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SAP GUI Java 740 service definition on Mac OSx

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On our windows platform we define SAP services in the c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\service file.  For example:


Then in the SAPUILandscape.XML we define the message server as follows:

<Messageserver uuid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000088" name="PRD" host="" port="SAPMSPRD"/>

and the Service as follows:

<Service type="SAPGUI" uuid="21000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000088" name="Production" systemid="PRD" msid="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000088" server="Public" sapcpg="1100" dcpg="2" wan="0"/>

When trying to launch the application on the Mac OSx (version 10.10.3) the service SAPMSPRD is not found and the opening of the SAP GUI for systemid PRD fails.  If SAPMSPRD is replaced with 3606 directly it works, however, we are trying to 'share' this XML between the two Operating systems (PC and Mac).

How do we define the service SAPMSPRD on the Mac OS 10.10.3 ?



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Thanks for the responses!

There is a services file in the Mac OS.  However in Finder it is hidden.  To get around this you can issue, via Terminal, the command:

Defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES

Now you can see that the /etc/ folder exists and there is a 'services' file there.  However, the 'real' services file is in the /private/etc/ folder, which you can also see in Finder now. 

To edit the file you need system privileges, so executing the command 'sudo' will allow that.  For some reason the TextEdit application could not access the file, however, the command editor NANO could.  The command is:

sudo nano /private/etc/services

This allowed the /etc/services file to be open for edit and the service definition to be added.  From there SAP GUI for Java was able to reference the service as SAPMSPRD.

As for the use of the /etc/service, I can't say exactly why we still use it, I was told it is to support some legacy applications.  Also the uuid's are generated via "SAP GUI for Windows" program we use that converts our SAP ini files to the UI Landscape xml.

Regardless, the service can be created, and once it is, the definition also the SAP logon to reference it successfully.

0 Kudos

Hi Rich,

probably the /etc/services is needed for some legacy applications, but the SAP GUI for Java does not use it.

There is some lengthy code to resolve the port like in your case but you should enter the real port number into the SAP UI Landscape message server entry!

Please look into the message server list when launching the SAP GUI for Java.

Menu: View -> "Open Message Server List"

For details please see the documentation, esp. SAP UI Landscape Configuration Guide (for SAP G... | SCN



Answers (2)

Answers (2)

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You have to specify the port in the SAP UI Landscape.

The lookup via the /etc/services file is not used anymore.

If you distribute a SAP UI Landscape i.e. via an web server you can use it as central SAP UI Landscape for all SAP GUI's. Please see the documentation for details on this topic.

FYI: You should use tools like uuidgen to create uuids for the SAP UI Landscape. Otherwise you can run into problems, because the uuid is not a real "universally unique identifier"!



Active Contributor
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Non Windows systems typically store their services ( and hosts) file under /etc.

The full path should be /etc/services

Ensure you have root privileges before trying to edit it so you can save it.