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VMD_EI_API_EXTRACT does not return contact person

0 Kudos

I'm writing a program to copy a Vendor to a customer. For that I need to read all the data from the Vendor using the GET_DATA method of class VMD_EI_API_EXTRACT. But this methos does not return the contact persons for my vendors. I need the job address of the contact person to become the address of the customer.

I have tried the test program from the wiki, and here the section with the contact person is also empty : Extracting vendor master data using class - VMD_EI_API_EXTRACT - ABAP Development - SCN Wiki

Is it not possible to read contact persons with this class - even if there is section for contacts under CENTRAL_DATA-CONTACT ?


0 Kudos

Hi Kim,

I'm facing exactly the same situation. How did you solve it finally? I would appreciate any indication to help me to solve this problem.

Thanks in advance.


0 Kudos

Hi Kim,

I'm facing exactly the same situation. How did you solve it finally? I would appreciate any indication to help me to solve this problem.

Thanks in advance.

0 Kudos

Short answer : A general available method/Class is not just a method/class you just can call anymore

The answer I got from SAP after creating an OSS was that this API is part of the switch framework (Operations, Enterprise Services 2 - Business Functions (SAP Enhancement Package 3 for SAP ERP 6.0) -...) from where you can enable new functionality. So you have to do some customizing !

You need to activate switch VENDOR_SFWS_SC1.

And activate customizing :

Cross-Application Components

->Master Data Synchronization

->Customer/Vendor Integration

->Business Partner Settings

->Settings for Customer Integration

->Field Assignment for Customer Integration

->Assign Attributes

->Contact Person

=>Activate Assignment of Contact Persons

Why this should be nessesary in a READ method is beyond my understanding

(that said - we are running IS-CWM and could not get the answer if activating a switch/this switch on a IS-CWM system was recommended, and therefore I ended up coding the read of contactperson using my own code)

0 Kudos

Thanks a lot, Kim.

We will analyze if it's possible (and recommendable) to activate that framework. By the moment, I will do my own code to get the data from database, as you did.

Thanks again and greetings.

0 Kudos

I'm using FM :



MAP2E_ADDR1_VAL_TO_BAPIAD1VL (I'm creating/modifying a Customer based on a Vendor, so I'm ending up calling cmd_ei_api=>maintain_bapi)

0 Kudos

Thanks again,

I've already done and it works perfectly.

My requirement it's different (we create in the customer the vendor contacts as function partners), so i have used the cmd_ei_api=>maintain but I didn't need the address functions.


0 Kudos

** Display the Contacts details, (All fields not displayed using Write) **
REFRESH : lt_contacts.
CLEAR : ls_contacts.
APPEND LINES OF ls_vendors_o-central_data-contact-contacts TO lt_contacts.
WRITE 😕 'Central -> Contacts -> Contacts data' COLOR 1.
IF lt_contacts[] IS NOT INITIAL.
LOOP AT lt_contacts INTO ls_contacts.
WRITE 😕 'Contact : ',ls_contacts-address_type_3-postal-data-firstname.
WRITE : ' ',ls_contacts-address_type_3-postal-data-lastname.
WRITE 😕 ' No Contacts data available.. '.
ENDIF. SPAN { font-family: "Consolas"; font-size: 10pt; color: #F8F8F2; background: #282A36; }.L0S31 { font-style: italic; color: #6272A4; }.L0S32 { color: #BD93F9; }.L0S33 { color: #F1FA8C; }.L0S52 { color: #66D9EF; }.L0S55 { color: #50FA7B; }.L0S70 { color: #50FA7B; }

0 Kudos

Way back I got an answer back from SAP :

For first issue please activate following in IMG:

Cross-Application Components ->Master Data Synchronization ->Customer/Vendor Integration ->Business Partner Settings ->Settings for Customer Integration ->Field Assignment for Customer Integration ->Assign Attributes ->Contact Person =>Activate Assignment of Contact Persons

Please note that some coding for contact persons is switched

You also need to activate switch VENDOR_SFWS_SC1.

So I wrote the coding myself. We have activated IS-CWM on our system, and activation a switch that is not documented in the IS-CWS solution is not recommended