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Get customer name

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi ,

I have the customer number in the APO system how can i get the customer name.

Are the customer details stored in the APO system ?

If not that what is the rfc FM to be called to retrieve this detail.



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Former Member
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Are you trying to display Customer name- text in DP as part of CVCs or SNP master data?



0 Kudos

What I understand from your requirement that can we see the name of cust instead of Characteristic or not ?

If its right then ,while defining a Characteristic in the Master Data Tab Page/Texts text Table Propwerties you need to select one of three Short /Medium and Long text to be viewed as a name of Customer .

And then can check it in Interactive Planning Book after loading a selection .Put the Header On and then in Set Header Information Setting Window set the Text(4th Column) as active instead of ID (3rd Column) ,This will allow you to see the name/Text of the Characteristics (Customer etc) in the display.

Hope this is what you want..

Regds// Digs....

Former Member
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Customer in APO is a location of type 1010

So you can see them in the location master /sapapo/loc3

If you are looking for a table to find the description you find it in the join of

/sapapo/loc and .sapapo/lockey since the LOC table has locations as GUID and you need the lockey table to map it