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Tables Relating Support Msg and its partners along with the subject Profile

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Dear Friends,

Every support Msg is uniquely identified by ticket nos...

Every support msg thus has Priorities, partners, Short text msg, long txt msg, subject associatated with it...

Please open a ticket using crmd_order..

I want to have all the information about the ticket like who are the partners, what is the subject.

I know of two tables :

crmd_orderadm_H and crmd_activity_h( for determining priority based on the Guid of the ticket).

But i am looking for the table which associates Subject and partners ( like Sold to party, Msg processor, Support team ) with either the ticket nos or the GUID of the ticket.

Any contributions to this thread woiuld be rewarded..

Revert back if u have ny information about it...

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Hi Anand,

As you had suggested you can use the FM CRM_ORDER_READ.

Or if you want to know the tables only then following may help you,

get the field PARTNER_NO( ) of table CRMV_LINKPARTNER for your guid from CRMD_ORDERADM_H . In the table CRMV_LINKPARTNER you have to compare for the required partner function.

Compare this PARTNER_NO filed with PARTNER_GUID and get PARTNER field.

award if it helps you.



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I have one suggestion may be this will work out.

Go to ST05 and switch on the Trace.

Now create a ticket.

and view the log of ST05.As per your configuration all the tables will be field automatically like Support team etc filling the database tables which will be reflected in the Trace log.

Try if it helps you and assign pts.

Former Member
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Got a few more. Maybe this helps.

CRMV_LINKPARTNER (guid_hi, partner function)

CRMC_PARTNER_FT (partner function texts)


SCPRIO (priority long text)

CRMD_SRV_SUBJECT (catalog, codes, ...)


DNOD_NOTIF_S (support message, component)

DSWPCSNCOMPTXT (component long texts)


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Tanks a lot, but didn´t work...

Somebody has a suggest?

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I am just wondering, why people directly jump into development when there is all kind of information available with CRM_DNO_MONITOR. Even they can create layout and reuse them.

Feel free to revert back.


Former Member
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> Hi,

> I am just wondering, why people directly jump into development when there is all kind of information available with CRM_DNO_MONITOR. Even they can create layout and reuse them.


> Feel free to revert back.


> --Ragu

Well, for me, i need to do a query with some filters for extract data for managers about issues. For that, i need to know tables that has the informations.

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I'm looking for the partners for message notifications (in table DNOD_NOTIF). However, my DNOD_NOTIF_P table is empty, and none of the notifications seem to appear in CRMV_LINKPARTNER (through search on column guid_hi). Any other suggestions?


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Please create seperate thread for the same.

You go to the table BUT000, here you will get the partner comparing GUID_HI with PARTNER_GUID.

Hope this helps you.



Former Member
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I have same problem. I neet table about support team for each issue.

Anyone know?

Tank´s a lot!

Active Contributor
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Actually CRM_DNO_MONITOR is a report. If you open the Source code. You can get everythin.

Check these.

crmt_product_i_wrk, crmt_service_i_wrk, rmt_schedlin_wrk, crmt_appointment_wrk, crmt_orderadm_i_wrk, crmt_object_guid_tab, CRMT_DNO_SERVICE_MONITOR, CRMT_DNO_SERVICE_MONITOR, CRMT_REPORT_ORDERADM_H

Feel free to revert back.
