - meaning you cannot use in future contracts but existing contracts will remain consistent (data wise).

      If such a contract is republished, then ECC will throw an error saying the PT is invalid, so you will have to fix it and republish.

In order to make the PT inactive, I believe the importer should be able to handle it.. (ie. it will try to mark everything existing as inactive first before importing new PT's into the system - only the PT's coming new into the system will be re-activated.. leaving the removed ones marked inactive). Please let us know if this is not behaving this way.

Another way would be to export the PT master data in Excel mark the one's that are removed as Inactive in Excel and re-importing the Excel. (Just in case)



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Hi Prasad,

Thank you so much for your response.

Let me check and will get back to you.


Peeyush ranjan

0 Kudos

Hi Prasad,

I tried to Import the PT by (Importer)making the inactive to some  of these(not required).But I am getting error like:

# Failed: object 1: Only a local business system is permitted when Replicated flag is not selected [BUSINESS_SYSTEM].

I see in  my system that almost all the Payment term are maked as a Replicated Flag Yes(that is why I am not able to inactive this)

Please kindly provide your feedback for any alternate way.


Peeyush Ranjan

Former Member
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    Do these PT's not exist in the ECC system anymore ?. If you want to still inactivate them it is best done the standard way which is to regenerate the XMl in ECC and re-import that XML. (In the worst case - you can mark the Payment terms here in the XML and the import should take care of marking the PT's as inactive).


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Hi Prasad,

Yes  PT's do not exist in the ECC system anymore and I want to remove all those PT in SAP Sourcing also but not able to do by Importing th CSV file as Replicated Yes. And also some of these are Already used in contract.

Now Please provide  a feedback that shall I continue with regenerate the XMl in ECC and re-import that XML?

Thanks a lot for your support.


Peeyush ranjan

0 Kudos

Hi Prasad,

I am able to inactive the payment term Replicated From ECC by Adding one more Row

"<INACTIVE>TRUE</INACTIVE> " in the XML which get extracted from ECC for PT.

Tanks  alot for your suggestion.


Peeyush Ranjan

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