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Why My 5 points also deleted

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0 Kudos

Hi Very Good Moderators

1)In the Above link i have given one answer and OP Gave 5 points --ok

2)Now Again he asked some thing i  replayed ,He gave Again 5 points ...even it is not Imp replay from regarding OP

Finally He Updated in the post final how he solved ...But 1St point Little bit helped him

3)Finally i replied Thanks a lot For updating properly   ..even for this also He gave 5 points...Really i dont want that extra points

Sincerely i have sent Moderators  , i requested to delete that extra 5 points   ok even 10 points removed also not a problem

But i dont know Total points Removed this link ................In this case there is no relation with OP , I am telling frankly ..But i want my 5 points back

In case you are not ready to add that 5 points please tell me the reason why That 5 points deleted 

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor
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It is also possible that the original poster has reassigned the points, even though this might look quite strange in this case (own reply as correct answer).

I think you shouldn't be so desparate about those points.

Keep helping people, play fair, and the rest will fall into place.


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0 Kudos

Dear Thomas Zloch

Thanks a lot i am not worrying about Points ..just i want to know the reason only

Thanks a lot for your help

Former Member
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Its not all about point...Important is how correctly you answer & help other. That's the motto of SCN community!!!!

"Winning is not at all important, its important how did you play!!!!!"

Requesting moderator on Venus's behalf to return back his well earned 5 points.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Is that like when people say it's not the money, it's the principle, they mean "it's the money"?

Maybe you could politely ask a moderator in the SD space?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

If there is no worry for the points, then there shouldn't be one for reason either.

This wouldn't take your pride away

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