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XMLfile to rfc(bapi)

Former Member
0 Kudos


I have a scenario which i have to do the following things, there are two systems one is sap based. The sap based system is sending some documents(return document) to third party system, after picking up return document and processing it, the third party have to send a confirmation on the it and the necessary details will be stored in a 'Z' table in sap. here the third party is sending xml file(mustbe stored in third party server or Xi server) and sap is using RFC adapter.

i am verry new to sap and i have no idea about RFC, updating the data to 'Z' table, configuration in sld, ir, id. here we are using BPM for this scenario. can youu please provide guidelines for doing this scenario.




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Former Member
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Hi Pradeep,

Create your BPM scenario like below:

SAP is sending some data - so do you have an IDOC for it or not - if you have an IDOC import that IDOC in XI in IR....create a msg interface for this IDOC.....

Then create a target msg data type and target msg interface for third party.....

Then you need a msg interface for the ack of third party - create it......

Then you should have a BAPI in SAP for posting the ack in the Z-table...if you dont have, then create it.......then in XI in IR in imported objects, just import your BAPI in your RFCs in IR........create a msg interface for it.......

in BPM you will have a recieve step to get SAP IDOC.....then a mapping step to transform it to target type.......then a send step to third party.....then a receive step to get ack from third party............then a mapping step to map ack to the RFC BAPI of SAP...

In XI in ID, you will create a RFC adapter to SAP and this will have a type 3 conn from XI to R/3 which you will create in SM59........

You want to write the SAP data to a file in third party, so have a File adapter for third party and specify the filename scheme and target directory.....

Hope this resolves your query.


Rajeev Gupta

Active Contributor
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check the <b>documents</b> section on XI FAQ page

you will find BPM and RFC blogs over there with lots of descriptions




<a href="/people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2005/06/28/xipi-faq-frequently-asked-questions"><b>XI / PI FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions</b></a>