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Extra accounting document creation for cash invoices

0 Kudos

Dear experts.

I have the following case: A sales order can contain both cash materials and materials on credit. This results in the creation of two outbound deliveries and two invoices. The first invoice is cash (the customer pays as soon as he gets the materials and the invoice) and the other one is on credit (the customer pays according to his payment terms). The accounting documents in FI for both invoices have customer in debit and sales and tax in credit.

The question is whether there is any standard SAP procedure according to which the system (when billing a sales order which contains both cash materials and materials on credit) creates for the cash invoice an extra accounting document that has the customer in credit and a G/L account (for the plant which collects the cash) in debit since the customer pays cash and his account has to be closed. For the invoice which is on credit the system doesn’t have to create the extra accounting document because the customer will pay according to his payment terms.

Can anyone help us.

Thanks in advance.

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Active Contributor
0 Kudos

both cash materials and materials on credit

Can you please elabore what do you mean by cash material ?  Pay upfront before taking the goods ??  If that is the case, you have standard sale order type CS for this.

G. Lakshmipathi

0 Kudos

There are some special agreements (offers) for particular materials (if the customer accepts the offer he has to pay in cash). Customer pays cash at the time that he receives these materials (and the invoice).

We use the standard sales order type (OR) that can contain both materials which have to be paid cash and materials that have to be paid on credit.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

In both the cases, FI postings will happen and you can differentiate the FI postings by assigning a different G/L account in VKOA

G. Lakshmipathi

0 Kudos

I don’t want to differentiate the FI accounting documents.

The case is that for the cash invoice only (and not for the invoice on credit) I want the system to create an additional accounting document (customer in credit and G/L account for the plant which collects the cash in debit).