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FM´s posting date (after FMJ2) is not changed when the the "Delivery Date" field in PO is changing

Former Member
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Hi Consultants,

A) My customizing in "Override Update Profile" (in SPRO) is "Override Update Profile " for code 50 (Purchase Requisition) and code 51 (Purchase Order):

•          Update profile field                                    = 0100

•          Commitment budget field        = Delivery date

B) I´ve this scenary for Purchase Requisition:

1. I created the one PR  with Delivery Date in 10.11.2012, then the system created currently the register (>>>) in table FMIOI:


       Amount type          FM posting date            FM´s valeu  

>>>           0100 (original)      10.11.2012                             100,00-

2. In 30.12.2013, by FMJ2 I transfered the PR from 2012 to 2013, then the system created the registers (>>>)  in table FMIOI:


               Amount type                                                                                              FM posting date     FM´s valeu  

        0100 (original)                                                   10.11.2012       100,00-

>>>  0300 (Previous Year Carryforward)                 31.12.2012        100,00  (it´s ok)

>>>  0350 (Following year carryforward)                01.01.2013       100,00-  (it´s ok)

3. In 02.02.2013 I changed by ME52N the Delivery Date  from 10.11.2012 to 03.04.2013, so the system create the registers (>>>) in table FMIOI:

           Amount type                                                           FM posting date          FM´s valeu  

                0100 (original)                                               10.11.2012            100,00-

               0300 (Previous Year Carryforward)                  31.12.2012                     100,00

>>>  0150  (Change)                                                                                            03.04.2013                          0,00 (it´s ok)

>>>  0350 (Following year carryforward)            03.04.2013            100,00- (it´s ok)

IT´S OK, as I changed the Delivery Date of RP from 10.11.2012 to 03.04.2013, the commitment of RP is in 03.04.2013., and so on.

C) PROBLEM: For PO the system has works different. I run de FMJ2 and the system create the register in 01.01.2013 (its ok), but if I has changed the field 'Delivery Date" in PO the system hasn´t been changed the FM posting date (FMIOI-ZHLDT) 01.01.2013 in FMIOI.


1. I created the PO with Delivery Date  equal 09.12.2012


                    Amount type                         FM posting date       FM´s valeu  

>>>      0100 (original)            09.12.2012             100,00- (it´s ok)

2. After FMJ2

        Amount type                                                                                          FM posting date       FM´s valeu  

       0100 (original)                                             09.12.2012         100,00-

>>>          0300 (Previous Year Carryforward)                                       31.12.2012         100,00   (it´s ok)

>>>          0350 (Following year carryforward)                                       01.01.2013         100,00-  (it´s ok)

3. In 02.02.2013 I changed by ME22N the Delivery Date  from 09.12.2012 to 05.05.2013, so the system create the registers (>>>) in table FMIOI:

               Amount type                                                                                        FM posting date               FM´s valeu  

       0100 (original)                                                                                                      09.12.2012         100,00

       0300 (Previous Year Carryforward)                                   31.12.2012                  100,00-

>>>          0350 (Following year carryforward)                                     01.01.2013         100,00- (is not ok)

>>>          0150  (Change)                                         05.05.2013            0,00  (is not ok)

Problem: the commitment in budged hasn´t changed when I changed "Delivery Date" field  in PO, always keep in 01.01.2013 ,  differently as the system work in RP  (see leter B above)

Is there any configuration for system work in PO like RP ?

Thank you



Former Member
0 Kudos


In 'override update profile', please also change posting date to delivery date under payment budget and try to run your scenario.



0 Kudos

Hi Ming,


Firstly thank you for yor help.


In 'override update profile' already with "Delivery date" marked  for  valeu type 51 (Purchase Orders)


Best regards


0 Kudos

Is the value type override for payment budget or commitment budget? With your update profile, it needs to be for payment budget.

0 Kudos

Hi Ming,

I´m using the Update profile = 000100 (Payment budget; Payment basis ; Due d)

Should I use other profile ?

Below is Update profile in system:

000100            Payment budget; Payment basis ; Due d

000101            Payment budget; Payment basis ; Posti

000102            Payment budget; Invoice basis ; Posti

000109            Payment Budget; Payment Basis; Postin

000200            PB more than 1 yr: CB 1 yr  Ex. Dutch

000201            PB more than 1 yr: CB 1 yr  Ex.Nether

000202            PB more than 1 yr: CB 1 yr; NL (New)

000300            Separate PB/CB budget lines; EU

000300            Separate PB/CB budget lines; EU

000350            Separate PB/CB budget lines  ; standa

000351            BL active for cmmt and payment budget

000359            Separate FM Acct Assgnmt PB/CB;Appove

000400            CB with target fiscal years  Ex.Germa

000401            Federal Republic of Austria

000500            Payment prog.avlblty control  Ex. Can

000500            Payment prog.avlblty control  Ex. Can

000600            Former Budgetary Ledger - US Governme

000601            Budgetary Ledger - US Government

Thank you


0 Kudos

Hi Claudio,

You have mentioned that your update profile is 100 in your last posting. Because 100 is for payment budget, that is why the override should also be for payment budget.

0 Kudos

Hi Ming,

I´ve used according to below:

Payment budget field              = "duo date"

PB-encumbence tracking field = "Payment Fiscal Year Based Encumbrance Tracking"

thank you


0 Kudos

Hi Claudio,

In your first posting, the scenario decribed was changing the delivery date. If this is what you want, then the 'override' should be for 'Dlv.Date' instead of 'Due Date'.



0 Kudos

Hi Ming

You are right, my pardon.

In Jun 7, 2013 I said In that  'override update profile' was "Delivery date". I was wrong.

I have Payment budget field = "duo date" (Delivery date +payment terms), it´s ok for me.

But if  I change the "Delivery date" in PO, after that I  run the FMJ2 for this PO (Purchasing order), the commitment in budged hasn´t its date changed, always keep in 01.01.2013 as I showed in Jun 6, 2013.

Best regards


0 Kudos


After FMJ2 the date in FM is not update anymore. This is the standard working of FM. With a year change you either use FMJ2 or you change the delivery date manually. When you use FMJ2 once, for that purchase line (but the same goes for other items like for earmarked funds) the manual changing of the delivery date has no effect anymore. It does not mather wich update profile you use



Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Eric,


Thank you for you help, but if I change the "Delivery Date" in RP (Purchase Requisition ) after FMJ2, the system change the FM posting date.



0 Kudos

I have the same problem.

Do you have any news?

Meaning after FMJ2 the date in FM is not update anymore. Does this rule still dominate?

If I want it (fmioi - zhldt) to be changed, when the PO Delivery Date will be changed (after FMJ2 has been done), how may I do it?

Thanks in advance.