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CNTL_ERROR while scheduling VF31 in background

Former Member
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I'm trying to schedule VF31 in background, but every time I do so, it dumps a CNTL_ERROR. The problem persists for single and multiple invoices when VF31 is processed in background.

It is working fine when I execute the transaction in foreground!

Please find the error description below:

Error analysis

    A RAISE statement in the program "SAPLSTXBC" raised the exception

    condition "CNTL_ERROR".

    Since the exception was not intercepted by a superior

    program, processing was terminated.

Main Program: SD70AV3A

Source Code Extract

954 ***********************************************************************


956 ***********************************************************************

957 form pbo_html_control.


959   set pf-status 'HTML'.

960   set titlebar  'HTML'.


962 * container

963   if pdf_my_container is initial.

964     create object pdf_my_container

965       exporting

966         container_name = 'HTML'

967       exceptions

968         others         = 1.

969     if sy-subrc <> 0.

>>>>       raise cntl_error.

971     endif.

972   endif.


974 * html control

975   if pdf_html_control is initial.

976     create object pdf_html_control

I confirmed with basis team that print parameters are correctly set.

Please help in this regard!

Many thanks,


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Check whether these threads helps you. 

ALV Grid output in background Job | SCN

For information, the said error is related to output and if you are using some zee output, then ask your technical team to check in ST22 for this dump.

G. Lakshmipathi

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Lakshmi,

These threads pertain to CNTL errors/changes in custom programs.

However, in my situation the error is raised in standard program as I mentioned before.

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0 Kudos


I could able to find an OSS note for similar kind of issue

you can check this note, though this note does not belong to VF31, it says some patch has to be installed to overcome such issues

OSS note # 1650833



Former Member
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I'll check the patch installation solution.