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How can we change the ESP Studio Console traces level...?

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As you know in the ESP Studio we have a console where we can see execution traces from our projects:

Is it possible to configure the log level in some way to get more/less verbosity traces...?  (perhaps a log4j properties file somewhere....)

Additionally, it would be possible to do this just for a specific component in the project...? (a specific stream or window for instance).

Perhaps this is a very basic question, but I cant find how to do this...

Thanks a lot in advance.



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If you mean the debug level, you can set it in the ccr. In the studio, after opening the ccr file there are some options on the advanced tab for the deployment parameters. But they affect both running in the studio and the deployment. If the debug level is increased then that might be a bit too much output for a production server, you can reset it it once you get at that stage though.

There are some options to monitor using watch variables and breakpoints or subscribe and filter on the metastreams or just plain print statements in Flex's. But haven't seen anything to set the debug level for only a specific window or stream, either..


Former Member
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I found it, and this is exactly what I was asking for...

Thanks a lot Ben!

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You can also change the log level at runtime using the streamingprojectclient utility.

So, for example, for my_project running in the ESP Studio cluster, to change the loglevel to 5, the command would look like this:
%STREAMING_HOME\bin\streamingprojectclient -p localhost:9786/default/my_project -c studio:mypassword "loglevel 5"

Former Member
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Thanks a lot Alice.

This is also useful.

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