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Will a Certificate help a 2 year experience person?

0 Kudos

Hello all,

I have about 2 years experience in SAP , mostly in FI, GL, OTC, OTP and a little bit in CO.

I am currently in US and having a job as SAP Functional analyst.

Is it s good idea for me to do SAP certification?

Which certification I can take and hjow much it costs?


Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member
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Certification is good idea, but on which module you will do the Certification ?

Cost and available certification can be found here.. under maintenance, will be available soon. )

0 Kudos

I have worked in FI, OTC and PTP areas more in last 2 years. So FI associate certification may be good one to go with. But my question is will it help me in career? in future?

0 Kudos

Taking up Certification will always add advantage to your profile.

To your questions whether it will help you in career or in future is based on how you taking it.

I hope presently you're working with SAP FI and you have almost 2 years Domain Experience. So if you're comfortable with SAP FI process flow and interested to move up in same platform. Then it is the right choice.

And please do not expect sudden change in job or Salary hike, it might be difficult for you to find the perfect fit of SAP FI consultant opening in market. So be prepared mentally for that.

Just go through this posting, this will help you to understand the certification usage better:

Top 10 Myths about SAP Certification

0 Kudos

Thanks Praburam,

Can you tell should I take any training for associate level FI certification even though I have about 2 years exp in SAP FI ?

Or should I just study materials on my own and give certification test ?



0 Kudos

Ketan, There are several materials and trainings centeres available outside.

However taking up certification through authorized partners would be better. Eventhough you have domain experience, companies will not be using all functionalities available in SAP FI. So to learn complete associate certification would be great opportunity to prepare well. Along with you have several web references to get ready for exam.

We all here always for you to help..

Active Contributor
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SAP FI is one of most easiest exams, provided if you have good knowledge on basic.

They do not ask anything beyond basic. Therefore, your primary importance is to read material minimum 6 times (may be more) religiously. You should easily pass the exam.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Ravi,

Can i have some details about BFC (Business Object Financial Consolidation) module and is there any training centers in Bangalore. Since there is very minimum BFC Consultants.

How is it different from other financial function modules.

Thank you in advance.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Ravi,

I am preparing for SAP FI ECC 6.0 EHP5 certification and I have almost 4 years of experience. So, if I read all the Syllabus book it will be good?

In ECC6.0 EHP5 has 3 main books and 1 for SolMan. If I go through 3 books will it be ok or it's better to go through the SolMan as well? Do I need to go through any online SAP FI certification questions?

And also do you have any suggestion?



0 Kudos

Hello Ravi Sir,

This is Anuradha.

I am recently certified in SAP-PP.

Need to talk to you.

SCN Community is new to me.

Couldn't find how to connect to you!

Active Contributor
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Hello Anuradha,


You need to click on "Follow" button on my profile.

Best Regards,


Active Contributor
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You need to read all curriculum books, cannot afford to missing some books.

Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Ravi,

Can i have some details about BFC (Business Object Financial Consolidation) module and is there any training centers in Bangalore. Since there is very minimum BFC Consultants.

How is it different from other financial function modules.

Thank you in advance.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Please visit

Please contact SAP Education to know more about the training centers.

Kind Regards,


0 Kudos

I would definitely say that taking this would not just boost up your resume but also it will definitely give you insight of all the aspect of the module. Practical knowledge is better than academic knowledge and mostly companies ask for experience than just showing a piece of paper (valuable paper) but both combined your a bomb (if you know what I mean).

I recommend that you go for the certification as you are already in the field it would definitely be easy compared to a newebe. Good luck!!!!!

Former Member
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I think Certification will help definitely. May not be in job search or salary raise, but definitely it will value to your career path.

I am preparing for SAP FI certification. If your concept is clear you can do that. And also reading all those books definitely give you more understanding in SAP.

Best of luck.
