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create URL,Telephone number as paramater Account Search and result based on parameter of telephone number ?

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0 Kudos

Hi Experts,

create URL,Telephone number as paramater Account Search and result based on parameter of telephone number ?..

Previous my thread was locked...Now i want to say thanks to KALYANI L and Richa Dameja,..Now This code i have followed now its working fine..Thanks Great help to Kalyani L..and Richa Dameja.. i have implemented the DO_INIT_CONTEXT.....Now getting result...

As suggest Kalyani L i have implemented DO_INTI_CONTEXT method,Now its working fine....


Thanks For support.



Message was edited by: Andrei Vishnevsky

Disussion is locked.


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Answers (2)

Active Contributor
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Hello Kalpana,

I've already locked your previous discussion and thought that I gave pretty clear warning.

First of all "do my job" posts are not welcomed on SCN.

Second point: you're incorrect in choosing SCN space with such questions. Here is a little which is related to IC in your task.

Third point is that if somebody has an answer to your exact question then he will give you it if he wants. There is no reason to post-post-post messages asking for help or hurry. Your "urgent requirement" is not the reason either.

Fourth one is: according to you need to do the search before posting. Almost all of your questions regarding this topic has an answer already.

Locking the discussion again. If you continue to post such questions I will need to report this situation to SAP CRM space editors and global moderators.

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0 Kudos

Hi Team,

Now i want  to change one thing in URL...if  i click the URL,it is asking user name and idont want to enter user name and password..if user clicks the link  then its directly open to account and result page..



Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi Team,

Any Information? If we click this URL it is asking USERNAME and password ,I dont want to enter Username password..I dont want user name password authentication ,if user clicks directly then URL will be displayed,This is my to modify it?

