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Intercompany Sales Incoming Invoice references

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We have customized intercompany sales delivery related process.

We have completed SD steps successfully.

1.       Sales Order Creation

( Sales Org. 0001 in comp Code 0001, are delivered to customer from plant LY02 in comp code 002)

2.       Delivery

3.       Customer billing document

4.       Intercompany billing document

5.       Auto Incoming Invoice creation with RD04 output type

Now, what I do not understand is purchasing process that company code 0002 should create Purchase order, statistical goods receipt and incoming invoice.

I have searched oss notes and forums they all talk about incoming invoice creation with RD04.

I also completed EDI steps successfully that are triggered after RD04.

But it is not working now because I don’t have PO document yet.

I have 3 questions about this process.

Is it possible to create PO automatically?

If it is not how can I create PO document manually with reference to intercompany sales order? so RD04 finds PO and posts incoming invoice.

when should I create PO?  (after creating sales order or delivery document).

Should we create statistical goods receipt document with PO reference ?


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Answers (2)

Answers (2)

0 Kudos

I have not completed the process yet.

I need an advice who have achived this before.

As I said before I customized delivery related intercompany process.

All SD steps are working fine

I have one sales order, one delivery, one billing document in delivering company

I have one billing document in selling company.

Now, I need a PO and Incoming Invoice in sales company.

how should I create PO?

which acc. assingment category should be assigned?

Should I set Goods Receipt Indicator?

0 Kudos


I am held up so am not able to recreate your scenario right now. Meanwhile please go through this and see if it helps.

Incase it doesnt, I am sorry, I will get back as soon as I am done with my work.



Former Member
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Dear Omer,

in inter company scenario there is no PO creation its strange that your are getting PO error.

can you post the screen dump of the error you got.

Br, Prashant

0 Kudos

There are two options to post incoming invoice, one is posting direct FI entry or creating MM incoming invoice(MIRO).

if you want to enter incoming invoice(MIRO) that is sent by delivering company, there should be a PO which is created in company 0001.

RD04 output type enables to post incoming invoice automatically after intercompany billing doc.

so i want to know how can i create PO document and statistical goods receipt document.

and is there a way to create PO automatically?

whenever i create a sales order, i want to create a PO

and whenever i create delivery document i want to create a statistical goods receipt material document.

0 Kudos

Hi Mr.Savran,

Your business requirement is fascinating. I am directly answering your questions without any assumptions.

1. Automatic PO can be done but it requires lots of Add-ons and background jobs which is tedious hence manual PO alone should be done.

2. A sale order can be created for STO scenario so the Item category must allow schedule lines, and the schedule line category with no planing must raise an PR document, Material must have external procurement in MRP. This will ensure a PR is raised in the schedule lines of a sale order which must be used to create a PO using ME21N tcode.

3. You can create a statistical goods receipt by using tcode MIGO but a dummy vendor master, Purchasing organisation should be defined and assigned. Also the schedule line category of the sale document should have the "purchase requestion delivery scheduling" should be checked. (note: it will have financial posting implications so not recommended unless you have a genuine purpose).

I hope this solves your purpose.



0 Kudos


I think i could not explain my need clearly.

now I dont know how to post PO and MIRO documents manually in company 0001, forget about automatic postings.

we have completed SD processes.

We delivered products from company 0002 so FI documents generated after goods issue material.

Billing documents created to customer from company 0001 and to company 0001 from company 0002.

They are working fine.

Now, i want create incoming invoice in company 0001, so i think I should create a PO document.

which account assigntment category i should use? so material accounts are posted properly.

0 Kudos


I am sorry but can you rephrase your question? I am not clear about your requirement.

