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Steps For Goods Receipt For Work Order Using Handling Units

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Hello MM gurus,

I'm new to HU Management.  Can you please share with me the steps for executing a "Goods Receipt For Work Order" using Handling Units?

I created a HU (1000000026), and then using transaction COWBHUWE I tried using that HU to create a goods receipt, but I keep getting the message below:

Handling unit 1000000026 is not provided for goods receipt

Message no. VHURM046

Do you have to assign/plan HUs to Process Orders first? I think the problem is that I'm not understanding the process or the requirements for a goods receipt for work order using HU.

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Please go through the link attached for SAP standard document for POST GOODS RECEIPT from production in HUM ENVIRONMENT

Post goods receipt with HU - Handling Unit Management (LO-HU) - SAP Library

After creating the HU

In COWBHUWE you are supposed to enter the production order number and the HU number and propose it

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Hello Manish Kumar,

I've been doing Handling Units testing in our sandbox environment and I've been trying to Pack a Finished Product for a Process Order using

1-Transaction code HU02 to create the Handling Unit

2-Transaction COWBHUE after creating the HU to enter the production order number and the HU number and propose it, but the it doesn't work. When I propose it, nothing happens.

3.-I also tried COWBPACK, but for some reason, when I go into COWBPACK, key in the Process Order, and then press enter, I get the following message:

You do not have authorization to create handling units for plant BP08
Message no. VHUPD500

Do you know how to solve this issue?

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go to your manager or authorization team and ask for authorization, how else shall this message be understood?

if you want to see it in the program what object is checked:


*&      Form  check_authority


*       text


*      -->P_PLAPPLDATA  text


FORM check_authority using    pd  like plappldata.

  authority-check object 'C_HU_PROD'

                   id 'ACTVT' field c_actvt_pack

                   id 'WERKS' field pd-werks.

if sy-subrc <> 0.

*  authority check failed.

*  don't show 'unsaved data popup' after following exit command


   message e500(vhupd) with pd-werks.


ENDFORM.                    " check_authority

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This is a complete process flow:

Create Packing Instructions for receiving material in POP1 t-code. (if you already didn't do this previously)

Then, in Material master Basic data you have to assign the Packing Material group for both the header material and the packing material. Both to be in same packing material group. (if not already done)

Then use tcode COWBPACK for creating the packing with Handling units.

Then use tocode COWBHUWE to make the receipt.

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Hi Oscar,

Step 1 : Create HU using HU02

Step 2 : Assign HU to production order using COWBPACK

Step 3 ; Goods Receipt using t-code COWBHUWE

Hope this helps

Former Member
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Thanks Manish Kumar. That's exactly what I needed to know. I still have the access problem for COWBPACK, but I'll post another question for that.

Former Member
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Thanks Mihailo. That's exactly what I needed to know. I still have the access problem for COWBPACK, but I'll post another question for that.

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