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Not able to sync SLD

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Collect and Send Data failed: Data transfer failed. Failed to Send Data. Target URL: http://INDTVMSAP045D:50000/sld/ds, Status: 401, Message: Unauthorize

HI ,

am facing a issue with NW 7.4 While configuring the ess mss,Not able to Send and Collect Data in SLD Supplier Configuration.

Status 401 ,Message Unauthorized . Configured the destination as per the SCN Documents.

requesting to share the configuration document for NW 7.4 ESS MSS.



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Former Member
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Hi all,

Thanks to all ..I verified the SAP Connection.(Connection to System Landscape Directory was successfully tested.)

Post Installation Guide also Verified,SLD is active .

CIM and CRD updated successfully HostName entry in the etc/host file verified.

At present  the below issues need to resolve:

1.SLD Data Suplier Configuration -Collect and Send Data -returns status 401 Message Unauthorized.

2. JCo Destination Created ,While starting it will start and status become Running.

3.When am opening Host:port/irj/portal- ESS tab returns ---SAP R3 self Service Genirics No such JCO defined in the SLD.

0 Kudos

Hi Mathew,

Have you checked the SLD connection in the content admin?


How does this page look like?

Anyway it seems the error message is complaining about this JCo connection not being present: "SAP_R3_SelfServiceGenerics_MetaData". Have you checked this JCo connection too?

Please check out this guide: JCo Connections for ESS. It gives you a list about the mandatory destinations. I would check this. Or if you are stuck you can check the detailed error message in the defaultTrace.x.trc as well (../usr/sap/<SID>/<Instance>/cluster/server/log/).



Former Member
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HI Peter,

While am opening the WD Content administrator am getting the below error.

java.lang.NullPointerException: while trying to invoke the method java.lang.String.equals(java.lang.Object) of a null object returned from

Created the Jco connections through Jco RFC Provider and able to ping .But not able to test,preview through WD Content administrator. In WD Content Administrator all JCO destinations status is RED

requesting your advice.



0 Kudos

Hello Matthew,

I think the root cause is the same than these issues: link1 Check out the root cause provided by Ervin. And here is another link2.

It seems the destinations that were created in SLD WebUI should be deleted and the WD Content Admin should be used instead.



Former Member
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Hi Peter,

Thanks for your help and support.I refered both links and deleted all the destinations .Then i opened the WD Content Administrator and creating the JCO destination .While creating any JCO Destination and refreshing ,it shows all the JCO destinations including whatever deleted .And Destination Preview,test,ping and all not become active only create is active .



0 Kudos


So the destinations are still present despite you deleted them?

Can you create any JCo destinations at all?

Could you attach a screenshot about the content admin page?

Just to confirm, the SLD connection/Data Collection is OK now?



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Dear Mathew,

Hope you are doing good.

If the issue persists,

1.)Delete all the JCO destinations from Content Admin and then from SLD. Now  stop the server and change file to ensure it has element.resynch=force as per SAP note 710663

2.) Start the complete cluster once and do a SLD data trigger.

3.)Then recreate all the jco destinations again from content admin (Important note: using the "New JCO Message Server Destination" button in SLD will create an inconsistent state. Please do not use it.)

4.)If this does not work, please implement the below note:

   #1237023 - JCO Destinations are not getting displayed

This should solve your issue.

Hope this helps.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Kind Regards,

SAP Active Global Support

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Former Member
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Hi Peter,

Unfortunately the JCO destinations in WD Administrator is not able to delete ,Even if i deleted from SLD Jco Destinatin ,its not disappering from WD C Administrator .Other than create is not active in WD Content Administrator -Copied below the screenshot for your referance.Please advice me.As of now am trying to implement the SAP Note :1237023 as per Hemanth. SLD Destination is sync successfully.



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Check SAP Connection

Then try Configuration



0 Kudos

Hello Matthew,

It is possible that the SLD user is locked.

Note: 1650035 and 1828470.

Or more likely the SLD user does not have the right authorizations. Please check what roles the SLD user have. Please check if the role SAP_SLD_CONFIGURATOR is assigned to the user.

Best Regards,


Former Member
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Hi Peter,

Thanks for your advice,i verified both Notes.NW 7.4 ,ess mss package in added and am trying to configring.There is no user slddsuser and salapi* in the user list.Do i need to create the user or one of the user with sufficent rights is ok?.

Please advice me on the same.



0 Kudos

Hello Mathew,

By "slduser" I meant the comminucation user between the SLD and your NW AS.

The SLD connection settings should be checked.

Does the manual "Collect and Send Data" work?

Check out the SLD_DataSupplier settings: Setting Up the SLD Data Supplier for AS Java. When you click on the SLD_DataSupplier destination -> Logon tab, you will see the slduser I mentioned.

This user in your system must have the correct roles and permissions and password to be able to connect/sync with the SLD.

You may also want to check the roles for this user: Configuring SLD User Authorizations.



Former Member
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HI Peter,

Thanks for the detailed reply,once again i verifed the credentials and resolved the Collect and Sent Data issue .The issue was with credentials.Once again Thanks to you for the detailed reply.

As of now am facing the issue as mentioned below.

1.When am opening Host:port/irj/portal-   ESS tab returns --- Failed to resolve JCO Destination  SAP R3 self ServiceGenirics_Metadata   No such JCO defined in the SLD.

Please advice me for correcting the issue.

