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/workflow_jQueryMobileLookAndFeel.html cannot be found on mac

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Loading file:///Users/admin/Library/Application%20Support/iPhone%20Simulator/6.1/Applications/0C365ED8-5847-471C-A4A1-847268943C34/Library/Caches/workflowtempfiles/ioWHsqrKSO5aru3S-tmp/html/workflow_jQueryMobileLookAndFeel.html?screenToShow=Start&sharedStorageKey=&loglevel=1&clientpackage=false&lang=

2013-04-27 16:13:14.347 HWC[474:14003] Failed to load webpage with error: The requested URL was not found on this server.

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I am also have a similar problem for a singel html page that I created. Any solution?

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HI Raymond,

i have configured iphone6.1 simulator on my mac and had this issue, but it is resolved now, what i did is installed iphone5.1 simulator and and using it

i think HWC is not supported on iphone6.1 simulator or may be we have to look for some other settings

for now iphone5.1 is working and i am good with it, please let me know if you need any help



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Thanks for the replay Suresh. I have an open ticket with Sybase but according to the link below iOS 6.1 is supported for Hybrid Apps

But it looks the the development environment has to be iOS 6.0 SDK or iOS SDK 5.0

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Hi Raymond,

I am facing a issue similar to what suresh had faced . Trying to run the Hybrid App in IOS 6.0 simulator. The app is assigned to the HWC but is not able to open and is throwing the same error as above.

Can you suggest me something.


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In my case, the SUP server had been updated to SP03 but not the RUNTIME & SDK. After updating the runtime and using HWC 2.2.2, the problem was resolved.

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Hi Raymond,

I am very much thankful for your response.

I will try adding SP03 patch to SUP Server 2.2 to update it and will try running the Hybrid App inside the Container.

But i have few queries on this:

I am using the source code iOS_HWC_2- inside the following path:


But in this community few persons are suggesting that their Hybrid App is working fine on iOS6.0, iOS6.1  simulator  by using  2.2 SP02 HWC container version 2.2.6718. I checked for the source code of this version in SAP Market downloads, i dint get it.

Here i can see the small difference 6451 and 6718. if i add SP03 patch to SUP Server & SUP SDK . Will it makes any difference in the iOS_HWC source code in the path 


I have to use only source code to run my Hybrid App instead of downloading HWC from App Store, because i have to customize the iOS HWC as per the requirement.

Can you please give some suggestion on this.It would be a great help to me.

Thanks in Advance,

Hemagiri Seerapu