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Smartforms PDF417 ZEBRA - separators printed no scape sequence considered (zlp ^FH^FD)

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Could someone please give us some guidance on how to solve the following issue??


We have a label designed in Smartform  and includes a PDF417 that contains a
shipping information to FORD, we are concatenating several fields into a variable including the separators;

we are using zebra printers that support ZLP (zebra 110Xi4, 105SL’s amd 110 Xiiii)

the used device type we are using is YZB300U.

the issue is that when we print the label, in the PDF417 code, the separator characters are printed as text, insted of getting converted

Name     Hex         Description


EOT         04           End of Transmission

RS           1E           Record Separator

GS           1D          Group Separator





This what we need ….


But instead if we scan the printed pdf417 code we get the separators as text like this...

[)>\x1E06\1x1DF01001P\1x1DS1JUN1234567890123456\1x1D S12546\1x1E\1x04


We have tried by adding the barcode to the device type and using a scape sequence using ^FH\

and also we elimitated from the smart form  the characters x1 leaving only as \1E , \1D, \04… .

however the scape sequence is not considered when printing therefore we have the same isse...

the hexadecimals are not converted…

Could you please provide someguidance.. is the right driver to use??  what other possible solution could you address??

your help will be greately appreciated!

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Just to share what the solution approach that it was taken, as having a zebra in place using outputs from SAP was a milestone for our one of our projects, we had several fronts to solve this issue and two of them worked fine.

  • The first of them was that we bought from the zebra distributor the ZBI-developer software and install it on the printer, and a developer made that every time it founds this scape sequence for PDF417 it changed it in the way that included hex interpretation ^FH\

  • The other approach was to make a copy of the driver YZB1 and also copy of class YCL_PDL_IMP_ZB_YZB1, where is the abap code for the PDF417, there it was a declaration of a concatenation and there is where we added the ZLP command ^FH\  as part of the contactenation and it worked. ...

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Where to do this settings could you please let me know .


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Hi Ruben,

I have the same issue.

When you have implemented your solution (copy and modification of class YCL_PDL_IMP_ZB_YZB1), it was for smartform or sapscript ?


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