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Java Instance not starting

Former Member
0 Kudos


Java server0 is not starting. It is getting stopped after status 'starting framework'. All other process are running fine. The server was running fine before reboot. My server is ABAP+JAVA system. Below is the trace file of server 0. Appreciate your help.


trc file: "G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\work\dev_server0", trc level: 1, release: "700"


node name   : ID47672350

pid         : 4280

system name : EC6

system nr.  : 04

started at  : Fri Feb 21 11:48:53 2014

arguments      :

      arg[00] : G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\exe\jlaunch.exe

      arg[01] : pf=G:\usr\sap\EC6\SYS\profile\EC6_JC04_MOOSAP

      arg[02] : -DSAPINFO=EC6_04_server

      arg[03] : pf=G:\usr\sap\EC6\SYS\profile\EC6_JC04_MOOSAP

[Thr 6500] Fri Feb 21 11:48:53 2014

[Thr 6500] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [] [jstartxx.c   841]

[Thr 6500] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [] [jstartxx.c   841]

[Thr 6500] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [instance.en.port=3205] [jstartxx.c   841]

[Thr 6500] *** WARNING => INFO: Unknown property [] [jstartxx.c   841]


JStartupReadInstanceProperties: read instance properties [G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\j2ee\cluster\]

-> ms host    : MOOSAP

-> ms port    : 3905

-> OS libs    : G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\j2ee\os_libs

-> Admin URL  :

-> run mode   : NORMAL

-> run action : NONE

-> enabled    : yes



Used property files

-> files [00] : G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\j2ee\cluster\



Instance properties

-> ms host    : MOOSAP

-> ms port    : 3905

-> os libs    : G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\j2ee\os_libs

-> admin URL  :

-> run mode   : NORMAL

-> run action : NONE

-> enabled    : yes



Bootstrap nodes

-> [00] bootstrap            : G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\j2ee\cluster\

-> [01] bootstrap_ID47672300 : G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\j2ee\cluster\

-> [02] bootstrap_ID47672350 : G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\j2ee\cluster\



Worker nodes

-> [00] ID47672300           : G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\j2ee\cluster\

-> [01] ID47672350           : G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\j2ee\cluster\


[Thr 6500] JLaunchRequestQueueInit: create named pipe for ipc

[Thr 6500] JLaunchRequestQueueInit: create pipe listener thread

[Thr 5864] JLaunchRequestFunc: Thread 5864 started as listener thread for np messages.

[Thr 6140] WaitSyncSemThread: Thread 6140 started as semaphore monitor thread.

[Thr 6500] NiInit3: NI already initialized; param 'maxHandles' ignored (1;202)

[Thr 6500] CPIC (version=700.2006.09.13)

[Thr 6500] *** WARNING => Maximum Java heap size specified twice (through maxHeapSize and in javaParameters) - using -Xmx1024m [jstartxx.c   2604]

[Thr 6500] [Node: server0] java home is set by profile parameter

    Java Home: E:\j2sdk1.4.2_31-x64

[Thr 6500] JStartupICheckFrameworkPackage: can't find framework package G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\exe\jvmx.jar


JStartupIReadSection: read node properties [ID47672350]

-> node name          : server0

-> node type          : server

-> node execute       : yes

-> jlaunch parameters :

-> java path          : E:\j2sdk1.4.2_31-x64

-> java parameters    : -verbose:gc -Djco.jarm=1 -XX:PermSize=512m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:NewSize=320m -XX:MaxNewSize=320m -XX:SurvivorRatio=2 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+UseTLAB -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=1 -Djava.awt.headless=true -XX:+UseParNewGC -Drdbms.driverLocation=G:/usr/sap/EC6/SYS/exe/uc/NTAMD64/mssjdbc/sqljdbc.jar

-> java vm version    : 1.4.2_31-b03

-> java vm vendor     : Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (Sun Microsystems Inc.)

-> java vm type       : server

-> java vm cpu        : amd64

-> heap size          : 1024M

-> init heap size     : 1024M

-> stack size         : 2M

-> root path          : G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\j2ee\cluster\server0

-> class path         : .\bin\boot\boot.jar;.\bin\boot\jaas.jar;.\bin\system\bytecode.jar;.

-> OS libs path       : G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\j2ee\os_libs

-> main class         :

-> framework class    :

-> registr. class     :

-> framework path     : G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\exe\jstartup.jar;G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\exe\jvmx.jar

-> shutdown class     :

-> parameters         :

-> debuggable         : no

-> debug mode         : no

-> debug port         : 50421

-> shutdown timeout   : 120000


[Thr 6500] JLaunchISetDebugMode: set debug mode [no]

[Thr 5044] JLaunchIStartFunc: Thread 5044 started as Java VM thread.

[Thr 5044] [JHVM_PrepareVMOptions] use java parameters set by profile parameter

    Java Parameters: -Xss2m


JHVM_LoadJavaVM: VM Arguments of node [server0]

-> stack   : 1048576 Bytes

-> arg[  0]: exit

-> arg[  1]: abort

-> arg[  2]: vfprintf

-> arg[  3]:

-> arg[  4]:

-> arg[  5]:

-> arg[  6]:

-> arg[  7]:

-> arg[  8]:

-> arg[  9]: -verbose:gc

-> arg[ 10]: -Djco.jarm=1

-> arg[ 11]: -XX:PermSize=512m

-> arg[ 12]: -XX:MaxPermSize=512m

-> arg[ 13]: -XX:NewSize=320m

-> arg[ 14]: -XX:MaxNewSize=320m

-> arg[ 15]: -XX:SurvivorRatio=2

-> arg[ 16]: -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90

-> arg[ 17]: -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps

-> arg[ 18]: -XX:+UseTLAB

-> arg[ 19]: -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=1

-> arg[ 20]:

-> arg[ 21]: -Djava.awt.headless=true

-> arg[ 22]: -XX:+UseParNewGC

-> arg[ 23]: -Drdbms.driverLocation=G:/usr/sap/EC6/SYS/exe/uc/NTAMD64/mssjdbc/sqljdbc.jar

-> arg[ 24]:\usr\sap\EC6\SYS\global

-> arg[ 25]: -Dapplication.home=G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\exe

-> arg[ 26]: -Djava.class.path=G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\exe\jstartup.jar;G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\exe\jvmx.jar;.\bin\boot\boot.jar;.\bin\boot\jaas.jar;.\bin\system\bytecode.jar;.

-> arg[ 27]: -Djava.library.path=E:\j2sdk1.4.2_31-x64\jre\bin\server;E:\j2sdk1.4.2_31-x64\jre\bin;E:\j2sdk1.4.2_31-x64\bin;G:\usr\sap\EC6\JC04\j2ee\os_libs;E:\Windows\system32;E:\Windows;E:\Windows\System32\Wbem;E:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;E:\j2sdk1.4.2_31-x64\bin;E:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\;E:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\;E:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\;E:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\VSShell\Common7\IDE\;E:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\;E:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\;G:\usr\sap\EC6\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64

-> arg[ 28]: -Dmemory.manager=1024M

-> arg[ 29]: -Xmx1024M

-> arg[ 30]: -Xms1024M

-> arg[ 31]: -Xss2M

-> arg[ 32]: -DLoadBalanceRestricted=no

-> arg[ 33]: -Djstartup.mode=JCONTROL

-> arg[ 34]: -Djstartup.ownProcessId=4280

-> arg[ 35]: -Djstartup.ownHardwareId=Q1483080758

-> arg[ 36]: -Djstartup.whoami=server

-> arg[ 37]: -Djstartup.debuggable=no

-> arg[ 38]: -Xss2m

-> arg[ 39]: -DSAPINFO=EC6_04_server

-> arg[ 40]: -DSAPSTARTUP=1

-> arg[ 41]: -DSAPSYSTEM=04

-> arg[ 42]: -DSAPSYSTEMNAME=EC6

-> arg[ 43]: -DSAPMYNAME=MOOSAP_EC6_04


-> arg[ 45]: -Dj2ee.dbhost=MOOSAP


CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/pb/layout/taglib/ContainerTag addIviewResources

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/keystore/impl/security/CodeBasedSecurityConnector getApplicationDomain

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/rmi_p4/P4StubSkeletonGenerator generateStub

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/prt/util/StringUtils escapeToJS

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/prt/core/broker/PortalServiceItem startServices

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/server/deploy/WSConfigurationHandler downloadFile

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/prt/jndisupport/util/AbstractHierarchicalContext lookup

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/navigation/cache/CacheNavigationNode getAttributeValue

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/portal/navigation/TopLevelNavigationiView PrintNode

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sapportals/wcm/service/ice/wcm/ICEPropertiesCoder encode

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/lcr/pers/delta/importing/ObjectLoader loadObjects

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/jaxrpc/encoding/InstanceBuilder readElement

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/jaxrpc/encoding/InstanceBuilder readSequence

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/jaxrpc/encoding/TypeMappingImpl initializeRelations

CompilerOracle: exclude com/sap/engine/services/webservices/jaxrpc/encoding/GeneratedComplexType _loadInto

[Thr 5044] JHVM_LoadJavaVM: Java VM created OK.


JHVM_BuildArgumentList: main method arguments of node [server0]


[Thr 3040] Fri Feb 21 11:48:55 2014

[Thr 3040] JHVM_RegisterNatives: registering methods in

[Thr 3040] JHVM_RegisterNatives: registering methods in

[Thr 3040] JLaunchISetClusterId: set cluster id 47672350

[Thr 3040] JLaunchISetState: change state from [Initial (0)] to [Waiting for start (1)]

[Thr 3040] JLaunchISetState: change state from [Waiting for start (1Ja)] to [Starting (2)]

Fri Feb 21 11:49:00 2014

6.790: [ParNew 163840K->12430K(966656K), 0.0245704 secs]

Fri Feb 21 11:49:02 2014

8.756: [ParNew 176270K->15086K(966656K), 0.0189822 secs]

Fri Feb 21 11:49:03 2014

9.659: [ParNew 178926K->19441K(966656K), 0.0095829 secs]

[Thr 5468] Fri Feb 21 11:49:05 2014

[Thr 5468] JHVM_RegisterNatives: registering methods in

[Thr 3484] JLaunchIExitJava: exit hook is called (rc = -11113)

[Thr 3484] **********************************************************************

*** ERROR => The Java VM terminated with a non-zero exit code.

*** Please see SAP Note 943602 , section 'J2EE Engine exit codes'

*** for additional information and trouble shooting.


[Thr 3484] JLaunchCloseProgram: good bye (exitcode = -11113)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

0 Kudos


Did you make any changes to the system before this ?

I also see you are using SUN JDK instead of the SAP JVM.

Can you also provide the latest std_server log file as well ?



Former Member
0 Kudos

Yes Reagan, i made the user source as ABAP system from user management. But now i changed back the value to default from configtool. Issue still exists.



0 Kudos

Can you provide the latest default trace please ?

It looks like connection to the ABAP is the problem.



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi All,

  The problem is now solved. I have changed the data source and heap size as well. Instance is running after full reboot of the system. Thank you all for your support.

- Venu.

Answers (2)

Answers (2)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Venu,

Thr 3484] JLaunchCloseProgram: good bye (exitcode = -11113)

This error is related to license. Please check whether valid SAP license exists on the system.


Deepak Kori

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Deepak,

  I am not able to check license details in Java stack as the instance is down. I have checled in ABAP stack and the license is valid.

Please let me know how to check Java license when instance is down



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Venu,

Can you please follow the below steps..

1. stop the ABAP+JAVA

2.Clean the shared memory cleanipc remove <no>

3.start the ABAP+JAVA using startsap

4. This issue related to port problem, can you check the UME name and system no in configtool

5.check the JAVA instance number in start profile

Please check the below note relevent to this issue..

1658911 - J2EE System fails with "exitcode = -11113"



Message was edited by: balaram reddy

Former Member
0 Kudos

I changed the UME source from ABAP backto default value. But still no luck. All the parameter values are showing correct.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Reddy

Check this SAP Note 1658911 - J2EE System fails with "exitcode = -11113"

