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Former Member
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Hello Experts,

I am trying to migrate some data to IS-U system by EMIGALL t-code. As am a beginner,so few thing where am confused,experts please enlighten me on the following things.

In my scenario i am trying to migrate Business Partner Data.

  1. Do i need to write a program to convert the .txt format file (which i uploaded to application server via t-code:CG3Z) to emigall format or it can be done at EMIGALL t-code level (Utilities->convert migration file)?
  2. Legacy Key.How and where to create it? When i am trying to create individual BP i have given a legacy key which later gives an error saying key is unidentified at IS-U level.                                                                                                                                                                                                           For this i have tried to create a legacy key via KSM->Key Allocation. Here it's asking for External system key(where i have given my legacy key) and System key IS-U/CCS is where am confused, it's the key for migrated object in IS-U. where i can find the key for these objects?
  3. During the creation individual BP my Data Object button and all the option from Data Import menu is disabled. Did i missed something during the process.

I have search a lot but couldn't find the proper answers to my queries, experts please find some time and kindly put some light on it.

Thanks in Advance.

Best Regards,



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Arun

1. Yes, you should be able to convert the files from a text format to the EMIGALL format via EMIGIMP menu item Utilities: Convert Migration file (I haven't used it myself though). You probably can skip the CG3Z step when using option "Input is local file (WS)" and populating the "Input file (local)" fields.

2. Please include the error inclusive the error code to your post.

The legacy key is the first 30 char field of your input file, ignoring the record length not required in you WS input file. For more information on the file layout goto EMIGALL menu item "Utilities: Structure display: Display customer structure". Ensure the legacy key (field Oldkey is unique, otherwise an error message EM 101 "Legacy system key &1 has already been migrated".
For Business Partner also ensure the field BPEXT and ADEXT_ADDR have to unqiue.

3. Did you go via Display or Change mode into the file overview? Also if your file exceeds a certain number of rows it goes automatically into Display mode.



View solution in original post


Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Arun

1. Yes, you should be able to convert the files from a text format to the EMIGALL format via EMIGIMP menu item Utilities: Convert Migration file (I haven't used it myself though). You probably can skip the CG3Z step when using option "Input is local file (WS)" and populating the "Input file (local)" fields.

2. Please include the error inclusive the error code to your post.

The legacy key is the first 30 char field of your input file, ignoring the record length not required in you WS input file. For more information on the file layout goto EMIGALL menu item "Utilities: Structure display: Display customer structure". Ensure the legacy key (field Oldkey is unique, otherwise an error message EM 101 "Legacy system key &1 has already been migrated".
For Business Partner also ensure the field BPEXT and ADEXT_ADDR have to unqiue.

3. Did you go via Display or Change mode into the file overview? Also if your file exceeds a certain number of rows it goes automatically into Display mode.



0 Kudos

Hello Jürgen,

                 Thanks for the quick replay as per your suggestion i have tried to convert files using Input is local file (WS) option but having some error.Here i found my file structure is not correct.

I have checked the example file of my company for Business Object PARTNER as shown below. But couldn't figure it out what will be the exact file format.


Can you please let me know the exact .txt file structure for above example.

Thanks In Advance.

Best Regards,


0 Kudos

My 2nd and 3rd issue is as follows;

2. Legacy key Error-

3. Data Object button disabled (Here am trying to upload single BP)

Please find the screens and let me know where i have done the mistake.

Best Regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Arun

You local WS file has to use a tab (->) between each of the values of the row:

OLDKEY -> DTTYP -> Field 1 -> Field 2 -> etc.

The conversion code will split at tab to move the values into the requried fields and create the record for the output file.



0 Kudos

You might benefit from taking a look at the RDS templates for Utilities data migration

Check and look under industry solutions

That will help you understand the structures and the data expected

0 Kudos

Hi Arun


The error EM 105 is triggered when the service function module - in your case ISU_M_PARTNER_CREATE_DARK - returns without an error (SY-SUBRC = 0), but doesn't return the object key - here PARTNER - to the migration code. This ensures the table TEMKSV has only valid relationships between the logacy key (OLDKEY) and the new SAP key, required to create correct relations to dependent objects, like ACCOUNT.

In such a case the fastest way to determine the problem is by debugging the load. Transaction EMIGIMP menu item "Utilities: Import (debug mode)". Ensure on the EMGIMP screen the radio button is on "Dialog work procees".

One possible culprit I can think of is a missing number range interval. Go to transaction SNRO and check for Object "BU_PARTNER" the number ranges (F7). You might need support from a functionl consultant for this.


The button "Import data object" is deactivated in two cases:
- Display mode (not the case here)

- The load function module is not in place (that's probably the case)

To get the load function module go into the migration object customising (trasnaction EMIGOBJ) for your company/object in change mode. Go to the tab "Parameters" and set the checkbox "Import function mod.". Underneath there should be a function module name, with a name like ZISU_M_IMPORT_???_PARTNER

