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Generating PAYEXT IDOC for FPY1 outgoing payments

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hello Experts,

I need some help in generating payment documents in PAYEXTIDOCs using FPY1 for outgoing Customer refunds. Our process would be to use FPY1 to clear open FICA items, post a check # to check register in FICA (FPCHR), (or G.L., Tcode FCHN) while sending the Check Number, Amount, Payee, Payee address, etc, to the bank via the PAYEXT Idoc

I have successfully generated the PAYEXT IDOC by copying/using the Payment medium called FEDWIRE_IDOC. However, the problem is that there is no PAYMENT document (check number or Document Number)  added to the Check Register under Tcode (FPCHR).  Therefore my Idoc has no data to select for Idoc data record E1IDKU1. The open items on the Customer are cleared and a clearing document is generated, but there is no Check number added to that clearing document when being viewed by FPE3.

I am able to use FPY1 to create a paper check (different Payment method) using the Payment Medium Format of CHECKS.  That works fine under FPY1 and the check number is added to the check register under FPCHR and under FPE3.  This leads me to believe I have configured Check Management correclty for updating the Check Register.  So my request is help in defining the missing setup/config for getting a check number/document generated into the check regsiter when generating an Idoc.

Thank You


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Lary,

Have you maintained the check number range for the new payment method against the combination of Paying company Code, House bank and account ID in transaction FQP6A.

Moreover, please check transaction FCHI as well.



0 Kudos

Hello Amlee,

Yes, the Check number ranges are up to date.  When I use the Format CHECKS, I do get a check number based on the payment lot.  Also, under config for Settings for check creation- If I use Internal Number assignment, the format Check uses the check lot definition.  If I use Automatic number assignment, it uses the clearing Doc as the check number ( as expected).

It almost seems like there is a function missing in FEDWIRE form to create check numbers. I have been walking through Debug of SAPFKPY3, trying to find the function that actually creates/inserts the check numbers into the check register table(s).

Thank you for your response. If you have other thoughts, or know of places where I can research, that would be very helpful.

0 Kudos

Hi Larry,

You are right. I don't think so that the payment medium FEDWIRE_IDOC creates the check number automatically, as the payment medium CHECK has.

The FM's in the payment medium FEDWIRE_IDOC only captures the data from structures payh and payhx and pass it into the IDOC Structure.   

I would recommend you to create a new payment medium which will contain the features of both the payment mediums-CHECK and FEDWIRE_IDOC

So you can copy the following FM's from payment mediums CHECK-




These FM's have the capability of automatically creating check numbers and then make changes in the FM's so that once the check number are generated you can call the FM's in the payment medium FEDWIRE_IDOC to pass the data into the IDOCs.

Hope it helps...

