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About "Missions"

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Dear SCN,

I have been observing "Missions" under "Reputation" tab for a while. Why the secrets of "Missions" have to be shown to SCN Users?

Since these are shown, there is a chance of getting driven only by the Quantity not by Quality. I don't say everyone is running after Quantity, but some are..

For me, I like surprises. If SCN awards some points as bonus for getting qualified as per the Mission criteria, then SCN will be full of surprises and makes life more interesting.

This is What I feel..

I am expecting your opinions too now..



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

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Hi everyone,

You can think of badge missions as a way to do 2 things:

- Encourage a certain activity or behavior: it's an open debate whether we should be open and transparent, and share all the requirements - this is what pure gamification is - or whether we should be vague or hide certain things in order to prevent abusive behaviors. There is no right or wrong answer, just a lively debate 🙂

- Reward special achievements: in these cases we can hide missions/badges so that when someone receives them it's a nice surprise. Hiding missions is also a way to reward altruistic behavior, but of course once the badge is out for the first time the news will spread 😉


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Hi Laure Cetin ,

Hope you have gone through all replies My idea in raising this post for the debate purpose only.I would like to thank you for supporting and initiating a lively debate.

As I said in initial post, I am looking for surprises in SCN. People should not be able to predict What are they going to get . This creates lot of curiosity among all and makes SCN more precious.



Answers (6)

Answers (6)

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As I have got considerable amount of replies, I am closing this thread. Thank you all for your participation

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Dear Friends and Moderators,

Any more ideas and Opinions ?



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Suman wouldn't it  be a good decision if you post this idea in

SAP: Enterprise Home

Once you post this idea in idea place then place the link in this thread so that people who are in favor of it will vote for it.



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I have submitted this idea in Idea Place. If any one likes it, you may vote for it..

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Thank you Anshu for the suggestion. I did it..

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Hi Nitin Jinagal, Dëv Päträ and manu m

I would like to thank both of you for your supporting lines. I strongly feel all "Missions" have to be hidden. Then, it creates lot of curiosity in all SCN Users, which could certainly makes SCN as much precious with lots of surprises

"Gamification" concepts are interesting but little fine tuning is required to avoid some Spam Contents.

People who experience Surprises(Bonus Points) can spread +ve Word of Mouth. This will accelerate the usage of SCN.

Hope SCN will look into this to improve.



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Yes I too agree with your point.    All "Missions" should be hidden.

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Hi Manu,

As you say, these missions are opened to motivate folks, I can partially agree to that. Because, SCN has run for 10 years without Gamification concept. I mean there were no bonus points like now. So I don't think hiding all Missions would impact the usage of SCN. In fact, it may increase the effective usage.



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I never used older SCN, or SDN but I have heard that was much better.

Atleast all the older folks say that. And there was some provision to limit the open threads for a user !!

I've never seen SDN, and I love SCN


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HI Suman,

I partially agree with you

I think the basic missions like "I Blogged", "I was helpful" - they should be visible - to motivate the new SCN starters

Advanced missions criteria can be hidden

Even if we talk about hidden missions

We can get the mission requirements by checking someone's profile who has completed that hidden mission

The best would be to keep mission requirements visible like for Thought Leader badge : - "Receive lots of 5-star ratings on your content"

Similarly, for Story Teller badge, requirements can be:

"Create numerous blog posts"

"Receive numerous Likes on any combination of blog posts"

"Receive numerous ratings of 5 stars on any combination of blog posts"

This way you won't get the exact numbers.



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Hi Vivek Singh Bhoj ,

So, you don't like surprises. I was the 4th person in whole SCN who got "Thought Leader badge" after Tammy, Laure, Ravi Sankar Venna. Do you know How much I was surprised and thrilled that day. I never known about the criteria. All of suddenly I got it. That is more precious rather than simply following/meeting the badge requirements. I will stand by my point. You are open to share your views.



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Yes... Same things happens on me at the time I am Popular and Pay it forward...

I was very very much happy that time, when I saw this badge is added my profile...

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I still don't know how to get those badges. And please don't share the secret


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Hi Nitin Jinagal ,

I have seen the transformation of SDN to SCN. I have been very active in SCN(All BW Spaces) since 2011 to till date.

I feel SDN was also better but Gamification concept was not there. The main USP of SCN is Gamification. Pre-moderation of docs, blogs wikis was there in SDN. But now it's not there.



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True said!!

And if the requirement is much needed to be shown, atleast don't disclose the figures. e.g For Answer hero- Don't shown 40. Rather show,  more participation and more correct answers will give you this badge.


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HI Nitin Jinagal,

This is brilliant idea of not showing values. Requirements should be generic.



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Moderation is one thing I still feel should be there. So that new users can be watched. And there should be limit to keep open threads before you reach/earn certain level.


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Hi Suman,

Suman Chakravarthy K wrote:

HI Nitin Jinagal,

This is brilliant idea of not showing values. Requirements should be generic.



I guess I already discussed this idea about generic values above : I guess you missed that reply

"I think the basic missions like "I Blogged", "I was helpful" - they should be visible - to motivate the new SCN starters

Advanced missions criteria can be hidden

Even if we talk about hidden missions

We can get the mission requirements by checking someone's profile who has completed that hidden mission

The best would be to keep mission requirements visible like for Thought Leader badge : - "Receive lots of 5-star ratings on your content"

Similarly, for Story Teller badge, requirements can be:

"Create numerous blog posts"

"Receive numerous Likes on any combination of blog posts"

"Receive numerous ratings of 5 stars on any combination of blog posts"

This way you won't get the exact numbers."

To answer your second part:

So, you don't like surprises. I was the 4th person in whole SCN who got "Thought Leader badge" after Tammy, Laure, Ravi Sankar Venna. Do you know How much I was surprised and thrilled that day. I never known about the criteria. All of suddenly I got it. That is more precious rather than simply following/meeting the badge requirements. I will stand by my point. You are open to share your views.

Surprises are good

My point is even if missions are hidden, If I want to see mission requirements then I can get all the mission requirements by checking someone's profile who has completed the hidden mission and accordingly calculate how can I complete my mission

If I don't want to see Mission requirements then I might not go to Missions tab in Reputation as I can still see all my earned badges in my profile - and even If I want to have a look at my newly earned badges(surprise) I can check that in History of Reputation tab



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Hi Vivek Singh Bhoj ,

"I think the basic missions like "I Blogged", "I was helpful" - they should be visible - to motivate the new SCN starters

Advanced missions criteria can be hidden

I admit your statement partially. Since Gamification has been established so well now, you say that some should be open at least. Figures should not be shown. They can make a clear statement in RoE saying that, all new Users can get surprising badges and points when they start endeavoring Blogging, Docs etc..

Even if we talk about hidden missions

We can get the mission requirements by checking someone's profile who has completed that hidden mission

My point is not to show in others profiles too.

If I don't want to see Mission requirements then I might not go to Missions tab in Reputation as I can still see all my earned badges in my profile - and even If I want to have a look at my newly earned badges(surprise) I can check that in History of Reputation tab

This requires lot of self control. Once any one knows some info is available, you can't control them to go in and find out it..

Thanks for sharing your views. I welcome them on a +ve note.



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Hi Vivek,

If I want to see mission requirements then I can get all the mission requirements by checking someone's profile who has completed the hidden mission and accordingly calculate how can I complete my mission

This should also be controlled. If a badge has been earned by anyone, don't let other to see the details if he has not earned it.

Things can be controlled and thus improved. All we need is good initiative !!

All your other points are very good !!


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I agree with you vivek and its about the values that have been inculcated in person..You give me the mission open with a number like 40 blogs or you say numerous blogs.I would not attempt to write a blog simply if i am totally not convinced with the content.I am not a point gamer anyways.Your content on SCN build your rapport and few company refers it as well.

Few exercise will be done prior posting a blog or document-

  1. It should be unique.
  2. It should have proper heading and most importantly the choice of words.
  3. Even if the content is same or redundant,we should make sure to present in a different way.

So all the ideas will be futile if a person does not have right attitude to look at the things and this applies everywhere in life.



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That's the problem, The ATTITUDE !!

I stand by you. If it was correct, we wouldn't have seen around half of the discussions across different spaces on SCN.

But as this would always remain as it is now, other ways are needed to be look around. And that's what we all are discussing here


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Hi Nitin Jinagal ,

It's not the question of Attitude here. This is a public website, we can't really make any policies by based on someone(who has good attitude) or not. Policy should be generic and should fit for all circumstances.

Some people who are in good positions(celebrities) also committing some stupid mistakes which can put their reputation at stake .



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Yeah. But my response was in some other context

Read that again !!


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Hi Nitin,

Can you put it in a different way? BTW, How was my latest reply?



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A person with right attitude would seek this forum to help himself, and would also assist others.

He would respond to queries, share information through documents so that other can also gain the

knowledge. That should be the attitude !!

If I start sharing already available information, in a bit different way to avoid moderator's notification, and to earn to earn those badges and points, that is wrong attitude !! 

And don't go by word brother, it can also be called as behavior, perception etc.


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This is the bottom line concept of good behavior in SCN. Anyway, we are getting diverted here. I know Attitude means a lot...

My only point is to hide mission requirements..I hope some guys are with me..if not no issues for me..I have raised this post to share my views...

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Hi Nitin,

This is the best answer

Cheer up.


Krishna Chaitanya.

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And I'm one of those guys standing by your side

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Thank you Krishna


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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I humbly disagree. These are missions, which, by definition, are assignments: they wouldn't really be missions if the requirements were missing. 

Overall, the goal of these missions is to encourage specific behavior and build awareness of platform features.  Sharing what's needed to complete these missions encourages SCN members to do X, Y and Z: look at the recent Be a Better Member! mission that encouraged member to read and bookmark the ROE and take a related poll.

As points out, there are also hidden missions (well, a bit of a contradiction I suppose).

Of course, life would be great if everyone followed the rules, search before they posted, etc.; however, that's not the case and hence we have SCN Moderators, the SCN Support space and this feature called Report Abuse (a.k.a. Alert Moderators).

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Ok, I consider your reply as from the Moderator's front ,as I have already got good replies from some of our contributors.

I am quite aware of some hidden missions are there. My idea is to hide all. If it is not absolutely possible, at least hide points figures.Hope you have gone through all replies in this post before replying me.

I am not convinced with your statement.

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Missions are open to see , may be to  inspire , motivate folks . That is my take but could be wrong !!

Now on Quality - Moderators are watching it and quality is assured.

at the end  nobody is getting any $ so its safe and satisfaction is the reward.



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Absolutely correct. But do the users actually get motivated, inspired.. I don't think most of them do that !!

Moderators are doing commendable job and put their best efforts to keep the space healthy.

Its not about $ my friend. A father teach his children to give values, for a better life, not to earn $!!

So there is difference. 

I hope you understand what I tried to say


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My idea is to hide all Missions.

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Yup. Once you know you need to post 4 blogs, you would post them so that you can get extra points and that badge. I don't find that cool.

Let me post my blog by myself. And let me earn those badges automatically, not by reviewing the requirements.

And this is applicable for everything !!


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That will be good Idea...

I suggest, all missions criteria should be hidden instead of primary missions like as First Steps, Ready Set Go! etc..

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But that would be effective only when a new user understand the importance !!

Bookmarking the RoE just to complete the mission is not enough. It should be made sure that user has understand them so that we don't see Jabbarism on SCN.

Little poll/quiz before getting that badge might be effective !!


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Hi Suman,

One way or other, you also pointed out something which I tried to present

i.e Quality of something.

You have given a different angle to that. Good to see supporting spirit around
