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Unauthorized content from @SCNBlogs

0 Kudos

Hello !

I've been checking Twitter and read this: from Oficial account (@SCNblogs)

And the link is:

Unfortunately I can't read it.



Access to this place or content is restricted. If you think this is a mistake, please contact your administrator or the person who directed you here.

Yes, I've already search the twitter content here (SCN's Searcher): Redirecting... (and same error)

Yes, I've already read:

My question is why did you share protected posts?

Or... if you did not share protected posts/docs, why did this post share in twitter? (and why did not delete it?).



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

The blog post was published in a public space so it should have been accessible.  Unfortunately it was removed (rejected in moderation) after the tweet went out.  New blog posts are tweeted automatically but not deleted when the content is no longer accessible.

0 Kudos

Maybe that's affect the from SCN. Don't you think?

If Google index that content, and later goes to error page, bye bye SEO.

Maybe SCNBlogs should tweet only "approved content".

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Generally there are no certain approval process for a blog or document. A content may can go for pre moderation as per the document

But a content will be published immediately when you press publish (after a certain points), and that can be rejected later as per moderator's activity.

0 Kudos

Well, allways could be better

I don't know if twitter account take the content from some Jive's RSS feed.

Maybe that feed are wrong

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Yes and no: content gets removed from websites all the time.  In factr, it can be an indication that webmasters and publishers are managing their content, which can be a positive signal to Google for SEO (i.e. "these people care about their content and take care of it").

Answers (4)

Answers (4)

0 Kudos

Thanks all for your replays.

This is clear like the water.



Ps, sometimes I feel like annoying too much, excuse me, it is not my intention to disturb.

I just want to improve SCN

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
0 Kudos

Not all: good questions and I'm happy to share.

0 Kudos

hi guys,

i have started a discussion first, then in one day how can i unable to open my own discussion.

and error i am getting is.

its too important to view the can i access my own discussion

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

You just can't if a moderator decided to reject it. Click the Actions icon on top right  and open the notification tab, maybe the moderator left a reason, otherwise just read the forum rules to imagine what could have been wrong

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I've re-notified your message to moderator to see what the issue was. I've now re-rejected it giving you the reason.

The reason is you have included the phrase "please can anyone help me out as early as possible." in your post. Phrases like this - ASAP, urgent, need an answer soonest etc.- are not permitted. The reason is they are often perceived as quite rude. In essence you are saying that your post is more important than anyone else's and so everyone should accede to that.

The fact is, everyone's post is urgent to them.

Secondly your question was about

1. Zipping multiple pdfs 

2. Emailing them

Both these topics have been discussed many times before. If you search you will find blogs, documents, wiki entries and discussions that explain what you need to do. On those grounds I would also have rejected your post as being a FAQ.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Oh, and in case you don't believe it's a FAQ, try this link.

0 Kudos

fine i can understand..but now i needed the reply which i got for that discussion,what can i do to look back..atleast once

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

You can find a similar reply in the answers to all other existing discussions on the same topic, just execute the link you got again and open the hits and read.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

I note you have reposted the question. I have rejected it again - it is clearly a FAQ.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

The blog was posted in by

Perhaps a PP mod or Leon might know what happened.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Unfortunately I think activity from SCN on Twitter is not working as same like as SCN activity.

If a blog got rejected by a moderator, the blog link will be removed from SCN activity.

But if you share the blog (before rejected) or in the case of directly twittered in some other website, then the link will be still visible on this other website (after rejected). So you can see the link but you can't access the content.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

A blog is directly twittered when it is released and it doesn't fall under pre-moderation like blog content of new members. However, that does not mean it is secure from any moderation activity. Alerts by community members can only be made after the content is visible.

In this particular case it was just redundant content  and was rejected by a moderator because there are already 20 documents in SCN which explain the same.