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dunning letter sent wrongly

Former Member
0 Kudos

hi all,

i have a where customer is paid with in the due date of the total amount even though dunning letter sent for him i checked in the DFKKCOH the details were updated and also i checked in dunning history and dunning data but it was not replicates any dunning process in FPL9.

being this reason customer is annoyed from my side i am unable found why it was sent.

can share any some suggestion.




Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Honey,

Check the clearing date and time of the payment document which cleared the open Items.

It might happen that the dunning happened before and generated the dunning letter, where as payment document was posted later to the account.

In normal scenarios, these happens for payments which are being re-allocated from the payment clarification worklist (CWL). So even if the customer has paid within the due date, the payment has not actually cleared the Open items on the due date, as it is sitting in the Payment CWL.

Once it is posted to the account, only then the clearing happens and Dunning process is triggerred based on the open items in the customer account.

Now, if you are not able to see any dunning procedure or dunning level updated in FPL9 for the account, it might happen that the dunning has been reversed.

You can check the field (FKKMAKO-XMSTO) for the particular account.If it has a flag X, then the dunning has been reversed.

Hope it helps in explaning your query..



0 Kudos

Dear amlan,

i checked out same information you provided but this is looking for very exceptional case i am surprising and i am not sure how do i proceed on this.

billing creation date-29.01.2013

net due date in document-11.02.2013

payment by payment program - 07.02.2013

clearing document date-07.02.2013

dunning sent on-11.02.2013(level-1) and 18.02.2013(level-3)(in dunning history)

how this is possible on what status system may done dunning how do i overcome.



0 Kudos

Hi Honey,

Its very unusual that dunning gets triggerred even after the payment has been made before the due date.

Is this a one-off scenario or this is happening for other accounts as well?

If this is one-off scenario for a particular account, then there has been some issues with the account master and transaction data.

I would suggest you to replicate this scenario in your test system and check whether similar thing is happening or not. If yes, then you need to check the transaction data a bit closely, as to why it is not considering the clearing in the first place.

If not ( that's what I think), then some body has played with the account in your production system.

However, if this is happening for other accounts as well which have the same dunning procedure, then I could recommned you to check the configurations and the enhancements (if any) that gest triggerred during the dunning run. 

Hope it helps..

