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APO Planner Homepage?

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Recently completed a sandbox upgrade from SCM 5.10--->7.02 and still evaluating new and improved functionality.  One key area has been the APO planner homepage (SCM_APO_HOME_PAGE business function w/ EHP2).  I'm looking for additional material and insight on form and function, including requirements with NWBC.  That will be new to us as well, as we are strictly a SAP GUI 720 shop for APO users.

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Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi guys,

I was able to make it work on SCM 703. Attached you will find a file with a list of the services I activated in SICF.

Have fun and best regards,


0 Kudos

Hi Werner

i have problem with the planner homepage, whereby the alert overview doesn't show anything although the alert worklist and the query as been set up. am I missing something? i have read all SAP help around this area but not much of help.

Thanks and appreciate your help.

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Matt,

There are really few stuffs. Maybe you can search note with components SCM-APO-PHP* - the notes are also not so many.

Best regards,


Former Member
0 Kudos

Seems like a significant improvement to usability- I'm surprised to find so little instruction, except for a few sentences in SCM 702 release notes. 

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Matt,

Looks like we are in the same boat. I am also evaluating new functionality in EHP2 for SCM 70. As long as planner's home page is concerned, I am using SAP help for how to use it and configure it but not much help.

I am facing mainly performance issues like.

1. Need to refresh page every time I click anywhere

2. Create note not working.

3. few more minor things.

I am using NWBC 4.0.

above sap help link has all info how to use but not configuration side.


Harshil Desai