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Following a space - but not certain subspaces

0 Kudos

Dear all,

I would like to be able to follow  a space and one subspace. In my case the space is "Comunidade SAP em Português" and subspace " SPED & NF-e". I am following both, because there are certain subjects which do not fit into any subspace that are discussed on the main space.

Recently were created more subspaces to that space, which I am not interested in. These subspaces are not marked as followed.

However, I do receive updates of these subspaces - which I do not want.

So it seems, that the "Follow" function inherits to all of the subspaces.


This should either be displayed on the subspaces - them also being marked as "Following".

Or, the inheriting should be disabled, and each space/subspace manually selected to follow them.

Thank you for your attention - hope I started this discussion in the right space! 😉

Regards, Titus.

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Accepted Solutions (1)

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Titus,

Each SCN space should be antonymous in this respect so that the follow or track actions don't cascade to the child spaces from the parent.

You make sure you haven't select these option from the actions boxed on the spaces where you're receiving content from:

If this doesn't solve the issue, it would be really helpful if you shared a screenshot of the notification you're receiving ( 


0 Kudos

Hi Jason,

the actions on the subspaces that I am not following appear exactly as in your screen shot - see mine:

I am not receiving any notification in the communications section on the site.

What I am receiving are the e-mail notifications on the discussions (for each entry). See example:

On one subspace, SAP HANA (Português) I now selected on the actions to receive email notifications, and directly afterwards selected to stop receiving email notifications. The subspace copied above I left as it was, for your tests.

Best regards, Titus.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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I don't see the second screenshot but are you receiving notification for this:

Take a look their and check the options in the actions box.

You can also track/get notifications for select SCN content items and also people so check the actions boxes for those you're receiving notifications on.

0 Kudos


see below again the screen shot of the email.

I am receiving email notifications for this and other subspaces of the "Comunidade SAP em Português", which I did not track of follow, nor the specific discussions. Depending on the day, it is a lot of "junk" mail.

The notifications on "Support Package 13 do SAP NF-e 10.0" is correct, because I am tracking it. This is a blog entry of the main space. It has nothing to do with the email notifications I am receiving on the other subspaces.

I hope I was able to state the issue clearly. As I said, it looks like the e-mail notification of the main space has been inherited to all subspaces, which were created after I started to follow the main space.

Regards, Titus.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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You're following Fernando Ros who participated on this thread,  Did you click Receive email notifications or Track in Communications from Fernando's profile page?

0 Kudos

Hello Jason,

thanks for the reply. I neither clicked on "Receive email notifications" nor on "Track in Communications" on Fernando Ros profile. I chose to follow him, without selecting an option of receiving updates.

Regards, Titus.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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In your eMail preferences, is People, places and content I'm following (Followed Activity) set to never?

0 Kudos

Hello Jason,

the E-mail notification on what I am following was set to "All Activity".

Ok, I think I am getting the hang of it now. I was receiving messages from other spaces because these were posts by people I was following (not the space).

So I turn the above option to never, avoiding messages from spaces I don't want. Consequently, to still receive updates of the spaces I am following, I should activate the e-mail notifications on the action box of the space. Is that correct?

Thanks, Titus.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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About the follow-up, unfortunately it's on/off for all followed items: people, spaces, etc.  What you should consider is tracking in communication the desired spaces.  Communications works like and inbox with read/unread messages.

There's a table on this doc that helps explain most things:

Answers (1)

Answers (1)

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Thanks Jason. One question though - why do I have three options: To follow, to receive e-mail and to track in communications. From my point of view, following a space does not make much sense any more, because the notification on the space has to be treated separately (via email or tracking).

Do you see any benefits from following a space, when the option of e-mail info for all followed items is set to never?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Every user has their preference on how they want to stay in touch.  You can see my setup: I prefer to visit SCN see what's happening with the exception of direct messages and mentions.  Other people prefer to manage and sort everything via their eMail inbox.

Followed stuff appears in the activity stream, which is like a large RSS feed or the FB home page: everything appears as it happens, in chronological order.  Communications is like an inbox so it's stuff you don't want to miss: everything is marked unread until you read it (and then you can mark is unread if you want to go back to it later). Direct message also appear in communications.